How to Complain Less and Become Grateful About Life

We are so conditioned to complain about how hard life can be instead of being thankful to have woken up to see another day.

The reality is that every second someone in the world dies.

Gratitude, and complaining less, go a very long way in this life.

It is something we can all find common ground on.

However, at times we forget to share gratitude with one another.

It can be a sign of love and compassion as well as appreciation.

How can I be more grateful for my life?

We can all be more grateful for life by realizing how short life is.

You can be grateful by looking around you to those who are disabled or going through all forms of illness that may lead them to only have a limited time left in this world to live.

You can be grateful by looking at all of the experiences you have overcome in the past that you may have not been able to survive but you did.

This doesn’t mean your feelings of struggle and strife are invalid.

It also doesn’t mean that you just bury your negative feelings and emotions.

Give yourself a beat to feel them, name how you feel, and then move on from it using gratitude as a tool!

Steps to take to become more grateful and complain less:

So, it is easy to just say “be more grateful and complain less,” but how do you do that?

Here are just a few simple things you can try today!

  • Look in the mirror and know that you were born an accomplishment and destined for so much more.
  • Know your worth and that you have so much to offer the world.
  • Realize you only have one life and each second counts as once you leave this earth there is no coming back.
  • Do you have food in your fridge, clothes in your closet, and shoes to wear on your feet? How about a home to call your own, a bed to sleep in, and a job that finances you to live your life? If the answer is yes, then you have a few things to be grateful for!
  • Look to those who truly love and care about you and your presence means the world to them.
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Start with these few behavioral and mindset changes, and then work on consistency.

Ways to complain less and be consistently grateful:

Consistency is important with any habit or life change you are attempting to make.

These things might seem like work at first, but with a little practice, they will become second nature!

These are all actions you can put into practice and physically start doing.

  • Do these little things daily like smiling, breathing and living.
  • Practice maintaining a happy, peaceful and positive attitude. Especially, when things are not going the way you have planned.
  • Keep a positive and healthy outlook on life. Even when things are not in your control. Learn to allow the chips to fall where they may.
  • Realize and remember that you are only human. We are imperfect and as long as you are alive you will continue to make mistakes.
  • Write down all of your personal and professional accomplishments. Let them inspire you to do more in your life and realize how far you have come as a survivor and conqueror.
  • Put into practice asking yourself these questions on a daily basis: “What value am I bringing into my life?” “Am I allowing other people to take away my permission and power?” “What can I do more of in my life to take me to the next level personally and professionally?”

Be consistent with your mindset too

  • Stay open to learning new things about yourself. Do not be afraid to make changes in those learning discoveries.
  • Leave fear behind. This way it is no longer holding you back from making those dreams inside of your heart a reality.
  • Try to stop second-guessing yourself anymore.
  • Being open and willing to try something new that you may have been afraid to try.
  • Allow being vulnerable to be a strength and not find it as a weakness. Allow yourself to be present in your emotions and process them however you feel like processing without shame or guilt.
  • Be open to constructive criticism from those you trust who have your best interest at heart that hold you accountable as you would do the same for them.
  • Don’t allow disappointment, rejection or failure to discourage you from being and doing your best. Know that things happen for a reason in life and something better is about to take place.
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Exercises in being grateful:

If you can master some of these things from the previous lists, then these are some great next steps! These are specific actions meant to help you bring gratitude to the forefront of your mind.

Simultaneously, giving you less desire and time to complain!

  • Write a letter to the little boy or little girl inside of you thanking him or her for being strong, courageous and resilient.
  • Make an appointment to a spa to get pampered for a few hours as a way of taking care of yourself.
  • Brainstorm, strategize and design your life plan in how you see your life in the present and future.
  • Send out a thank you card to those who have played very important roles in your life with love, support, encouragement and never judged you for your decisions and mistakes.
  • Register for a course or class that will continue to feed your passion/purpose in order for you to stay dedicated to gaining more knowledge professionally.
  • Become a part of an organization that is near and dear to your heart as a way of paying it forward. Give back to your community by volunteering your time and gifts.
  • Take on new projects that can give you the motivation to push yourself to your highest potential.
  • Take moments during life to be still and listen to your heartbeat and become one with your mind, heart, body and spirit.
  • Look in the mirror and forgive yourself for past mistakes as well as regrets and release them from your heart and spirit.
  • Make a loving effort to do something that makes you happy each day.
  • Write down everything you don’t like about yourself and commit to turning those dislikes into love.

Dedications to make to yourself in being grateful:

Being grateful also means that you value yourself and are truly thankful for being you!

Each of these next few things should help you value yourself, and establish healthy habits.

First, incorporate the word “No” into your vocabulary.

Use it when your spirit tells you to do so without fear, guilt or shame.

This is especially true if you are a fixer or giver.

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Do your best to take a step back from doing for others and start doing more for yourself!

Apply the following words to your life, self-love, confidence, courage, truth, and transparency.

Add some inner strength to your vocabulary!

While we are talking about words, remember to say what you mean and mean what you say in all situations.

Speak with clarity and conviction, letting others know you are standing your ground.

Accept and embrace who you are physically, mentally, sexually, emotionally, spiritually and psychologically in your life.

Work on finding your voice and drown out the negativity in how others, feel, think or say about you.

Utilize all of your gifts and talents that you were born with in every way possible.

Create grateful opportunities:

Finally, here are a few examples and ideas for creating opportunities to be grateful!

Each of these will really help you feel gratitude deep inside.

Be sure to create and cultivate:

  • Positive changes in real-time in how you speak, act, think and live.
  • Your happy and peaceful space.
  • A different perspective on life’s obstacles instead of going straight to the negative.
  • Your intentions in how you would like to truly live your life.
  • Meaningful and grateful affirmations for yourself to enforce motivation when you are faced with life’s trials and tribulations to help you keep in a positive frame of mind.
  • A new level of patience, understanding, confidence and commitment to yourself to apply to each situation you encounter
  • Endless possibilities and inspiration within to help you face life’s challenges.
  • A deeper relationship with the universe to obtain another level of spirituality in your faith and outlook on life

Bottom line: Gratitude is good for you

Being grateful and complaining less helps you be happier.

Your overall well-being will be better if you work on any of these tips!

Go ahead and do whatever you can to build a more positive and optimistic relationship with yourself as well as others.

Allow your gifts and positive life experiences to push you to your highest potential.

Also, learn to be grateful for what those unique gifts are!

What are some ways you practice gratitude?

Let us know in the comment section below!

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