Increase Your Happiness With These Scientific

Why are some people happy while others are miserable?

Why do some people who struggle with depression find ways to pull themselves out of it if they implement some proven tools?

Happier people are willing to take action and try whatever it takes, while others feel hopeless and helpless.

They do not try proven methods that could make a world of difference in their happiness level.

So what are some proven scientific ways that an individual can become happier?

Scientific ways to increase your happiness

1. Exercise will make you happier

Exercise naturally boosts chemicals called endorphins, and has been shown to have positive effects on depression.

No one is asking you to train for a marathon or run daily, just walk a few times a week, and you will be surprised by the results.

2. Eating right

While there is no “depression diet,” there is also no denying that we feel better when we eat well.

Choosing foods high in omega-3 fatty acids, lean protein, and healthy fruits and vegetables, is going to make you feel much better than carb-loaded or sugary foods.

3. Sleep

Sleep is essential to mood and overall wellness.

You want to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, whether you need to be up for something or not.

This helps put the body into a normal and restful routine.

Your body needs to get to its deepest level of sleep to improve mood and restore immunities.

Don’t drink caffeine after 2 pm to prevent any effects this might have.

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4. Simplicity

Make sure that you remove distractions from your bedroom.

This includes watching tv right before bed, using the screen on your phone to read articles or play games, or any other distractor.

These things stimulate the brain and prevent sleep.

The bedroom is for sleep and sex, by removing these distractions, your mind and body will start to realize this.

5. Therapy can help reach new levels of happiness

Therapy can help you to challenge negative thoughts, which are a classic symptom of depression.

When we are depressed, we think the worst will happen.

A Therapist can help you to challenge the reality of those thoughts, and can also help you replace them with more positive and realistic thoughts.

When you are depressed you feel hopeless, like no one likes you, like you do not have a support system, or like what can go wrong will.

A therapist can instill hope with small victories, can show you that you do have a support network that not only likes you, but has been reaching out to you, and also that many times, things do not go as you fear they will.

Consistently challenging your thinking and learning to have a more accurate outlook, can have a positive impact on mood.

Research actually shows that individuals with mild depression actually benefit more from talk therapy, than they do from anti-depressants.

Individuals with moderate to major depression benefit most from a combination of therapy and anti-depressants.

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6. Exploring new passions

Trying something new can actually change the chemicals in the brain.

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New activities activate chemicals related to mood.

So, there is no better time to try something that you have never done before, even if your depression is telling you not to!

Depression often makes us feel that things that we once enjoyed are not fun anymore, but that is just the depression speaking.

If you get out there and engage in things that you loved, you will be surprised that you might actually find yourself enjoying things part way through.

Is that a smile I see?

It is like teaching yourself to have fun again, but it can be taught if you put in the effort.

7. Light

Light therapy boxes have been shown to be effective with the increased depression most of us experience during the winter and lightless months, as they simulate natural light.

Coming from Chicago, this occurrence impacts many.

Light therapy boxes have not only become more accepted, the Mayo clinic writes about their effectiveness, but they have come down tremendously in price to make them attainable for the average person.

You can get them through home medical companies, or even online through outlets like Amazon.

Making a little light therapy part of your morning routine can have a great impact on your day.

Use it while you have your coffee, read your paper, and check your e-mails!

8. Supplements

While there are very promising studies and research that show supplements can help naturally improve depression, you should always make a point to speak with your doctor before taking them.

There is a misconception that supplements are natural and therefore cannot cause you harm.

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However, they can interfere with current medications, and we all react differently to substances.

You are also encouraged to do your own research on supplements before leaping head first into taking them.

The most promising supplements are fish oil, SAMe, St. John’s Wort, and Folic Acid.

9. Spice it up!

Research also shows that Saffron is effective for mild depression, so if you love the spice, pile it on!

10. Acupuncture

Another natural alternative is acupuncture!

While there is not a ton of research on this, that which is out there does show positive results.

I cannot think of a better reason to go get a treatment that is relaxing and effective!

Happiness is a choice

If you asked people they would tell you they want to be happier.

However, many are not willing to (or do not know how) do the things that bring them happiness.

There are a variety of reasons for this, and they are explained in this article.

Let us know what makes you happy in the comment section below.

Or, tell us which scientific tip you are excited to use.

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  1. Myles Shallcross

    November 12, 2022 at 6:08 PM

    This is a topic that is close to my heart… Cheers! Exactly where are your contact details, though?

    • Danielle Dahl, Lead Contributor

      November 14, 2022 at 2:18 PM

      You should be able to find them on the contact us page!

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