20 The Help Movie Quotes From the Memorable Film

Fans of period-depicted dramas will love these The Help Movie quotes!

The Help is a movie released in 2011 based on the 2009 book of the same name by Kathryn Stockett.

The movie is a period drama based during the Civil Rights Movement in 1963 in Jackson, MS.

Tate Taylor directed the movie, and it stars Emma Stone, Viola Davis, Bryce Dallas Howard, Jessica Chastain, Octavia Spencer, and other great actors.

The movie opened to positive reviews and grossed over $216 million at the box office against a $25 million budget.

The movie’s plot follows a white journalist who wants to tell the story of Aibileen Clark and Minny Jackson, two black maids who are mistreated by the white families that they work for.

Enjoy learning about this movie through these The Help Movie quotes!

Well Known The Help Movie Quotes

Enjoy some of the best-known quotes from the movie.

1. “No, ma’am, but you is about to. ‘Cause you just did.” – Minny Jackson

2. “God says we need to love our enemies. It’s hard to do.” – Aibileen Clark

3. “Nobody will believe what you wrote!” – Hilly Holbrook

4. “They don’t like me because of what they think I did.” – Celia Foote

5. “They don’t like you ’cause they think you white trash.” – Minny Jackson

6. “Courage sometimes skips a generation. Thank you for bringing it back to our family.” – Charlotte Phelan

7. “You have a job here for the rest of your life. If you want it.” – Johnny Foote

8. “You mean, you knew I’d been working here this whole time?” – Minny Jackson

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9. “You know Hilly, if I didn’t know any better, I’d say you’ve been eating too much pie.” – Charlotte Phelan

10. “Maybe I can’t send you to jail for what you wrote, but I can send you for being a thief.” – Hilly Holbrook

Memorable The Help Movie Quotes

Check out these memorable quotes from the movie!

11. “Maybe we should just build you a bathroom outside, Hilly.” – Eugenia ‘Skeeter’ Phelan

12. “Love and hate are two horns on the same goat, Eugenia. And you need a goat.” – Charlotte Phelan

13. “Isn’t that what all you girls from Ole Miss major in – professional husband hunting?” – Stuart Whitworth

14. “The boys say I’m ugly. Mama was the third runner-up in the Miss South Carolina pageant…” – Eugenia’ Skeeter’ Phelan

15. “You ain’t got nothing left here but enemies in the Junior League. You done burned every bridge there is.” – Minny Jackson

16. “I’m sorry, but were you dropped on your head as an infant? Or were you just born stupid?” – Eugenia’ Skeeter’ Phelan

17. “See, courage isn’t just about being brave. Courage is daring to do what is right, in spite of the weakness of our flesh.” – Preacher Green

18. “Every day you’re not dead in the ground, when you wake up in the morning, you’re gonna have to make some decisions.” – Constantine Jefferson

19. “Miss Leefolt got so much hairspray on her head, she gonna blow us allup if she light a cigarette.” – Aibileen Clark

20. “I may have trouble remembering my own name or what country I live in, but there are two things I can’t seem to forget: that my own daughter threw me into a nursing home and that she ate Minny’s s**t.” – Missus Walters

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What is “The Help”?

In the 1960s, black domestic workers were referred to as “the help,” which was a racist phrase that was supposed to mean “not as good as.”

Recently graduated “Skeeter” Phelan is an aspiring journalist, and she decides to write about the truth of how black domestic workers are treated.

Two brave maids named Aibileen Clark and Minny Jackson tell their stories for the world to hear.

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