12 Ways To Flirt and Land Your Love Interest

As a Dating and Relationship Coach, I am asked about the best ways to flirt a thousand times a year.

I call flirting an art because it takes practice and finesse to get it right.

Below are my top 12 tips on ways to flirt that will help you on your dating journey!

Let us know your favorite flirting tip in the comment section!

1. Smile and show your teeth

No one can resist a great smile, and it’s one of the ways to flirt that helps a person know you are inviting and like them.

Everyone around you feels like smiling when you smile, including the person of interest.

Thus, it would encourage a more positive environment between you and your potential date.

Smiling can lead to a more enjoyable conversation, which can make you and your person of interest have more fun while trying to get to know them.

For the ladies, bat those eyes, girl.

No one can resist that soft flutter of the lashes; don’t go crazy; just a sweet smile and a little flutter of the eyes will do.

2. Lean in a little, but not too much

Lean in like you are listening and want them in your space.

If you’re interested in someone, you have to show them.

This is because it can build their self-esteem, knowing that you may be looking forward to seeing them again.

With that, you both would become more excited about seeing each other and making a date for the future.

3. Give a compliment

Giving compliments is one of the best ways to flirt.

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This is especially important for men because women, in most cases, share a fear of not being attractive enough.

Therefore, if you want to make the object of your affection more comfortable with you, you should compliment how their hair looks, how they smell so good, etc.

Ladies, men like compliments also!

4. Be mysterious

Some people love dating a mysterious person since they slowly uncover things about them as they go on more dates, which is especially true for most women.

Being mysterious means you give an idea about what you are, but you are not going into more detail about it.

It leaves them a feeling of hanging, in which they would want to know you more.

This could be the start of something special and new.

5. No sex talks

This should be a rule that you need to follow, especially in flirting.

This is because the first and second dates are usually when you get to know the other person, who can be your potential boyfriend or girlfriend.

Talking about sex might give the wrong impression of your intentions, making the other person uncomfortable.

6. Make eye contact

This might be one of the most essential ways to flirt.

Don’t stare but look up, make eye contact, smile, or even a quick wink.

Walk by ever so gently, for the ladies, gentle sway of the hips, and for my guys, a smooth walk like you are the man.

Don’t stalk them; they should not see you every time they get up; let’s not scare them off.

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7. Learn how to dance

This would give you many benefits besides gaining a more flexible body.

It can help in impressing your person of interest.

A man can quickly become impressed if he sees his person of interest as a good dancer since it shows him how sexy she can be.

Aside from that, dancing with each other can create a more comfortable environment between the two people, increasing the comfortability and opening the door to all the ways to flirt.

8. Be nice

This can mean a lot of things, especially for a guy.

Friendly can mean desirable, normal, presentable, trustable, helpful, or warm, and many women are looking for nice guys.

Thus, noting these things can help you make a good impression in a bar-type environment…

Send the waitress or waiter over and ask to buy them a beverage.

(Make sure the waiter or waitress brings it, just to be on the safe side)

9. Don’t be confrontational

You might think being confrontational or aggressive can make the other person believe you are self-reliant and self-assured.

Although this might be true, making this kind of impression is not a good idea.

The other person may think you would use your aggressive behavior to manipulate them.

10. Be careful about touching

If his love interest touches him, a man can interpret it as something positive.

However, touching them may not be a good idea for women because some may become offended by it.

Only touch a woman when she becomes more comfortable with you, i.e., you are already engaged in dancing, or if she touches you when you tell jokes.

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11. Have a business card

If you want your love interest to have something that they can remember you, you should bring several business cards when you go out.

Although the best thing to do to be remembered well is to impress your interest, having business cards can also provide a unique impression.

This may seem like an outdated way to flirt, but it’s a timeless way to show someone you want to connect with them again.

12. Don’t give in to fear

Just go for it!

You may be a little nervous or awkward, but the more you do it, the better you will get!!

You are worthy.

If you are awed by the presence of your person of interest, you should take control of yourself by knowing that you are worthy to be their date.

By doing this, you can become more confident in yourself.

Aside from that, if you end up having a relationship with that person, it will be worth not giving in to the fear.

What are your favorite ways to flirt?

Do you have an excellent flirting tactic to add to this list?

What is your favorite way to flirt listed above?

Be sure to tell us in the comment section!

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