25 Bridesmaids Movie Quotes That Are Relatable and Funny

These Bridesmaids movie quotes will show you just why this film is so popular and relatable.

Chances are, if you have been a bride, bridesmaid, or wedding dress shop employee, you have seen this movie. 

Bridesmaids was a raunchy tale about weddings, friendships, relationships, and the antiquated idea that we have to have a group of women dressed in matching dresses in order to have a wedding.

The movie first premiered in 2011 and had an incredible cast of female talent.

Kristen Wiig, who plays the role of Annie, also helped write the film.

Maya Rudolph (Lillian), Melissa McCarthy (Megan), Ellie Kemper (Becca), and Rebel Wilson (Brynn) all have some incredibly funny lines.

You will laugh so hard at some of these Bridesmaids quotes from Annie, Lillian, Megan, Becca, and Brynn as they navigate their friendships and wedding drama.

There are also a few gems from the supporting cast that were too funny to pass up!

Keep reading for more Bridesmaids movie quotes and to find out just why this movie is so popular and relatable.

Bridesmaids movie quotes from Megan (the most inappropriate of the group)

1. “This is some classy sh-… [burp] I want to apologize. I’m not even confident on which end that came out of.” ― Megan, Bridesmaids

Bridesmaids quotes from Megan

2. “I met a dolphin down there, and I swear to God that dolphin looked into my soul. Into my soul Annie, and said I’m saving you.” ― Megan, Bridesmaids

Saving Bridesmaids quotes

3. “Hey, not Air Marshall John, wanna go back in that Restroom and not rest.” ― Megan, Bridesmaids

Special Bridesmaids quotes

4. “I don’t associate with people who blame the world for their problems. You are your problem. You are also your solution.” ― Megan, Bridesmaids

Bridesmaids quotes about your solution

5. “Female fight club. We grease up, we pull in. Lillian doesn’t know so it’s ‘Surprise, we’re going to fight!’ We beat the shit out of her.” ― Megan, Bridesmaids

Female Bridesmaids quotes

6. “That dress is so pretty, it makes my stomach hurt.” ― Megan, Bridesmaids

Bridesmaids quotes that dress is so pretty

7. “I took nine. I took nine. Yeah. I did slightly overcommit to the whole dog thing. It turns out I’m probably more comfortable with six.” ― Megan, Bridesmaids

comfortable Bridesmaids quotes

8. “I’m life, Annie, and I’m biting you in the ass!” [bites Annie’s ass] ― Megan, Bridesmaids

Bridesmaids quotes on life

9. “You know what I find interesting about that, Annie? It’s interesting to me that you have absolutely no friends. Do you know why that’s interesting? Here’s a friend standing directly in front of you, trying to talk to you, and you choose to talk about having no friends.” ― Megan, Bridesmaids

Inspirational Bridesmaids quotes

10. “I put a, uh, a loaded gun in Dougie’s carry-on. TSA is gonna… just rip his ass apart.” ― Megan, Bridesmaids

Special Bridesmaids quotes

Bridesmaids movie quotes from the slightly bitter Annie

11. “In good times, in bad times, I’ll be on your side forever mooooore. That’s what friends are fooor!!!” ― Annie, Bridesmaids

Bridesmaids quotes from the slightly bitter Annie

12. Annie: Whatever you say, ‘Stove.’

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Bridesmaids quotes whatever you say 'stove'

Flight Attendant Steve: It’s Steve.

13. “What kind of a name is ‘Stove’ anyway? What’re you a kitchen appliance or something?” ― Annie, Bridesmaids

Top Bridesmaids quote

14. “You don’t know who you’re sleeping next to. It is scary. I mean, look at him. ” ― Annie, Bridesmaids

Scary Bridesmaids quotes

15. “Mom! I keep telling you, you’re not supposed to go to those things.” ― Annie, Bridesmaids

Bridesmaids quotes about keep telling

16. “It’s just, it’s the first time I’ve ever seen you look ugly. It makes me kinda happy.” ― Annie, Bridesmaids

 Happy Bridesmaids quotes

17. “I feel like her life is going off and getting perfect, and mine is just like…” ― Annie, Bridesmaids

Bridesmaids quotes about life

18. “I don’t have any friends.” ― Annie, Bridesmaids

Bridesmaids quotes about I don't have any friends

19. “I’m telling you, hitting bottom is a good thing. Because there’s nowhere to go but up.” ― Annie, Bridesmaids

More Bridesmaids quotes

20. “I am in my 30s, I have 40,000 dollars in debt, I live with a weirdo…” ― Annie, Bridesmaids

Funny and Sweet Bridesmaids quotes

Funny and Sweet Bridesmaids movie quotes from Becca and Brynn

21. “You smell like pine needles, and have a face like sunshine!” ― Becca, Bridesmaids

Funny and Sweet Bridesmaids quotes from Becca and Brynn

22. “We went on a sweetheart honeymoon. Disney World.” ― Becca, Bridesmaids

Sweetheart Bridesmaids quotes

23. “I’m Becca. This is my husband. You don’t have a husband. Sorry.” ― Becca, Bridesmaids

Bridesmaids quotes from Becca

24. “What about a Pixar-themed shower? And we all come dressed as our favorite Pixar character?” ― Becca, Bridesmaids

Bridesmaids quotes about what about a pixar character

25. “You’re prettier than Cinderella!” ― Becca, Bridesmaids

Bridesmaids quotes about cinderella

Which of these Bridesmaids movie quotes is your favorite?

There are so many Bridesmaids quotes that people can relate to.

One of my favorites is “Help me, I’m poor!”

If you have ever tried to plan a wedding, I am sure you can relate.

The entire process is so expensive!

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As a former bridal shop manager, I heard some variations of this multiple times a day.

It can get disheartening to see how much money these women feel it is necessary to spend to prove they love their soon-to-be spouse or are close to their friends.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with having a big fancy wedding if you want one and can afford it.

If you are the bride, though, try to remember there might be a few “Annies” in your group of friends who are struggling to match your budget.

The movie is filled with relatable moments!

What do you think is the biggest takeaway from the film?

What is your favorite Bridesmaids movie quotes and sayings?

Let us know in the comment section below.

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