How to Optimize Your Emotions and Maximize your Productivity

Maximizing your productivity seems to be a common goal in today’s world.

I think no one would put up much of an argument at the concept that individuals who have the best control of their thoughts and emotions are more productive and successful than those who are not.

Therefore, learning to control our emotions and even build upon the most useful ones can only help us be the most successful version of ourselves.

In a professional environment, full control of our emotions is essential for everyday functioning, but can we take things to a new level to keep building upon our productivity and success?

The answer is yes!

What do our emotions and maximizing our productivity have to do with each other

First, we should start by identifying counter-productive emotions to our productivity.

These are emotions like:

  • worry
  • stress
  • anger
  • judgment
  • overwhelm
  • resentment

Emotions like these in the workplace are counter-productive and keep us from reaching our full potential.

They keep us in a negative mindset and cause us to lose focus on the task.

So, it is not just better; it is essential that we learn to control these emotions and keep them out of the workplace as much as possible.

Instead, we must shift our focus on emotions that enable us to achieve our full potential, be extremely productive, and achieve our goals.

Emotions that are of this nature are being positive, solution-focused, problem-solving, inquisitive, attentive, and belief in our capabilities.

If we can tap into these instead, our potential and productivity will increase.

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So what might it look like to work these emotions and qualities into our workday?

Here are some suggestions for how you can use them and why they are so important to our level of productivity.

Have a look and see how different your productivity level and workday can be!

1. Being Positive

Being positive can be contagious.

While you may have the occasional crabby person who does not appreciate your exuberance, most people will feed off of your positive attitude, making them want to be positive as well.

What is most important is that you be positive, and if you do, others will often follow.

Next thing you know, you have a team that believes in its mission and works together.

2. Being Solution-Focused

Nothing is worse than someone who points out all the problems but provides no solutions.

However, if you identify the problem and come prepared with solutions to it, you will be a hero or at least appreciated.

Not only that but having a plan will help you be more productive.

3. Being a Problem-solver

Going along with being solution-focused is being positive.

This is when you are the type of person who does not get stuck on a problem but brainstorms and tries various ways to solve it instead of complaining about it.

People appreciate someone who go about things from this frame of mind vs. someone who seems to be all doom and gloom and only points out everything that is wrong and impossible.

4. Being inquisitive

This is a great quality to possess if you want to increase productivity.

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I always tell my patients and students that there are no stupid questions.

If you are thinking about it, it is likely that others are too but are simply not asking.

Being inquisitive starts a dialogue, seeks answers, and helps you find solutions.

If you ask the right question, it may shock you at all the eureka moments you have.

Along with how things can come together for you.

5. Being attentive helps maximize productivity

There is truth to the saying that it is all in the details.

Learn to appreciate them and notice the difference the small details make.

I always tell people to break large goals down into small and manageable tasks.

This becomes about the details.

Asking yourself, “What can I do today, this week, or this month,” gets you closer to your goal.

By looking at things from this frame of mind, goals are suddenly not so overwhelming, and things seem much more manageable.

When we work on and focus on these smaller tasks, we have a huge sense of accomplishment and make more forward momentum toward our goals.

6. Believing in our capabilities

Belief is an important positive emotion that will help maximize your productivity.

Belief in ourselves may be the most important sense we can have.

If we believe in our ability to achieve our goals, we are more likely to succeed.

We have to believe in ourselves if we expect others to.

Also, belief in ourselves and the ability for a project that we lead to be successful can be contagious to the rest of the team.

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If they see we believe it, they will start to as well.

Are you ready to maximize your productivity?

Which tips can you see helping you be more productive?

Do you have any others to share with us?

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