Top 5 Ways to Upgrade Your Daily Routine

For the longest time I believed being healthy was equivalent of being perfect.

If I had been “good” all week (meaning I was on a roll with eating clean) and then I slipped up, I would completely sabotage myself by eating even more junk and ridicule myself for doing it.

What I didn’t realize at the time is that healthy eating is about being mindful of the whole of your diet.

You must learn how you take care of yourself without obsessing about individual portions and calories.

There is no good and bad.

If you feel in tune with your body and trust yourself to make good choices, you will – and you’ll do it consistently.

This goes for everyday tasks, eating, sleeping and even thinking.

Perfect isn’t sustainable and doesn’t exist, so focus on progress instead.

The truth is, you can make simple upgrades to your daily habits that will drastically improve your overall health and well-being.

You can start small and build on these over time.

Small upgrades take the pressure of rapid changes and they seem less jarring. Here are the top 5 ways to upgrade your day.

Play with your food:

You know that eating nutritious food is a crucial part of taking care of yourself, but take it a step further.

So often when we prepare food, we plot it onto a plate or eat it directly out of the paper takeout container in front of the TV.

Try plating your food nicely and sitting down  at the dinner table.

Little things such as nice place settings and candles can also make a huge difference.

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You’ll change your entire at-home dining experience this way.

Daily Calendaring | Say yes less:

Contrary to popular belief, downtime is not wasted time. Most of us are over-scheduled.

Therefore, it’s vital to make time for the routine things in life.

Make it a practice to give yourself more time by eliminating engagements that aren’t necessary, or re-prioritizing them for a later date.

The general idea is to organize your day around your energy levels.

Try to fit in most of your engagements at a time when you feel awake and eager.

This is very important lesson when trying to upgrade your day.

Mid-day Recharge | Sip a hot beverage:

Trade coffee for your favorite hot tea or even hot water.

Sipping plain hot water is hydrating, detoxifying and gives your immune and digestive systems a boost.

More gentle than coffee, tea is calming and can help curb those afternoon sugar cravings.

Take 15-30 minutes out of your day to recharge with a nice drink – for an added bonus stay off your phone while you do it.

Sleeping | Rest easier:

Diffuse essential oil in your bedroom while you sleep.

Try lavender, which is calming so you can get a deeper, more restful sleep.

Spraying your pillows with calming scents is another method of achieving tranquility.

If you shut your curtains at night and have problems waking up in the morning due to the darkness, try using a simulated day lamp that imitates the sun.

Some lights can even be programed to turn on at certain times in the morning.

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Daily life improvements are all about taking things slow and making everything easier.

Let us know if any of these hacks have helped you upgrade your day.

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