10 Best Psychology Books about Living with Meaning

It’s difficult to know what psychology books and self-help guides on the market are good.

Therapists are often asked which books would be best for clients to buy.

The list below gives some ideas that offer high-quality information in easy-to-read formats.

They aren’t all ‘therapy’ books.

However, they all give a good window into the psychology of:

  • moods
  • emotions
  • general mental health

You can never understand too much about the things that can affect your well-being.

Reading is a great way to learn new things and gain knowledge about life.

So, good quality psychological books that offer different perspectives should be useful.

Psychology Books about Living with Meaning

1. The Compassionate Mind by Paul Gilbert

No list of psychology books would be complete without thinking about something as basic as the idea of compassion.

Gilbert links the ‘soft’ ideas that started in Eastern psychology/wisdom to the discoveries that modern Western science gives.

books on psychology

He concludes that to optimize the mind for living; it has been programmed to respond to increases in compassion.

But what is compassion, and how do we get it?

2. The Worry Cure by Dr. Robert Leahy

This book is focused on giving you good-quality tools to manage anxiety caused by worrying.

It helps people understand what aspects of worry are ‘normal’ or helpful and what aren’t.

It’s one of the most popular psychology books on the market.

Many people find its approach helpful.

best psychology books

3. The Emotional Brain by Joseph LeDoux

This is a brilliant book for understanding how and why the brain creates emotions.

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It has a strong focus on anxiety.

It explains the emerging neuroscience about what parts of the brain are important in changing the ways we feel.

psychology books

It frames things in an easy-to-understand way that allows you to read between the lines on how you can use your brain for ‘feeling better’… or ‘worse’!

While it isn’t holiday reading, you won’t need to be a neuroscientist to understand and enjoy it.

4. Neurocomic by Matteo Farinella

This one isn’t one of your typical psychology books at all.

It’s a graphic novel (or comic)!

It’s presented in a lovely material cover that encloses a story of journeying through the brain in cartoon format.

best psychology books

It’s an enjoyable introduction to a complex area – that turned into great fun simultaneously.

It’s also a lovely presentation book on your coffee table.

Best Psychology Books about Living with Meaning

5. Getting Past The Affair by Donald Baucom & Douglas Snyder

It’s hard to find good-quality books that focus on relationship psychology.

A foremost researcher and psychologist write this book in relationships, Donald Baucom.

best psychology books

It links the effects of a partner having an affair as being like experiencing Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

The book provides a self-help program for couples to explore how to move on healthily in their relationship following an affair.

6. The Mindful Way Through Depression by Mark Williams & John Teasdale

Mindfulness seems to be a buzzword in psychology and therapy at the moment.

Seemingly every type of emotional problem is being addressed by practicing mindfulness.

best psychology books

This book, however, relies on good-quality research.

It shows how people that have previously experienced three or more episodes of depression could actually ‘rewire’ their brains in ways that can significantly reduce their chances of a future relapse.

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It also comes with a CD of exercises to practice.

7. Thrive: The Power Of Evidence-Based Psychological Therapy by David Clark & Richard Layard

Mental Health is a serious topic.

One that often isn’t talked about enough – even within psychology.

This book lays plain the costs, prevalence, and effects of poor mental health around the world.

best psychology books

It also explores how in a world where ‘having therapy’ is slowly being seen as more acceptable.

Beyond that, it is important to ensure that the therapy you choose actually stands a chance of being useful to you rather than ‘snake oil.’

8. Through The Eyes of A Therapist by Ian Best

Many people are curious about what happens in therapy.

People want to know how therapists themselves think about life.

This new book explains key psychological concepts.

It is both personal and informative.

best psychology books

9. The Body Remembers by Babette Rothschild

This is perhaps the most niche book on this list.

It was written to help people who have experienced traumatic physical events (such as sexual abuse and assault).

books on psychology

It gives a clear and easy-to-follow explanation of how trauma can affect the brain.

The book also explores why people can often experience physical sensations and problems in their bodies afterward.

It is a must-read for anyone who struggles with physical and bodily experiences following a trauma.

10. Full Catastrophe Living by Jon Kabat-Zinn

This book expertly links the mind and the body differently.

It explores how people who experience high levels of stress can reduce this through mindful awareness.

books on psychology

It has a strong focus on reducing the stress people can experience when they have chronic physical health conditions, such as long-term pain.

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It is one of the best psychology books that gives an alternative to improving health through the mind rather than just medication.

A Bonus Extra ‘Psychology’ Book That’s A Bit….. Different!

An Astronaut’s Guide To Life On Earth by Chris Hadfield

While this one can’t be described as a book on psychology, it certainly deserves the extra place on this list through the quality and ideas that Chris describes.

Written by one of the first and longest-serving Canadian Astronauts, it seems unusual that this would find its way into a list about emotional health.

books on psychology

Chris describes lessons he has learned about living on earth through being an astronaut.

There is a strong resemblance to many of the thinking processes and skills that therapists, in fact, often teach their clients.

So if you find the list above too rooted in psychology, why not try this book for something ‘out of this world‘ that offers ideas for better well-being here on the planet?

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