How Your Surroundings Affect Mood Swings

There are many things that affect our mood  day to day including social interactions, stress levels, what we ate that day, how much sleep we got, if work was stressful, or if family members are in good moods.

Something most people don’t know is that a person’s surroundings affect mood changes.

Not just our geographic location or neighborhood, but your house, living room, office, etc.

They all play a part in your temperament on both a conscious and unconscious level.

Surroundings affect mood changes and happiness levels.

Designing our homes, offices, and living spaces in a way that is comfortable and pleasing to the eye can do wonders for productivity and happiness without even realizing it.

Feng Shui

The entire idea of your surroundings affecting your mood is what Feng Shui is all about.

Feng Shui is a Chinese philosophical system of harmonizing yourself with your environment.

The actual art of Feng Shui is quite dense and can be difficult to understand, but there are some simple takeaways from the art of Feng Shui that will help improve both your environment and mood.

Try these tips:

  •         Keep your sofa against a wall or with a coffee table behind it
  •         Create a seating plan that encourages conversation
  •         Utilize plants to promote the flow of energy
  •         Use mirrors to open a space up and reflect light back into the room
  •         Make sure your dining table is proportionate to your living space

These simple Feng shui principles will help your place feel more comfortable and spacious.

Photo Credit via Unsplash: taner ardalı

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Productivity is essential in your work environment whether it be at home or in the office.

Wherever you call work should be organized and inviting.

This way you can feel more successful, productive, and comfortable.

If you are planning on creating a home office try following these tips.

Create a home office that makes you feel organized and productive and you will be more organized and productive.

Decorate your office so that it’s one of your favorite rooms to spend time in and you will surely use it more.

Use calming colors, focus on beauty as well as functionality, and utilize organizational boards or cabinets.

Your home office isn’t the only place that needs balance.

Redecorate you entire home in order to feel tranquil everywhere.

Surroundings affect mood changes and productivity alike.


There’s no denying the happiness we feel walking into a clean house or  a room with great lighting.

Being in an environment with low ceilings, no windows, harsh colors, poor acoustics, or clutter doesn’t promote a comfortable and welcoming area.

Despite everyone having their own personal taste and dislikes when it comes to decorating, there are still some rules to keep in mind to encourage happiness around you:

  •        Soften harsh 90 degree corners by adding different shapes and objects
  •         Blend different designs instead of matching everything
  •         Focus on lighting
  •         Use complimentary colors and patterns
  •         Arrange furniture to encourage conversation among guests

There’s a lot of psychology behind home design and happiness.

There are many rules to interior design, but they all change with time.

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The important thing to keep in mind is to design your room, house, yard, office, etc in a way that is welcoming to you.

Create a room you want to spend time in and it’ll promote happiness.

Photo Credit via Unsplash: nomao saeki


One major aspect to our environment that is different between the elements is what your surroundings look like and what they feel like.

Focusing on functionality is the key to making your body feel comfortable in your surroundings.

Any piece of furniture that you or your guests spend time on should provoke a pleasant physical experience.

Accent pieces of furniture are there more for design and aesthetics, but your other pieces should be comfortable.

Our surroundings affect mood changes and can make us feel anxious, unproductive, unhappy, stressed, or uncomfortable very easily.

Each room’s arrangement, lighting and functionality all come together and affect our emotions.

Surroundings affect mood changes and So next time you walk into IKEA as yourself how that couch will make you feel in the long run.

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