12 Facts About Dreams That Will Change How You Sleep

These facts about dreams should give some clarity that might shift your perspective about the scenes you see during slumber.


We all do it, but there’s still some mystery surrounding what goes on after we drift into dreamland.

Check out these facts about dreams and let us know something new you learned in the comment section below.

You might learn something new about:

  • dream themes
  • things that are possible and those that are not
  • how dreams affect you and your life

Dream Fact #1. Most people can’t read in their dreams.

Try reading something if you’re unsure if you’re awake or dreaming.

Most people cannot read things when they’re dreaming.

Dream Fact #2. Infidelity is a common dream theme

Have you been worried that your significant other might be acting unfaithfully, but all you have to go on is a recurring dream where he or she is cheating?

Fear not.

There are actually several dream themes that may involve a romantic partner.

For example, you may be married to a current boyfriend or girlfriend or dating a friend.

In terms of the infidelity dream, though, it rarely means there’s cheating going on.

More frequently, it shows that you aren’t seeing eye to eye.

Dream Fact #3. Dreaming may help you learn

Harvard scientists discovered dreams could improve cognitive function.

When people dream, the brain re-organizes material it has recently learned, which could improve memory and performance upon waking.

Dream Fact #4. You could have over 100,000 dreams in your lifetime

Even if you can’t remember anything more than bits and pieces of a single dream upon getting out of bed, you may have had dozens of dreams in a night.

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People have about 100,000 dreams in their lifetime, ranging from about five minutes to an hour.

Just remember that you will always sleep better on a comfy mattress, according to the Sleeping Guide website.

Dream Fact #5. They’re more routine than they seem

After you wake up from a dream, your head may feel like it’s in a chaotic haze.

But it may surprise you that dreams happen sequentially every 90 minutes, each longer than the last.

Dream Fact #6. There’s a sacred object thought to protect you from nightmares

Bad dreams aren’t fun; that’s why the Native Americans took steps to protect people from having nightmares.

You’ve probably seen intricately woven, hoop-like objects called dream catchers but merely admired them for their delicate beauty.

In Native American culture, a dream catcher is a sacred nightmare preventative.

Dream Fact #7. We forget our dreams quickly

When people wake up from dreams during the REM phase of sleep, they’re more likely to recall their dreams.

However, 90 percent of dreams are often forgotten within 10 minutes of waking.

Dream Fact #8. Your career could affect how much you dream

If you work in the medical profession or otherwise have a career that requires frequent demanding shifts that change a lot, you may not dream as much as your peers.

That’s because, as mentioned previously, our dreams happen in cycles, and you must be asleep for consistent amounts of time before they occur.

Dream Fact #9. Pets appear to dream, too

Scientists have conducted studies that suggest animals enter dream states like humans.

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More specifically, it’s suspected they probably dream of activities they do while awake.

That’s why you might notice your dog sleeping and going through movements as if running after a stick, or you might have watched your cat slumbering and seeming to chase after a mouse.

Dream Fact #10. Dreams could inspire real inventions

A friend may have recommended you keep a dream journal so you’ll have a better record of what happened during your dreams.

If you consider Google came about after a vivid dream about creating a search engine, you may feel more motivated to scribble down whatever you can remember as soon as you wake.

After all, it is proven that a good night’s sleep can positively affect your memory, increase creativity, and sharpen your attention.

When you pair that with an interesting dream, who knows what you can do!

Now, don’t you feel more motivated to write down whatever you can remember as soon as you wake up?

Dream Fact #11. Blind people dream, too

Scientists have found blind people have dreams similar to people who can see.

However, their dreams are formed from more types of sensory input.

Although blind people can’t have visual experiences in dreams, they’re more likely to report dreams that involve smelling and tasting things.

It’s also very common for them to have dreams where they recall being touched.

Dream Fact #12. Anxiety is the most common emotion felt in dreams

You’re not alone if you’ve ever woken up from a dream and felt extremely on edge.

Researchers know people are more likely to experience anxiety within their dreams than any other emotion.

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Also, negative emotions while dreaming is more common than experiencing positive feelings.

Sleep well and have nice dreams

Although there’s still a lot to learn, these facts about dreams hopefully offer insight into that mysterious world.

After filing them away in your memory, you may decide to start actively altering how you sleep, hoping to dream more frequently or vividly.

Share some of your weirdest dreams in the comment section below.

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