How to Become More Visible In Your Field

People like to do business with people they know, like, and trust. 

So how do you become well known and the one they pick next time they are looking for advice? 

Here are some ways you can become more visible in your field:

Leverage Social Media

Whether you start your own blog or comment on someone else’s who already has a strong following, or you may prefer to tweet or choose another site like LinkedIn, Pinterest or Instagram, just pick the one or two you prefer and build your online reputation. 

You do not have to be everywhere or even “Internet famous” but you do need to have an online brand that people can find to be taken seriously today.

Public Speaking

Offer yourself as an expert on topics you know about. 

Throw your name in to speak at industry events, trade shows, conferences, etc. 

You might even get paid as you build your name. 

You can speak as a keynote or panelist if you prefer sharing the spotlight.

Volunteer at a local nonprofit

There are so many worthy causes in every community so find one that you care about and get involved. 

Whether you are a lawyer, accountant, in sales or a teacher, you have skills that can help others in the arts, education, economic development or with youth. 

If you are passionate about the mission of a local organization then get involved by joining a committee or their board and help them raise money and find more volunteers and you will meet like-minded people who will see you in action. 

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In my experience, the more you give the more you get.

When your passion helps improve the lives of others in your community, everybody wins. 

I have gotten some of my best referrals and clients from people who saw me first as a volunteer.

Join a trade association

Every field has an industry association where professionals come together to network, share information, continue professional development, and stay up on current trends. 

Don’t just join the group, try to find a way to get involved in programming, membership, the board or as a speaker as a way to make deeper connections. 

You will shape the group in your field and get to know the real movers and shakers behind the scene. 

The events will be more fun too since you will know more people in the room to talk to.

Don’t forget traditional media

The local newspaper, trade journal, radio station and cable or TV news outlets are always looking for sources to quote for the local angle to a story. 

Be well informed and have a great sound bite ready. 

Drop them an e-mail or follow them on Twitter and give them your perspective on the latest trend or topic. 

Becoming more visible in an increasingly invisible world is more important than ever. 

It is how you stand out from the competition and build both your brand and your reputation. 

My rule of thumb is that from 7 am-7 pm try to get out from behind your computer and meet people in person. 

From 7 pm-7 am you can be online to reach a global audience. 

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That way you have the best of both worlds. 

You will know if it is working if you google yourself and see lots of mentions about you as a speaker, leader, blogger, personality. 

Now when people hear your name and then check you out online they will definitely want to call, meet, hire you! 

So what are you waiting for? 

What are you doing to become more visible today?

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