The Simple Guide to Rolling Joints & Blunts

Learning how to roll joints and blunts is a simple and satisfying process.

These methods of smoking are convenient, portable, and flavorful.

Every stoner should know how to roll the perfect joint or blunt.

Spice up your next smoke session and craft your cannabis into something beautiful.

What’s the Difference Between Joints & Blunts?

If you love smoking weed, chances are you’ve tried both joints and blunts.

They’re similar, but with some key differences.

Whichever your preference is, it’s important to understand all of the nuances that make joints and blunts unique.


A joint is a basic marijuana cigarette.

Most joints are rolled with thin, white paper, but rolling papers also be multicolored, flavored, and even gold.

Casual smokers typically prefer joints since they aren’t as harsh as blunts.


Blunts are created by wrapping ground cannabis in thick, dark tobacco paper.

People use wrappers from cigars such as Backwoods, Swisher Sweets, or Dutch Masters.

Blunts are often preferred by stoners and experienced smokers since they may be harsh, and they produce a heavy high. 

Rolling Papers & Wraps

Rolling paper for joints comes in different sizes, styles, and flavors.

While the flavorless, white rolling paper is the most common, some joint smokers prefer flavored papers made by companies like Juicy Jays.

Flavored joint wraps are aromatic, uplifting, and enhance any smoke session easily.

Blunts are constructed with thick wraps, commonly made of tobacco.

Most people get blunt wraps by buying a pack of cigarillos and repurposing those cigar wraps.

If you want to make a tobacco-free blunt, hemp wraps can be used instead.

How to Roll a Joint

Supplies to Roll a Joint

  • Cannabis
  • Rolling papers 
  • Grinder
  • Clean surface for rolling or a rolling tray
  • Filter (optional) – You can buy premade filters or cut a piece of cardstock to make your own.
  • Rolling machine (optional)

Step 1: Grind Your Weed

Grinding your weed simply means breaking the marijuana buds up into tiny pieces.

These fine pieces will burn evenly inside your joint.

Most people use a grinder for this step.

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Grinders are an awesome tool you can buy online or at most dispensaries.

If you don’t have a grinder, you can use scissors or your fingers.

Break the weed apart until it’s as small as possible.

Step 2: Make a Filter (Optional)

Filters, also called crutches or tips, will stop marijuana from getting into your mouth while smoking.

Filters can be bought premade or easily constructed from almost any type of paper.

Typically, cardstock, thin cardboard, or business cards work best.

Cut off a small piece of paper that will fit into the end of your joint.

Then, fold about a fourth of this paper it into an accordion shape.

Finally, roll the remainder of the paper over this zig-zag shape to complete your filter.

Step 3: Pack Your Rolling Paper

Set up your rolling paper and place the filter on one end if you’re using one.

Then, fill the rest with your freshly ground cannabis.

You can pack a nice joint with less than a gram of marijuana, but it’s easy to eyeball how much you need without weighing anything.

It won’t roll properly or burn evenly if you overstuff the joint.

Step 4:  Roll The Joint

Once you’ve got your rolling paper packed, start shaping it with your fingers.

The glue-covered side of the paper should be facing you.

Push the cannabis towards the base of the joint and start pinching it.

Don’t pack it down too tightly, and leave a little room for air.

Joints rolled too tightly can be difficult to smoke.

Once the weed is packed down, you can start rolling the joint away from yourself, towards the glued end.

Repeat this motion until only a bit of the glued paper sticks out.

The product should feel firm and like a fully-shaped joint.

Step 5: Seal The Joint

After you’ve finished rolling, wrap the excess paper around the joint.

Lick the glue-covered edge of the paper and stick it back onto the joint.

Using your fingers, work down the entire joint length to ensure the edge is completely sealed.

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One end of your joint should still be open at this point.

Use a pen or a similarly sized tool to pack the weed inside the joint for the best results.

Once the cannabis is densely packed, twist the open end of the joint closed.

How to Roll a Blunt

Supplies to Roll a Blunt

  • Cannabis
  • Cigar or blunt wraps
  • Grinder
  • Clean surface for rolling or a rolling tray
  • Knife or blade (optional)
  • Rolling machine (optional)

Step 1: Unroll Your Cigar

The first step of rolling a blunt is unrolling a cigar.

Unless you’re using premade blunt wraps, most blunts start as cigars.

Some of the most popular cigar brands to use are Backwoods, Dutch Masters, and Swisher Sweets.

Each brand of cigar will require slightly different treatment.

Dutch Masters, for example, is made using dry, aged tobacco leaves, which makes this brand naturally more fragile.

When working with brittle blunt wraps, licking the cigar will help soften it. 

Regardless of the brand, it’s important to unroll your cigar carefully and keep the wrap in one piece.

Using a knife or a blade to slice the wrap may make it easier.

Cut a straight line through the cigar and dispose of the tobacco inside.

Step 2: Grind Your Weed

Grinding your weed into small, fine pieces will help your blunt burn evenly.

Using a grinder makes this step easy and effective.

If you don’t have a grinder, you can use scissors or your fingers to break apart the weed. 

Step 3: Pack Your Wrap

Set up your emptied blunt wrap and start filling it with the ground cannabis.

Blunts are larger than joints, and you can easily fit up to two grams of weed inside, depending on the size of the wrap.

Pack it generously, but don’t overstuff it and make it too compressed. 

Step 4: Roll & Seal The Blunt

Start rolling the blunt using your thumbs to tuck and roll one side under the other.

Roll gently, and be careful not to tear the wrap or roll too tightly.

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Once the blunt is shaped, you’ll need to seal it shut.

Lick the wrap at the tucked edge to form a seal.

Press any excess pieces of the leaf down around the blunt and give it a little time to dry.

Rolling Machines

If you want to roll masterpieces easily, rolling machines are available for both joints and blunts.

You can find these machines online or at many dispensaries and smoke shops.

Using a rolling machine cuts down on preparation time, so you can enjoy more time smoking.

Step 1: Grind Your Weed

Grind and break your weed apart into small pieces.

Use a grinder to get the best and fastest results.

If you don’t have a grinder, you can use scissors or fingers to break down the cannabis into fine, ground pieces. 

Step 2: Prepare The Weed

If you’re using a filter, place it inside the corner of the rolling machine.

Pack the machine with ground cannabis, being careful not to overstuff it.

Close the machine and roll the rollers towards yourself using your thumbs.

This will help pack your marijuana tightly.

Step 3: Roll With The Machine

Feed your rolling papers into the machine with the glue-covered side facing you.

Once the wrap is secure, start rolling the machine towards you.

Stop rolling once the glued part is barely sticking out.

Lick the glue-covered edge to ensure that it seals properly.

Finish rolling with the machine until the paper disappears into the machine.

Then, give the rollers a couple of extra rolls towards you to make sure it’s closed tight.

Open up your rolling machine to use your completed joint or blunt.

Joints & Blunts

Joints and blunts and both excellent options for smoking that have their unique advantages and disadvantages.

At the end of the day, it’s up to your tastes and preferences to determine which one is best.

Now that you know how to roll joints and blunts, you can experiment and practice with both.

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