The Difference Between Being Lazy and Not Having Identified Your Passion

Some people don’t realize success as quickly as they could because they are lazy.

Then some people don’t attain success as soon as they could because they just have not identified their passion.

While in either case, there is a delay and potential loss of assets, awards, recognition, and accomplishment – the two are not the same.

Being lazy is usually depicted by a lack of effort, but in cases where an individual just haven’t identified their passion, they are generally making some level of effort.


When you don’t succeed in life or set and accomplish goals because you are lazy, it is a choice.

Laziness is a behavioral option that you choose.

You make a choice not to do something, or you delay doing something, or you do as little as possible.

You could have taken the class, gone on the interview, prepared for the meeting, or completed the chore.

But, you did not feel like doing it, or you did not want to do it.

While laziness usually manifests itself as physical inaction, it can spur from feelings or experiences, which result in a lack of interest, a lack of self-esteem, a lack of motivation, and a lack of purpose.

Regardless of the originating source, laziness is characterized by a lack of desire to take on any endeavor.

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Your passion fuels your enthusiasm for someone or your interest in something.

It is your passion that drives you to define and accomplish your goals, dreams, and purpose.

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Your passion is your desire, and it’s motivating because it encompasses the things that feed your heart and soul.

The energy that keeps you striving when you run into roadblocks or the will to get up and try again when you experience failure comes from your passion.

Your enthusiasm to complete a task or to pursue a new endeavor is spurred by your love for that particular subject or type of work.

For more inspiration, also check out our collection of quotes about passion to find your place in life.

Difference between being lazy and identifying passion

With laziness, there is minimal (if any) purpose, motivation, interest, or self-esteem.

Your level of ambition and desire to achieve or do anything is low.

If there is no desire, there is no drive to take action; instead, you tell yourself someone else will fix it, figure it out, and get it done.

So, you wait and wait for something to happen.

You procrastinate, and the more you delay, the more unmotivated you become.

Therefore, you lose your interest and your will to strive for more, to grow, expand or improve.

In cases where you have not identified your passion, there is interest.

You may feel stuck and in search of the next step, but the key is you are looking for the next level.

You have not yet found the right key to open the door.

Still, you have aspirations, and you are seeking direction.

You haven’t given up, settled for less, or decided to do nothing.

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You are searching for the answer.

When you choose laziness, you decide to settle for less.

You accept substandard conditions.

You give up significant opportunities.

You have an excuse for everything that didn’t happen or that went wrong.

You can explain why you never finished anything.

You blame bad breaks for every failure.

But, more and more, you find that you can’t even get started.

However, when you haven’t identified your passion, you haven’t settled or accepted defeat, you are looking for the starting point.

So, you try different things.

You may change majors in college several times.

You may change jobs and careers over and over.

But, you don’t stop taking action.

You don’t bypass opportunities.

You welcome opportunities because you keep trying to see what will fit.

When you embody laziness, you say, “I can’t,” “I don’t want to,” and “I won’t.”

However, when you are in the state of not yet having identified your passion, you say, “I can, but need to learn how to,” “I want to set and achieve goals,” and “I will find my place and my purpose.”

A lazy person is not motivated to achieve, while a person who just hasn’t found their passion has the burning desire to succeed, and they are seeking direction.

When you are lazy you accept any result because you have no conviction to improve, but those who are not lazy but just haven’t found their passion use the outcome of every situation as a guide to measure their interest level and determine if they are where they should be or if they need to continue their search.

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A lazy person is one in a chosen state of being represented by inaction and no desire to achieve success.

A person who has not identified their passion is usually continually working and trying different options (although some are unsuccessful) with a desire to succeed.

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