How Effective Communication Will Increase Your Impact as a Leader

Are you in a leadership position?

Learn how to communicate effectively and increase your impact as a leader.

Leadership can mean a lot within a company.

After all, without leadership, any given company would fall into chaos and go under.

While the exact responsibilities of a leader may vary or shift in nature, being a good leader is important regardless of whether you are a politician or running a business person.

If there is one thing that is pushed to all leaders and all leaders know they need, it’s communication.

After all, leadership and communication go hand-in-hand.

When you can communicate effectively, you will find that your role as a leader becomes easier and you’re more respected by the people you are leading.

This concept impacts and applies to most of our daily activities, whether it is a full-time job as a freelancer for an essay writer service or managing a students club.

Why Is Effective Communication Important to a Leader?

When you are working towards being a leader everyone respects and listens to, you need to be a good communicator.

Think about it this way, if you can’t properly communicate with your team, it’s going to lead to a lot of frustration.

What you need to get done won’t get done because your team will be confused about what needs to be done.

This leads to a lag in productivity plus you will be frustrated with your team and they will be frustrated with you.

Consider this same situation with better communication on your behalf, though.

With proper communication, your team would know exactly what to do.

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In addition, they would feel more open to communication with you and would be quicker to come to you if they had questions or needed any clarification.

With this, your team will be able to have more success the first time they produce a project because they know what to do and knew you were open to any questions they had.

How To Communicate Effectively

To increase your impact as a leader, you need to know exactly how to communicate properly.

To start, you need to know the basics.

This includes ideas like being direct and clear when you speak and knowing how your team works and that they understand.

However, you must remember to listen.

The message that you are sharing is only half of a conversation.

To be an effective leader and communicator, you need to listen to what your team says and even take in the communication they display nonverbally.

If someone looks confused, clarify for your point, for example.

As a leader, though, you need to go past the basics.

You need to know additional communication tips that are used to lead but may not be used in regular, daily conversation.

For example, as a leader, you don’t want to ramble – you want to be clear and direct when you are giving directions to your team.

Make sure they know the message you are giving them.

If you confuse them with tone or wording, they might not know what you expect from them.

As a leader, you should also make it clear that you are open to conversation.

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In the workplace, for example, many people get nervous at the prospect of asking their boss for clarification or discussing a project with them.

Your job, as a leader, is to make them feel comfortable and safe in coming to you.

Not only does this help them, it helps you be more in-tune with your team.


Communication is absolutely crucial to any team setting.

This communication, though, starts at the top.

As the team leader, you need to communicate clearly to ensure that everyone knows what’s happening and realizes communication is a standard for the team they are on.

As the leader, you have to go above and beyond, though.

You must ensure your communication skills are at a leader’s caliber.

In other words, you have to go beyond what is expected in everyday conversation such as listening to who you’re talking to and being specific.

You also need to take extra steps such as fostering trust in you from your teammates and ensuring you are being honest with and trusting them, in return.

You also need to speak with knowledge when you want to lead.

Instead of just telling your team members what you need them to do, for example, tell them why it’s important.

After all, people respect a leader who knows what they’re talking about and works better when they feel their effort has purpose.

Do You Communicate Effectively?

Have any additional communication tips for leaders.

Share with us in the comments below.

For more reading, learn about color code communication.

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