25 Emma Chamberlain Quotes For Making It To The Top Of Your Field

Take a moment to check out our cool Emma Chamberlain quotes. 

Emma Chamberlain is an internet personality who has taken the world by storm. 

Check out our Emma Chamberlain quotes below to learn more. 

Who is Emma Chamberlain?

Emma Chamberlain is an American internet personality, model, and Youtuber. 

She was born on May 22, 2001, in San Bruno, California. 

Her father is an artist, and her mother is a flight coordinator. 

Check out these Emma Chamberlain facts below:

  • Emma won the 2018 Steamy Award for Breakout Creator. 
  • She launched her weekly podcast, Anything Goes, in 2019. 
  • In 2019, she was included on Time Magazine’s Time 100 Next List. 

What is Emma Chamberlain known for?

Emma Chamberlain is known for her podcasting, vlogging, and content creation. 

She won the award for Best Podcaster at the 12th Shorty Awards. 

Her success has resulted in larger platforms reaching out to her and more opportunities to grow her brand. 

She was chosen as an ambassador for Louis Vuitton in 2019. 

In 2002, she was picked up by Cartier as a brand ambassador. 

Many young people look to Chamberlain’s example as a blueprint for their dreams and aspirations as vloggers. 

Emma stopped school early and pursued vlogging with a passion. 

She admits it was a long road, and sometimes it was difficult. 

She once shared, “I wasn’t really big enough when I was filming at school for it to affect anyone too much, but I think my friends that were consistently in my videos during that time definitely got attention that they weren’t anticipating.”

What can we learn from Emma Chamberlain?

People see success and think it just appeared out of nowhere. 

Most successful people started at the bottom of their field. 

What starts as a dream builds on itself when we stay committed to a mission. 

Emma Chamberlain reminds young people that pursuing their dream and finding success is possible.

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You just have to remember to stay dedicated, even on the days when it may not seem worth it. 

To learn more, check out our awesome Emma Chamberlain quotes below. 

Short Emma Chamberlain quotes about personality and friends

Emma has a lot to say about her persona.

1. “I’m a very predictable person.” — Emma Chamberlain

2. “I’ve dealt with a lot of people with bad intentions.” — Emma Chamberlain 

3. “I didn’t have cable, so YouTube was my cartoons.” — Emma Chamberlain

4. “I ran out of any type of persona. I just had to be me.” — Emma Chamberlain

5. “I’m a mess. But that’s ok because that is what we signed up for.” — Emma Chamberlain

The top Emma Chamberlain quotes about content creation

Emma has made it to the top of her field as a content creator. 

6. “Honestly, I was posting videos just to have something to do.” — Emma Chamberlain

7. “For me personally, I just don’t have anything to prove anymore.” — Emma Chamberlain 

8. “It messed with my head a little bit when people started to imitate what I was doing.” — Emma Chamberlain

9. “But I always had an outgoing personality. That was the one thing that I was known for.” — Emma Chamberlain

​​10. ”I don’t like to say things that I wouldn’t want to say to someone’s face. Those are my morals for life.” — Emma Chamberlain 

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The best Emma Chamberlain quotes about family and success

Balancing family and success is not easy; these quotes remind us why. 

11. “Just because somebody has a following does not mean that they are a good person or a good friend.” — Emma Chamberlain

12. “When I was younger, I had a gut feeling that I was going to use my personality in some way, but I didn’t know how.” — Emma Chamberlain 

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13. “My family wasn’t shocked by my success, but I was. But they just knew I’d do something in entertainment.” — Emma Chamberlain

14. “If I was staying the same, then I wouldn’t be evolving and changing, and that would be boring, and that would be unhealthy.” — Emma Chamberlain

15. “I literally started from zero; I had zero subscribers. I remember my first subscriber – I was so excited, and then I looked, and it was my dad.” — Emma Chamberlain 

Famous Emma Chamberlain quotes about hard work and making it to the top

Emma has come a long way, and these quotes showcase her journey. 

16. “I had never seen anyone edit the way that I edit before I did it, and it’s just what felt right to me.” — Emma Chamberlain

17. “I’ve cried multiple times after posting a video. So much work goes into each video that I don’t know how I’m still alive.” — Emma Chamberlain

18. “There were times when we couldn’t even go to the movies, when I was a kid, because there wasn’t enough money.” — Emma Chamberlain

19. “I would hope that young girls could relate to me and see that the lives of people on the internet are not as perfect as they seem.” — Emma Chamberlain

20. “When something’s really significant, whether it’s good, bad, ugly, I like being able to look back at a moment in time that was high-emotion. Whenever I’m crying, I like, weirdly, to document it.” — Emma Chamberlain

Emma Chamberlain quotes and sayings about knowing yourself and being your best

Emma sheds light on what it takes for her to stay secure with herself. 

21. “I know exactly who I am. I know that I’m intelligent and acting dumb or acting like whatever. If that’s funny to me because I know it’s false, then so be it.” — Emma Chamberlain

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22. “It is so rewarding to have a community that I can interact with. Whether it’s meeting them in person or reading their comments, it’s all so surreal and humbling.” — Emma Chamberlain

23. “During the middle of sophomore year, my friends and I would get bored at lunch so that we would film videos on my computer webcam of us dancing in the gym to Christmas music.” — Emma Chamberlain

24. “Relationships with people in general, in no matter what capacity, are something that’s very emotional. They mean a lot to you. I think having eyes on that in a critical way can be really tough.” — Emma Chamberlain

25. “If somebody has a bad reputation on the internet or if they have a really good reputation on the internet, I don’t care. I want to meet said person and make up my mind for myself, and then go from there.” — Emma Chamberlain

Did Emma Chamberlain change the internet?

People have had impacts on the internet since its inception. 

However, regarding blogging and Youtube content creation, it is evident that Chamberlain has had a profound impact on the culture. 

If you watch her content, it becomes clear that she has influenced a generation. 

Many other Youtubers copy Chamberlain’s cadence, mannerisms, and how she talks. 

It must be interesting seeing people copy you in live time. 

There is literally an entire subgenre of videos on Youtube that mimic her style. 

Many other content creators copied her editing techniques as well. 

The Atlantic recently declared her “The most important Youtuber” working today. 

She notes, “The way I film and edit, it’s really fun.” 

She followed that statement: “I’m glad that other people have found inspiration in that and have taken that and done what they can with it.”

Do you have a favorite Emma Chamberlain quote?

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