10 Ways to Be Smarter With Your Money in 2023

There is no better time to get smarter with your money than the new year.

The days pass quickly, and before you know it, you’ll say, “Happy New Year!”

As you begin a new year, you may select resolutions to make positive life changes.

Finance and money matters are often at the forefront of your self-development ‘fix it’ effort.

This year should be no different.

So, let’s look at a few ways to improve your economic standing by being smarter with your money in the coming year.

1.) Evaluate your income and expenses to get smarter with your money

Attempt to assess your earnings and your expenses.

Know your income and know all your costs even better.

Don’t estimate or guess the amount you have to handle your monthly obligations and plan for the future.

Define a detailed plan or budget to manage your finances to ensure you are not overspending and know what you can and can’t afford.

2.) Set targeted financial goals

After carefully reviewing your income and expenses, determine a few areas of your financial life that could improve.

Increase savings, build an emergency fund, reduce liabilities, or make a large purchase (e.g., a house or car).

Be specific and realistic based on your current financial situation (not what you want it to be).

To ensure your successful plan, create some oversight or accountability using trusted friends or a professional financial advisor to guide your money management plan.

3.) Automated savings is a great tool for smart money management

If you are not already doing so, automate your savings plan.

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Have funds deducted from your paycheck or account and directly deposited into the account(s) you create to hold the funds that you are targeting to increase savings, build your emergency fund, or use for a significant purchase.

Having the money placed in the accounts with no personal intervention increases the likelihood of it remaining there until you meet the threshold and timeline you defined and are ready to use it according to your plans.

4.) Remove yourself from notifications regarding shopping and sales

The emails you sometimes receive about exclusive deals and one-of-a-kind items are tempting.

It’s easy to get so excited about an offer that you go off-course and make an unplanned purchase because the offer seemed too good to pass up.

You use funds earmarked for savings because the ads are convincing, believing you can catch up on your savings.

But these offers never stop coming, so it’s best to cut them off by canceling your subscription to the notices and reducing the possibility of veering off course because of a tantalizing deal.

5.) Live below your means and get smart with your money

You know your financial strength by assessing your income level and your needs.

Well, one method you can use to increase that strength level is to define your living standard using a sum less than your current income.

For instance, if your evaluation revealed that you could afford a car payment of $500.00 per month, set your standard for a car payment to $300.00 per month.

Take the excess and set it for direct deposit into the saving buckets you created, and you will be well on your way to building a nest egg.

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Then you will have funds set aside for future use and to cover unexpected bills.

6.) Pay bills on time

Building an excellent credit history is as essential as building a nest egg.

Therefore, paying your obligation by the due dates and avoiding late payments and fees weigh heavily on your credit rating and credit score.

7.) Pay off/reduce credit card/loan levels

The number and amount of credit obligations you have also impacts your credit score and history.

Lowering the amount of credit you use or your loans will drive a positive credit score and history.

Pay more than the minimum due to reduce your liability level and pay off the balance as soon as possible.

In fact (if possible), aim to use only the amount of credit you can pay off in the same month.

8.) Cutback your use of credit cards

Keep the balance you owe on your credit cards as low as possible.

Make sure your purchases are necessary, especially if you can’t pay them off on your next due date.

This is one of the best things you can do to be smarter with your money!

9.) Focus on retirement

If you are old enough to work, you are old enough to define a retirement savings plan.

Besides savings and creating an emergency fund, set up or start contributing to a retirement savings fund.

If your employer offers a retirement fund with matching contributions, take part and fund your account with at least the amount or percentage they match.

10.) Get financial training/education

Staying abreast of the latest trends, investments, or finance-building skills must ensure you manage your money well and establish a strong portfolio to maintain economic stability.

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You should invest in financial literacy by reading, attending seminars, and taking part in training in personal finance, budgeting, investment, and retirement to ensure you have the tools to manage your money in the best possible manner.

Be smarter with your money this year

You work hard for your paycheck.

You have the needs and requirements to live as you wish.

Your earnings define your standard of living now and even in retirement.

So, protect your earnings and your future by taking a stand now to be smarter with your money.

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