Steps To Find Your True Calling

Trying to free yourself and get what you want out of life—your true calling, is difficult!

When one is stuck in a rut with nowhere to turn, it is challenging, whether it is:

  • an intimate dead-end relationship
  • a job that leaves you unsatisfied or
  • an emotionally or physically draining activity

Discovering one’s true calling means saying goodbye to toxic individuals, taking risks, and getting out of your comfort zone. 

Like anything we want to learn more about, there is a process.

Here are 14 ways to discover your true calling and live a more fulfilling life.

Your true calling lies in your strengths

Step One.

Notice the things you like to do.

Take a moment to record observations about yourself.

This exercise will require time, patience, a notepad, a pen, and a quiet place.

Think of those moments you experience great joy doing things, like helping someone, creating a project, building a plan, teaching others, etc.

A calling usually incorporates the following signs.

Pay close attention to those small details that reveal clues: it is positive, productive, rewarding, and feels right to you.

No matter what challenge comes your way, you keep returning to it, or someone or something keeps reminding you about it.

The ideas flood your mind, and before long, you are passionate about that work again.

Know your weaknesses and recognize failures

Step Two.

Note what you don’t like to do.

Consider those things you do currently that leave you feeling miserable, robbing you of the time to fulfill your calling.

These issues could be why you struggle with seeing who and what you truly want to be in life.

Review the times you failed at some things in your life.

Next, question what you learned from those disappointments and use them to inspire you.

Career assessment tests and personality quizzes help put you on the right track when you are simply at a loss as to what you should be doing.

These vocational evaluations don’t match you up with the desires of your heart, but they are good starting points, and you are never too old to use them.

Keep in mind that whatever you might choose, it has to be something that fulfills the void within.

Spot critics and supporters

Step Three.

Create distance when necessary.

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Consult with those who can give you valuable insight into your strengths and weaknesses, but guard your heart when dealing with critics.

Look at your social circle filled with individuals who may or may not support you in your endeavors.

It is time to perform a process of elimination and a personal categorization method for the people you know.

Label true friends, false ones, and those who might be good sources of information.

With a supportive network, you will be better able to stay focused on what matters which is discovering your true calling.

Constructive critics might be helpful, but others can harm our souls.

If someone’s advice sounds more like jealousy cloaked with so-called help, you will want to do something different.

There comes a time when one will have to withdraw from everyone so that one can focus on one’s passion.

You can accomplish more when you do this.

Find your true calling and separate fact from fiction

Step Four. 

Avoid the temptation to lie to yourself and others about your calling.

Circumstances, events, personal enlightenment, and transformation lead one to want to know the next chapter.

However, don’t be tempted to create fictional stories to convince others why you want to make sudden or gradual life changes.

Also, don’t be tempted to deceive the public by creating a false identity for yourself.

You either know what you want to do with your life or don’t.

If you know, don’t add or take away from your testimony, no matter how much pressure you might feel from others.

Narrow down your choices

Step Five.

Concentrate on one thing you most want to accomplish that connects with your passion rather than many things.

Too many people in pursuit of discovering who they are, what they want, and their purpose for living allow their minds to wander.

Further, they listen to more counselors than they ought to and don’t always act on goals.

This activity only confuses many individuals and delays discovering what the future might hold for them.

Limit preferences you would like to research more about.

Note only three.

Manage an unproductive workspace

Step Six.

Take some time to get away from hectic environments.

Make some alone time.

Whether in a large home room or on a cruise ship in a cabin, take that needed time to refresh, meditate on positive things, and note your thoughts.

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Remember, you are spending the time to answer the question, “What is my calling? Then when I know that, what will I need to do to achieve it.”

Rub those temples, tap the forehead while you ask yourself some questions, and sit back and relax.

You are preparing your body for an intense spiritual awakening.

Care for your mind, body, and spirit

Step Seven.

Elevate your mind, body, and spirit through physical exercise.

It’s difficult to know your true calling if you are often tired, stressed, and in poor health.

Too many people overlook their bad habits and don’t connect them with why they can’t achieve goals. 

If the body isn’t taken care of, one will suffer later due to neglect.

So do what you can to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Love yourself!

Distance yourself from toxic distractions

Step Eight.

Don’t drink or party with anyone during this time.

This point seems obvious, but so many people run away from their life challenges and distract themselves from seeking personal truths.

How badly do you want to know what your true calling is? 

Cut off all electronic devices daily during a set time, dedicating that space to personal goal-planning, writing thoughts, and executing a plan.

This is an ongoing practice you can begin 40 minutes a day to help you stay focused on your calling and learn new things.

You will do this just before bedtime each night.

This way, you will have a better perspective and direction about your calling when you wake up.

Outline your plan

Step Nine.

Pen your thoughts on what needs to be done to work on your life’s purpose.

No plan, no success.

It is as simple as that!

You may know your calling yet have no clue how you can make things happen.

Start titling your paper with a summary of what you most want to do.

Then list what you know about it, and what it takes to work your plan out.

Act on your calling

Step Ten.

Review your plan, perform tasks, and enlist the help of others.

Plenty of people have created elaborate outlines for their dreams and discussed much about them but have not actually done anything.

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Some people are simply in love with the idea of success but are not the least motivated to walk in their callings.

Don’t let this happen to you!

Keep away from the blame game

Step Eleven.

Hold yourself accountable.

Mistakes will be made, failed attempts at getting something done will occur, and disappointments will flood in.

We don’t make excuses, lie, cover-up, or blame others.

We tackle the issues as soon as possible and keep up with the plan!

Arrest jealous emotions

Step Twelve.

Don’t treat others wrongly because you still don’t know what you are doing.

After going through much stress trying to figure your life out and spending a lot of money, seeing others do better than you is unnerving.

Encourage yourself by continuing to work on yourself without getting distracted by what others are doing and saying.

Social networking can be harmful if you are not happy with yourself, so back off a bit from it.

Don’t shoot the messengers

Step Thirteen.

Listen to sound advice and thank your instructors.

Be open to listening to others speak of how they arrived at their callings in life, what you need to do to self-improve, and notice the mistakes they made and how they grew from them.

Show gratitude when advisers help you, and stay positive and respectful when speaking to them.

Motivate yourself often with increased learning

Step Fourteen.

Educate yourself often on the latest information related to your purpose.

Never stop learning!

Join a class or workshop, read books, meet with like minds, teach others, meditate on new concepts, and do things to improve your skills.

By doing these things, you are maintaining interest in your calling.

Seeking one’s life purpose is a great experience.

It is enriching knowing who you are, how your talents and skills tie into your sense of well-being, and why you are meant to be here today!

Therefore, continue your journey, and even if you are not completely certain about your calling, don’t give up.

Keep searching anyway!

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