25 Calvin Klein Quotes from the Famous Designer

Fans of fashion and classic designer Calvin Klein will love these Calvin Klein quotes!

Calvin Klein is a famous fashion designer born in New York City in 1942.

Klein dropped out of the Fashion Institute of Technology but became a protege of Baron de Gunzburg and was recognized for his talent and clean lines in fashion.

He became a brand when in 1974, he designed tight-fitting jeans that would go on to gross $200,000 in their first week.

The Calvin Klein brand is well known for its upscale clothing, perfumes, and jewelry.

He has won multiple fashion awards and is well-known in the fashion industry.

Look at these Calvin Klein Quotes to learn more about the famous fashion designer.

The Best Calvin Klein Quotes

Here are some of the best Calvin Klein quotes.

1. “I don’t always want my opinion known.” — Calvin Klein

2. “I don’t think about my fame very much.” — Calvin Klein

3. “I won’t allow myself to have tremendous fear.” — Calvin Klein

4. “Commercials capture your attention, that’s all.” — Calvin Klein

5. “People in their 70s can still have incredible lives.” — Calvin Klein

6. “I’m not a politician and don’t want any part of politics.” — Calvin Klein

7. “The only way to advertise is by not focusing on the product.” — Calvin Klein

8. “I don’t dwell on success. Maybe that’s one reason I’m successful.” — Calvin Klein

9. “I’ve been strong and determined all my life about many things I’ve wanted.” — Calvin Klein

10. “There are so many ways of being creative — through architecture, landscaping.” — Calvin Klein

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Calvin Klein Quotes About His Career

These Calvin Klein quotes are about his career.

11. “You can’t go by what other people think.” — Calvin Klein

12. “I always designed thinking that these clothes should last a long time.” — Calvin Klein

13. “I guess I don’t have a proper perspective on my fame; if I did, I don’t think I’d like it.” — Calvin Klein

14. “When I started the business, I hardly went home. I became very driven about work and about my career.” — Calvin Klein

15. “But, it’s fun to keep changing and to change the silhouettes, to change the fabrics and to change the color.” — Calvin Klein

16. “I’ve met people who didn’t even know there was a Calvin Klein; they thought it was just the name of a product.” — Calvin Klein

17. “Part of the wonderful thing about what we do in fashion is that it really can apply to so many forms of one’s lifestyle, and it is such a logical extension to be designing for the home,” — Calvin Klein

More Calvin Klein Quotes

This is the final list of Calvin Klein quotes.

18. “I’m neither Democrat nor Republican.” — Calvin Klein

19. “I like the element of surprise. I like to find new ways!” — Calvin Klein

20. “They are doing something that I had hoped they would have done, which is replace me.” — Calvin Klein

21. “No 27-year-old has the experience to run a company that does a quarter of a billion dollars a year in sales.” — Calvin Klein

22. “That’s what I think is missing today. It’s now all about right now, this moment, and next season it’s something else.” — Calvin Klein

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23. “My wardrobe consists of antique clothes, many of my designs, plus shoes and shirts from Brooks Brothers and Paul Stuart.” — Calvin Klein

24. “If I allow journalists to describe a collection and they make mistakes, I’m upset because the retractions are never noticed.” — Calvin Klein

25. “You don’t only worry about the people who hate or resent you; in a way, you’re more worried about the people who love you.” — Calvin Klein

Klein’s Personal Life

Calvin Klein has been married and divorced twice and has a daughter named Marci from his first marriage.

He is dating Nicholas Gruber and splits his time between his mansions in Long Island, New York, and Los Angeles, California.

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