60 Seconds With Dr. Oz About Sleep, Diet and Mindset

“If you don’t prioritize it, you’re not going to manage it right.” – Dr. Oz

Recently, I had the honor of meeting Dr. Oz in Lisbon, Portugal, at Web Summit 2017 –  the largest tech conference of the year.

We were invited to Web Summit to cover how companies use technology to positively impact people’s lives.

During one of Dr. Oz’s talks at the summit, he spoke about his collaboration with Jeff Arnold, the founder of WebMD, on their latest project Sharecare.

Sharecare is a digital health company that helps people manage all their health in one place.

This differs from Arnold’s WebMD because Sharecare asks you questions and creates a customized program based on your responses.

I talked briefly with Dr. Oz and learned more about the small actionable steps we can take to improve our health by improving our sleep and diet. 

1.) Make your sleep and diet a priority.

I know how tough it can be to wind down from a long day when we still have the urge to get one more thing done.

Dr. Oz believes that our sleep and diet are just as important as any goal we have.

And the first step to improving sleep and diet is to make them a priority.

For more information, check out this article from Dr. Oz’s blog: Feeling Good Is Contagious: Make Sleep a Priority.

2.) Cut out the distractions and turn off the lights for about 30 minutes before bed.

Sleep hygiene! According to Dr. Oz, we should all follow a routine before bed.

“Like reading your child a story before bed or brushing your teeth, make bedtime a ritual.

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Start winding down and shutting off technology a few hours before bedtime.

Quiet yourself.” – Dr. Oz.

For more information, check out this article from Sharecare’s blog: Sleep Better in 9 Steps

3.) Carry your food with you.

Whether traveling across the country or working, bring your food with you.

Want some quick, easy and affordable snack ideas?

Check out this article from Dr. Oz’s blog: 75 Quick and Easy Snacks

Lastly, below is a video of Dr. Oz and Jeff Arnold at Web Summit 2017.

If you’re a fan of Dr. Oz and his work, Jeff Arnold’s WebMD (who isn’t?), or just curious to know how online platforms will play a greater role in managing our health – you will love this discussion.

The Future of Health and Technology | Web Summit 2017 Keynote

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