How Do You Find Inspiration? Ways to get inspired

Daisaku Ikeda once said,” If we look at the world with a love of life, the world will reveal its beauty to us.”

I have always loved this thought because it talks of the infinite possibilities and many ways in which we can find the inspiration that we need.

We have to open our minds up to the ways in which we might find inspiration, in which it might cross our paths, and what types of things that we might be looking for inspiration for.

People find inspiration in nature, through technology, through people who we emulate, through random occurrences, and even within ourselves.

Here is a list of ways in which we may find inspiration.

How Do You Find Inspiration? 10 Ways to get inspired!

1. Yoga and meditation.

This is a way in which we tune out the distractions of the outside world, and clear our mind to make space for inspiration and possibilities.

2. Going for a peaceful walk in nature.

Sometimes disconnecting from the electronic world, and connecting ourselves with nature allows us to reconnect with your inspiration.

It is a place for us to find what we have lost, and start to move forward again.

3. Draw, paint, or use adult coloring books.

One of the purpose of all of these activities is to calm and distract us.

When we are able to distract from the outside world, we make room for creativity, we allow ourselves the chance to be inspired.

4. Be motivated by others by doing things such as watching TED talks.

Sometimes the mere presence of someone who is both inspiring and inspired themselves reignites a fire in us that had been out for a while.

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The most important thing is that we continue to harness that feeling and do not let it slip away as time passes.

Inspiration is like a fire that we must keep adding kindle to throughout the day to keep it burning.

5. Read blogs from other writers in topics that you are interested in.

This is something that is simple to do, and can offer you new perspectives that you might not have thought of.

We all come at the same problem from different angles and viewpoints, so hearing other thoughts can really give you the new found inspiration you need to invigorate your own creative process.

6. Try a hobby that you have always wanted to do, but secretly thought you might be terrible at.

Why would I suggest this?

Because trying something new can be fun and inspiring whether you are good at it or not.

Also, trying something brand new actually stimulates parts of the brain that you were not previously accessing.

This alone can go a long way towards forming inspiration and letting your creative juices flow.

7. Teach someone something that you enjoy.

Sometimes the act of showing someone else something that you enjoy, or something that you once enjoyed, can reignite the way you think about it.

It can bring your joy for it to life again.

8. Tell everyone you come across for a day something that you appreciate about them.

Chances are they are going to reciprocate.

You are guaranteed to find out things you had no idea that people thought or appreciated about you.

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This can be very motivating to be that person, to want to live up to those expectations and be the qualities they see in you.

9. Volunteer!

Try something that you have never done before, and give back to others.

Volunteering has the benefits of doing something good for others, and feeling good about yourself at the same time.

Often you are going to meet people who inspire you, who are giving of their time as well.

10. Give yourself time where you disconnect.

Put the phone, the laptop, and the TV aside.

Allow yourself the chance to journal, to think, to let your mind wander and imagine the possibilities you have been thinking or, or have been struggling to connect with.

It is important to give yourself this time on a regular basis as we get too caught up with distractions and don’t allow ourselves a chance to really clear our minds and tap into the inspiration within us.

No matter what method works best for you, perhaps several of them are what you need to cleanse and inspire yourself again, do something.

Do not sit and accept that things are what they are.

We all have greatness in us, it is a matter of allowing ourselves the time, and right opportunity to reconnect with that part of us.

To try things in win or fail, learn and grow.

If we allow ourselves those chances we keep moving forward, and we keep improving ourselves in ways that we may not have previously believed were possible.

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1 Comment
  1. Alex Brown

    June 21, 2020 at 3:25 AM

    Sometimes it can be difficult to start doing something, and then of course I am looking for motivation and inspiration. The best incentive for me is the example of other people. So for me, it is effective to watch the speeches of famous speakers and influencers or read their interviews. I am also inspired by motivating quotes from young entrepreneurs who share their secrets of success: It would be great to find something like that in your articles. I am pleased to know that my success depends on me and it makes me take action.

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