Stop Searching For Your Purpose and Just Live Your Life

Take the pressure off yourself and figure your life out, one day at a time.

Struggling to live your life with purpose?

Your alarm goes off at 6 am, and you hit the snooze button.

Those extra 5 minutes of sleep are essential for making it the day.

Then roll out of bed, get dressed, and try to eat something before you hit the ground running.

You get to work by any means, stopping to grab your coffee on the way.

Next, you find your way to your super BOSS cubicle, turn on your laptop and stare blankly at the screen of 50 emails you haven’t read.

All the while thinking to yourself:

What am I doing here?

Is this really what I want to do with my life?

How did I get to this place of grown-up responsibility when I still felt like a teen, and what will I do when I grow up?

Sound familiar?

That’s because it’s the voice of daily life.

In your head, your “real” self is something much different.

Maybe you are an Olympic skier, the hottest environmental product designer in the world, or the President of an organization creating sustainable clean water wells for the entire 3rd country population!

Living life in the real world can be tough.

It feels like your only purpose is to work, eat, and pay the bills.

However, with the right perspective and a few practical lifestyle tips on managing the daily grind, you can find happiness and genuine life purpose.

You don’t even have to go looking for it.

These 5 tips for finding your purpose every day simply by living your life will help you enjoy life a little more!

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Take Care of Your Basic Needs to Be Happy

Your body has 60 trillion cells to take care of.

Your brain suffers if you are not feeding your body what it needs to function at optimal levels.

The same is true for the amount of sleep you get.

This means your cognitive clarity is foggy.

Your emotions become harder to regulate.

It might even lead to depression.

Educating yourself on how your body works and what it needs to be healthy can create a new sense of self-purpose and focus.

The best part is it happens without you even realizing it.

Taking care of your body and brain is a full-time job.

When you feel good about your machine’s work, you find satisfaction in keeping it running smoothly.

This allows for new experiences such as healthy meditation and heightened nutrition.

Self-care and awareness will help lead to a sense of purposeful self-worth.

Be Grateful For Your Job

Sitting in your office, staring at your computer screen all day while making money for someone else, may not seem like your idea of finding your purpose.

Try thinking of the reason you are doing it.

You might see all your job affords you to do and change your attitude to gratitude.

Vacations, entertainment, clothing, shelter, food, sports, your membership at the gym―you can enjoy the little things in life because of the work you put in every day.

Keep in mind that your job does not define who you are.

However, it allows you to take care of yourself and can keep you grounded in self-value.

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So, work hard with a renewed perspective on why you show up every day.

You may also find a renewed purpose for performing your job well.

You never know what compensation may happen when your boss notices your impeccable attitude, timeliness, and work ethic.

Fitness Serves A Purpose

Instead of wishing that your “real” identity was a rich socialite that could afford all the action sports and adventure of a James Bond or Laura Croft Tomb Raider movie, get involved in an actual fitness activity.

Being physically fit is not only healthy for your body, but it does wonders for your attitude.

When you spend at least 30 minutes in physical activity, your endorphins kick in, telling your brain that you feel good.

Soon you have a little “real-life” stress escape enabling you to release built-up tension and enjoy reconnecting with your muscles.

Working out a little at a time leads to a lifelong passion for fitness.

This eventually opened up the doors of business opportunities as a trainer.

Outside of simply finding your purpose in reconnecting with your body and staying healthy, you never know what other professional and business purposes your time at the gym may lead to.

Serve With Purpose

Studies have shown that when you are serving someone else, a physical change occurs in your wellness.

You have a healthy body.

You have food to eat.

You have a job that supplies you with the opportunity to provide those things for yourself.

Being grateful for all those factors can lead you to find deeper meaning in your life, a genuine sense of purpose.

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When we are content with what we have, we are better able to see the needs of others.

This new perspective can lead to becoming an advocate, a volunteer, or a leader in an organization.

Maybe you will be inspired to join a movement and help make someone’s life better by raising awareness for those in need.

You might find a personal mission (a purpose outside of yourself), without realizing that’s what you are doing.

Essentially, we create more happiness in our own life.

How are you finding your purpose?

These basic tips can help you wake up when the alarm goes off.

You are now ready to hit the ground running with a little more pep in your step.

Finding your purpose can be as simple as living your life with a more positive perspective.

Having a little more gratitude, and a willingness to give a little more than we normally do (both to ourselves and others) can help us find a deeper sense of self-value.

Get ready to enjoy the ride we call life a little more every day.

So, how are you finding your purpose?

Share with us your experiences in the comment section below.

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1 Comment
  1. Seneca

    September 19, 2018 at 5:27 AM

    Anyone who feels like they’re stuck in life needs to read this, thank you Angela.

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