How To Be Grateful And Positive About Your Life

Simply put, gratitude is the fastest and easiest way to joy.

An attitude of gratitude immediately puts out a positive vibration into the universe.

When you put that positive energy out there, positive energy comes back to you.

If you are feeling down or depressed, try focusing on something you are grateful for and see what happens.

Positivity can help improve your:

  • lifespan
  • psychological and physical well-being
  • cardiovascular health

How can I be more grateful for my life?

Like a bee spreading pollen from flower to flower, soon there will be a field of gratitude flowers growing around you.

Like any habit, recognizing gratitude takes some time.

Here are six tips to help inspire you to be your most positive self:

What you focus on grows.

It is just as easy to focus on the good as it is to focus on the negative.

Shift your focus to what you love about your life, spouse, or child.

Be grateful for the sunshine, the changing colors of the leaves in fall, or the beautiful sunsets.

Look for things to be grateful for in your day.

Keep it simple and small.

Finish these sentences: I am so blessed to… I feel lucky that…

Gratitude is the habit that keeps on giving.

Get up, brush your teeth, make your bed, and feel grateful every day.

Put sticky notes on your bathroom mirror that say, “I am grateful for…”

Start each day with gratitude.

I often think about positive things before I get out of bed.

That way, I am set to begin my day.

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Another fun thing I do is to send positive, loving energy to everyone I see during the day.

I am filled with so much joy at the end of the day.

It really works.

No more judgment and no more gossip!

When you are in gratitude, you are not judging others.

People can feel that, and it is contagious.

When you are grateful for them, they in turn, become more grateful for your presence.

Have you ever been in a conversation when someone criticizes another person, and you immediately start thinking, “I wonder what she says about me?”

The same is true when you say nice things about people.

Everything is energy; what you say has a powerful vibration.

Choose your words carefully.

Judging others is the opposite of being grateful.

I am sure you can find something to be grateful for everyone – your difficult boss, your teenager, or your spouse.

Judging others is a habit also – just not a good one.

Add gratitude to your bedtime routine.

Say three things you are grateful for before you go to bed, or write them in a gratitude journal.

This sets you up for a lovely sleep filled with positive intentions.

It takes only a few minutes and will easily become a part of your evening ritual.

Go on a news fast!

It is hard to feel grateful when you are inundated with negativity.

Our news media only focuses on real disasters and the potential for more of them.

The truth is the world is full of good people doing amazing things.

We just don’t hear enough about them.

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Follow positive people on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter.

Be inspired by all the wonderful people out there.

Share their posts, encourage them and see how good you feel.

Rescue organizations post wonderful photos of people helping animals.

I smile as I scroll through my Instagram feed at night.

Stop listening to terror alerts, flu breakouts, and news of another mass shooting.

It only fills your heart and mind with fear.

Practice makes perfect!

During the day, try telling three people something you are grateful for about them or someone else you both know.

Tell your pets you love them; they feel the energy and love you back unconditionally.

Be grateful for yourself!

I have saved the hardest for last.

To have a true gratitude attitude, feel grateful for yourself.

Make a list of things you like about yourself.

Look in the mirror for a full minute and say them out loud.

This isn’t easy, but it works.

When you are authentically positive and grateful for yourself, people feel it, and it gets reflected back to you.

What could be better than that?

Tell us the impact gratitude and positivity have had on your life in the comment section below.

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