Awaken Your Dreams – Motivational Video

Motivational Video | Awaken Your Dreams

outube motivational videos, as I’ve said before, are a great way to automate your motivation.

In this motivational video, narrated by Les Brown and Eric Thomas, we are inspired to give our dreams one more try.

When we are chasing goals that matter to us, we need to NOT focus on the result, but focus on the commitment.

Fear comes when we focus on the result.

Pride comes when we focus on the commitment.

The goal is to take action and hold on.

When we hold on good things happen, when we hold on consistently, great things happen.

“Live what’s in you!”

If you’ve thought about something that you want, and you think about it all the time…take it head on!

No more excuses!

No more stories!

Make the decision.

No one can do it for you, but you.

You’re worth it!


Most of us, go through life pretending…

That we don’t have any special goals or ambitions or desires…

When really deep down inside we do really want more.

We block ourselves, and we use this words almost like we where in a trans.

Like we sleepwalking through life.

That we find ways to cancel our dreams,

A lot of things we want do, a lot of places we would like to go, a lot of things we would like to

experience and we just stop at ‘but’…

‘but’ will cause you to hide out behind fear

‘but’ will cause you to come out with all type of excuses

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that you can validate your in action and not acting on your dream

‘but’ is a dream killer

But most people, you know what they do?

Most people go through life quietly and safely tiptoeing to the early grave.

We’ve been holding back,

we have ideas that we don’t act on.

Things we want do, we afraid to take a chances.

A lot of people say ‘No’ to things that they don’t even know what they are saying ‘No’ to.

Don’t allow ‘but’ to keep you in the corner.

1:21There are a lot of people,

who say:

‘But I tried once or twice…

and it didn’t work out’.

And so they use that as an excuse not to ever come out again.

Even if things don’t work out, even if I experienced to feel a failure…

that doesn’t make me a failure

It’s a difference between falling and being failure

If things don’t work out, if you don’t produce the result that you want, that’s all.


Do what you can, where you are with what you have and never be satisfied.

Don’t get satisfied with yourself!

Always know, that wherever you are you can enjoy more, that you deserve more.

Why don’t you decide now, that you going to expand your world,

that if other people can learn, you can learn to.

If you are working on your dream,

sure there will be times you want to give up,

sure there will be times that life will knock you down and kept you on the blind side.

Related  Dreams Are Possible – Motivational Video

But the challenge is to hold on.

And if you hold on tenaciously I said that universe is on your side.

See, If you don’t decide to act on your dream,

if you don’t decide to make a decision to live your life,

if you don’t decide to step into your fears,

if you don’t decide to say Yes to your life…

It will never work for you.

You gotta live what’s in you!

Life is just too short and unpredictable.

But what are we saying, ‘but there always be tomorrow‘…

oh no.

There is no guarantee, that you gonna show up tomorrow.

Always something there…

To build a case, why you can’t move on,

why you can’t go to the next level, why you can’t begin to manifest your greatness.

Why you can’t begin to live life on your terms.

That’s you gonna say ‘It’s not worth it’,

Yes, that’s gonna be right there for you!

It’s gonna be on your face, telling you to ‘go back’!

So if you want do something, if you thought about something you want to do,
take head-on.

And life will never be the same again.


Is it possible for you to have all your dreams become a reality in your life time?

Yes, it is possible!

Bu real question shoud be ask yourself is:

Have you made the decision?

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