25 Magical Merlin Quotes from the TV Series
If you’re a fan of English lore and fantasy, you’ll love these Merlin quotes.
Merlin is a fantasy-adventure TV series that is based on the popular English legend about Merlin and King Arthur.
This series is a reimagination of the traditional legend of young warlock Merlin who became the direct manservant of King Arthur in the Kingdom of Camelot.
Merlin soon discovers his potential as a warlock and learns the old ways of magic which he will use to serve and protect Prince Arthur.
The only problem is that the practice of magic is severely forbidden throughout the kingdom.
Merin will have to keep his secret while fulfilling his prophecy and saving the kingdom alongside King Arthur.
Enjoy these Merlin quotes!
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Memorable Magical Merlin Quotes
1. “There can be no place for magic in Camelot” — Merlin

2. “I warn you, I’ve been trained to kill since birth.” — Arthur

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3. “You’re threatening me with a spoon?” — Merlin

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4.“I cannot stay when there’s no longer a use for me.” — Gaius

5. “Well, I’m not a knight yet, my lady.” — Lancelot

6. “ Merlin, you’re like a son to me. I never expected such a blessing so late in life.” — Gaius

7. “ I don’t like the guy but that doesn’t mean he’s cheating.” — Arthur

8. “I am a sorcerer, I have magic… and I use it for you Arthur, only for you.” — Merlin

9. “I wouldn’t say I needed exactly saving. I’m sure I would have thought of something.” — Arthur

10. “The choice was mine. My punishment is mine to bear and mine to bear alone.” — Lancelot

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Merlin quotes from Merlin
11. “Search your heart. You know who he loves.” — Merlin

12. “I am a dragonlord, it is my sacred duty to protect the last of the dragons.” — Merlin

13. “The people believe in you Arthur, but it counts for nothing if you don’t believe in yourself” — Merlin

14. “I am a terrible liar. I start sweating, my vision blurs, my brain stops working.” — Merlin

15. “I knew you would discover my secret in the end, there is just no fooling you, my Lord.” — Merlin

16. “For once, I’m happy for someone else to take the credit. You were prepared to sacrifice your life to save me.” — Merlin

17. “My gifts mean nothing without you to guide me.” — Merlin

18. “You would think the appeal of pelting the same person with fruit would wear off after a while, but oh no.” — Merlin

19. “What, and lie to the king? No. No way. No, he’ll see right through me. He’ll have me in the stocks quicker than you can say ‘rotten tomatoes’.” — Merlin

20. “There is no evil in sorcery, only in the hearts of men. My request is that you remember this” — Merlin

Merlin quotes from Arthur
21. “Merlin should take some of the credit, turns out he’s not always entirely stupid.” — Arthur

22. If I lose her, I lose everything.” — Arthur

23. “If you do not doubt me, Guinevere, then I do not doubt myself.” — Arthur

24. “I want to say something I’ve never said to you before… Thank you.” — Arthur

25. “Merlin is my servant and has my absolute trust. You have a problem with him you come to me. Understand?” — Arthur

Which of these Merlin quotes is your favorite?
This series gave theatrical justice to an age-old legend that surrounded the English islands for centuries.
Mixed with fantasy and historical references, fans can enjoy the rich world of Merlin.
As the series dives deeper into its story and character building, you will find yourself loving the show even more.
The unlikely friendship between Merlin and King Arthur reflected how “first impressions last” are not always accurate.
Merlin and King Arthur were able to set aside their differences and personal status to unite together and fulfill their own destinies.
You can always share these Merlin quotes and sayings with someone who likes English lore and fantasy.