You Are Already Wealthy Even If You’re Not Rich

Wealth is a state of mind, which means you can be wealthy even if you’re not rich.

Having studied numerous wealthy people, most of whom have built their wealth from the ground up, I have figured out that wealth is not about dollars – it’s a state of mind.

When I ask the question in my conferences, “What does being wealthy mean to you?”

I get a plethora of responses.

For some, it is a dollar amount, like $1 million, for example.

For others, it is having material things like houses, cars, boats, or designer clothes.

And for the rest, it simply has an emergency fund they can use when something unexpected happens.

It is about how you think and look at your circumstances and situations.

Just take these wise words from American business magnate, Warren Buffett:

“I always knew I was going to be rich. I don’t think I ever doubted it for a minute.” – Warren Buffett

You are already wealthy, even if you’re not rich

Many people are rich in the eyes of society, but they are NOT wealthy.

If they lost it all tomorrow, they would never get it back.

However, truly wealthy people can lose money (they may even have to start over), but they can build it again.

It is all about perspective.

That’s the difference between rich and the wealthy.

So, can you be wealthy even if you’re not rich?


Can you be wealthy without being a millionaire?


I consider myself wealthy every day.

I believe I am one of the wealthiest people alive, and it has nothing to do with my net worth.

Below I share with you five ways to be rich without money – and why you should see them in yourself, too.

1. “Every day above ground is a good day

Do you have people in your life who drain the energy out of you every time you talk to them?

I have many.

So several years ago, I started saying this statement every time they would start complaining about something.

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It is just a gentle reminder that God allowed you to wake up; therefore, He has a purpose for you today.

Even if the world around you seems to be crashing down, you are alive to pray about it.

Complaining, worrying, giving up: These negative reactions to life will NOT change your circumstances.

Some days are just better than others.

We are NOT promised a problem-free life, but an awesome life with a great problem solver.

If you are above ground, there is a reason.

You may be in pain, you could be suffering the loss of a loved one, or you might have a problem that seems bigger than even God can handle – but you woke up.

You have a purpose, which makes you wealthy even if you’re not rich.

If you are above ground today, don’t waste the day complaining about what’s wrong.

Focus on what is right and leave the rest to a higher power.

2. You have running water

You are probably wondering what this has to do with wealth.

Doesn’t everyone in the U.S. have running water?

Well, I am sad to say, but no.

Therefore, if you have running water, you are a blessed individual.

This goes for more than just running water.

You may not consider yourself wealthy.

You may consider yourself poor and broke.

But let me ask you these questions:

  • Do you have two cars?
  • Do you have a place to live?
  • Do you eat out?
  • Do you have food in your fridge?
  • Do you have a cell phone?
  • Do you have a television?
  • Do you have a computer?

This is just a short list of items you probably have, and just assume they are given.

But they are not.

Many people are not blessed enough to have the basics like shelter, food, and clothing – much less the extras like cell phones, computers, and televisions.

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Even if you’re not rich, I guarantee you, you are wealthier than most.

3. You have loved ones

I am just going to be blunt: that husband you hate – someone is praying for a husband.

That job you dislike – there are many people who would kill for that job.

That kid frustrates you to no end – there are couples out there paying thousands for that blessing.

The people in your life make you the wealthiest person around.

I spent many years praying for a child.

Then when I was blessed with a child, I spent several more years as a single parent.

My daughter and my husband make me the wealthiest woman alive.

Things can be replaced, money can be regained, but the people in your life are priceless. 

My daughter is leaving for college in two weeks.

Every moment I have spent with her over the last 18 years is a treasure.

No amount of riches can take that away.

When family and friends frustrate you, and you catch yourself wishing they weren’t there – stop.

Picture your life without them and realize that even if you’re not rich, you are wealthy because you have them.

4. Your natural gifts make you wealthy

Did you know that we are all born with a purpose and at least one gift?

We each have something in us that nobody else has.

Whether you are the janitor or the CEO, the mailroom guy, or the company president, you have a special gift that no one else has.

However, to reach the gift, you have to remove the wrapping.

You must remove everything that prevents you from finding and nurturing that gift.

Maybe you don’t believe you have a gift, don’t have the knowledge to grow your gift, or have naysayers constantly pointing out the bad, not the good.

No matter what side of the tracks you were born on, no matter who your parents are, no matter your job title – you have a gift that makes you a wealthy person.

Related  Motivation: You’ve Got It All Wrong

Nurturing your gift is one of the ways to be rich in life.

5. Being the real you

Look in the mirror.

What do you see?

I see an awesome person.

I see a person who can achieve anything they set their mind to.

I see a person who doesn’t let their circumstances define who they are.

I see a person who has a great attitude, finds the treasure in the trials, and smiles even when they have a flat tire.

I see a person of integrity who loves others and does their best in every situation.

This makes you one of the wealthiest people on earth.

How you treat yourself and others can make or break you.

Wake up every day deciding to be your best and treat others the exact way you want to be treated.

Being your best self is how to become rich with no money.

For by offering your best to others, you begin building something far more priceless than gold or silver: a legacy.

Rich is about a number; wealth is about a mindset

If you are reading this, you are wealthy, even if you’re not rich.

This means you have access to a computer, eyesight, know how to read, and decide to read a positive article.

Everybody has something, and odds are, there are many people who have it much worse than you do.

This doesn’t mean that what you may be going through doesn’t matter or is not difficult.

It simply puts things into perspective.

If you realize that you are wealthy and blessed, finding the treasure in your trial will be easier.

In today’s world, where everyone gets their worth from their bank account, be the person who sees how truly wealthy they are no matter how many dollars they have.

Even if you’re not rich, you are a wealthy person.

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