5 Powerful Lessons for Chasing Your Dreams

Everyone can dream, but not everyone is willing to truly chase their dreams.

People who aren’t living their dreams often have limited belief systems.

They believe that their current circumstances and/or surroundings keep them from achieving what they want to do in life.

A survey of successful entrepreneurs found that 95% pursued their dreams despite obstacles, highlighting the importance of persistence and determination in achieving success.

This suggests that overcoming setbacks and staying focused on one’s goals is a critical factor in achieving success as an entrepreneur.

We all have unique circumstances in our lives that we can use as excuses, but learning to find those workarounds that give us the ability to succeed can inspire us to start implementing changes in our lives that need to be made to make our dreams come true.

You are never too old, poor, young, or sick to live your dreams.

You might not get there the same way as others, but if you start to believe in your dreams and chase them now, you’ll eventually get there.

Dreams are just dreams until you decide they will be something more.

When you add passion to your dreams, your life circumstances will not keep you from achieving them.

Dream chasing is not something everyone is cut out to do.

It is for those who dare to take a chance to believe that their dream is something more than a thought or possibility.

Dream chasers know their dreams are worth chasing.

If you have been inspired to start chasing your dreams, keep reading to learn 5 things you should know about the journey you will embark on.

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1. Perfect Timing Is A Myth

There will always be an excuse to keep waiting for the perfect circumstances to appear in your life.

If you want to be a dream chaser, start chasing your dreams now.

Don’t live your dream until tomorrow; we are not guaranteed a tomorrow.

“The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.” – Chinese Proverb

2. Actions Make Dreams Come True

This is where dreamers often get stuck: the taking action part.

A dream might seem like something you want to hold onto and take with you throughout every aspect of your life.

Dreams are great to have, but living them is the game changer.

Dreaming is formulating a thought, and living the dream is taking it and implementing it into actions that will produce the dream.

If all the great dreamers in the world kept their dreams in the formulation stage, we might not have things such as computers, phones, or cars.

Think of the roles that those dreams play in all of our lives.

“Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.” – Harriet Tubman

3. Obstacles Will Appear

When you are chasing your dream, be prepared to meet with obstacles.

Every dream chaser meets them.

The thing about obstacles is that you need to learn from them, find a solution, and continue on your path to your dream.

Do not let your obstacles detour you from continuing on the path to your dreams.

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“There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.” – Paulo Coelho

4. There Is No Fast and Easy

Sometimes, people want to go so fast that they sabotage the speed of their dreams.

The greatest dreams are the ones that are the most challenging; there is no easy button to living them.

A transition phase has to take place when you go from chasing to living the dream.

When you honor your dream and quit moving fast… your mistakes are minimized, and the successes are magnified.

Remember, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Embrace the process and enjoy the ride.

5. It’s Your Dream

It’s your responsibility to make your dream happen, not only for your benefit but also for the world that is desperately waiting for the fruition of your dream to change their lives.

No one will ever be as passionate about your dream as you. Most have dreams of their own.

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

What’s your motive for chasing your dreams?

While there is no guarantee of success or when you might arrive, you will never know what living your dream feels like unless you put your shoes on and prepare to start chasing them.

If you don’t start a journey, you can’t finish one.

Start visualizing the end of the finish line and manifest the outcome!

What dream have you been inspired to start chasing for yourself?

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Tell us in the comment section!

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  1. JQ

    July 12, 2020 at 7:24 AM

    The reason why there are so many that shoot it down is due to several reasons; the big reasons being that chasing dreams takes a huge amount of effort, the risk of failure is high, likely repeated failures, often seemingly insurmountable challenges, and its just not a priority for them ( especially when there are kids, bills, family obligations etc). Going through all of this for what? success is not even guaranteed! There are those who have chased all their lives and not realised their dreams!! These are all the reasons why the detractors, and to a degree its fully understandable not to chase and be content and happy with what you have.
    Dream chasers are a rare breed…not for everyone, and even fewer will succeed.

  2. maher adeeb

    November 20, 2019 at 9:19 PM

    While there is no guarantee of success, or when you might arrive, you will never know what living your dream feels like unless you put your shoes on and get ready to start chasing them.
    If you don’t start a journey you can’t finish one. Start visualizing what the end of the finish line looks like and manifest the outcome! i like it instead of feel of failure ! if there is no guarntee why starting before ?! as an actress or what ? !

  3. Samz at ug

    September 27, 2019 at 5:48 AM

    Determination leads to success samz at ug.

  4. Celestian

    August 20, 2019 at 4:31 PM

    remember this one equation…….

    Passion – Action = REGRET

  5. Marie

    June 11, 2019 at 11:16 PM

    I like how you laid out the expectations to have when going for your dreams! We tend to forget that hard work actually pays off. I read one similar to this that talked a lot about just going for it and visualizing the dream on paper! What do you think about the vision journal idea here?

  6. Bill

    March 13, 2019 at 2:51 PM

    If you Google chasing your dreams there are a huge number of commentators trying to shoot this idea down- saying it is horrible advice. Just today a writer on Linkedin wrote on this topic. I wonder what motivates them to do this?

  7. Pao

    November 17, 2018 at 11:46 PM

    Give back to the world, give to the ones who needed most!

  8. Josh Steinberg

    October 28, 2018 at 4:30 PM

    Hey Michelle,
    I like step 1 the best: there will never be good timing. People just need to get out and act, rather than wait!
    Thanks for sharing this article.

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