How To Get A Job You Always Wanted

How to get a job?!

Better yet, how to get your dream job!

Chances are, you’ve read dozens of articles detailing the steps you need to take if you want to get a job.

You know that you need to have a LinkedIn profile, a professionally designed resume, and that you need to network with people in your chosen field.

You also know how to conduct yourself in an interview, and to follow up interviews with an email thanking the interviewer for their time.

This is great, but do you know how to find the job?

The job is your dream job.

It is your dream role in the industry that you have always worked in.

It might even be a role at a specific company working under a specific mentor.

If you want to land the job you’ve always wanted, you will need to approach things a bit differently.

You can begin by following these 10 tips.

How To Get A Job You Always Wanted

1. Become an Expert in The Skills You Need at Your Dream Job

Create a list of the soft and hard skills you need in order to be successful at your dream job.

Then, do what it takes to develop these skills.

You’re much more likely to land a job if you walk in the door with the skill set that they need, than you will if you expect them to provide training for you.

As you develop the skills you need, add them to your resume. 

You can utilize vast resources online to your advantage, enrolling in project management courses online, for example, can give you a boost if you’re in the same career path.

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2. Pursue Your Dream Occupation as a Hobby

Don’t wait for a job opening to begin spending your time doing what you love.

For example, if your dream job is writing apps for a local development firm, learn to code and start developing apps on your own.

Share them on social media and write about the process on your blog.

3. Connect With People in Your Field And at Your Target Company on Social Media

Find out who the people are with connections in your dream career, and at the companies, you wish to work for.

Then, friend them, follow them, and get to know them.

But, don’t stop there.

Introduce yourself via message or email.

Let them know that you are interested in pursuing a career at their company or in their line of work.

Try to set up an informational interview.

Better yet, ask if they have positions opening.

4. Create a Resume That Directly Targets Your Dream Job

Most resumes show that you are a good candidate for a job in a specific field.

The definition of that field is often very broad.

Discard that resume and replace it with one that specifically shows the education, training, personal experience, and work experience that you have that relates directly to the position that you want.

If you want it to really stand out, here are some resume tips to check out.

5. Don’t Forget to be a Great Employee Where You Are

It can be easy to get so engaged in finding your dream job that you begin to see your current job as less of a priority.

Related  34 Resume Quotes from Experience Professionals

You may even feel resentful and struggle to maintain a good attitude.

Just remember that your more likely to get the job of your dreams if you can count on your current employer to be a good reference.

6. Be Willing to Sacrifice Money For Your New Position

If you are truly interested in pursuing a dream job, you may need to sacrifice some pay to get your foot in the door.

In fact, you may be able to use this as a selling point when you contact potential employers.

7. Consider Moonlighting or Seasonal Work

Does your dream job have a busy season, e.g., holiday or tax?

If so, you may be able to get hired, at least temporarily, during those seasons.

If there are openings during day and evening shifts, you may  have better luck finding openings during those shifts.

8. Create a Portfolio

Don’t rely on your resume only to get the attention of potential employers.

Keep a portfolio detailing projects you have completed.

Then, keep that portfolio posted online and link it in your LinkedIn profile.

9. Keep Tabs on Your Industry of Choice

Stay on top of the things that are going on in the industry in which you want to work.

Subscribe to blogs and trade magazines.

Go to trade shows and conventions.

This way, you will know what is upcoming, and what you need to do to keep your skills upgraded.

10. Try to Find Opportunities to Use and Develop The Skills You Need at Your Current Job

Let your current employer know which skills you are interested in developing.

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There may be projects you can work on that will help you develop those skills.

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