10 Daily Self Improvement Exercises In Less Than 10 Minutes

10 Daily Self Improvement Exercises That Will Take You Less Than 10 Minutes

10 self-improvement exercises that can be completed at any time throughout your day.

How often do you find time to work on yourself?

Is working on yourself part of your daily routine?

How would your life be different if you made small improvements every single day?

In this post we will give examples of routines and habits that support your life and your work.

Many experts believe that small exercises for about 10 minutes of dedicated, focused time can make massive changes over time.

Here is a short, simple and powerful list of 10 Daily Self-Improvement Exercises That Will Take You Less Than 10 Minutes.

10 Daily Self Improvement Exercises

Learn Something New

Whether you want to grow as a person or in business, it is critical that you take the time to learn every day.

A mentor of mine always told me, “To double your earning, you need to double your learning.”

Learning satisfies our curiosity, keeps our minds sharp and pushes our creativity forward.


Motion creates emotion.

Dedicate 5-7 minutes a day to high-intensity fat burning workouts.

It could be 3, 2-minute rounds of planks, or 3, 2-minute rounds of jumping jacks.

Or, it could be 5 straight minutes of burpees.

Or even 3, 2-minute rounds of kicking.

**Look up Tabata exercises!

Whatever excites you!

5-7 minutes.

Go for it!

30 Second Summary

What if after every meaningful conversation or experience you spent 30 seconds highlighting the most important ideas?

Whether you just watched a compelling movie, had a passionate conversation, learned something new from a book or blog post – use 30 seconds to write down some big and powerful ideas and insights to hold on to.

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All basic, essential to life – that many times we lose track of.

Make time to stop pursuing things and just be present.

You are exactly where you need to be.

Go For a Walk

Connect with nature, clear your head and relieve stress.

It doesn’t need to be a 3-mile hike, a short daily walk will do.

The goal is to get moving.


Feed your mind with something creative, inspirational and thought provoking.

Exercise your mental muscles, vocabulary, and imagination with a good book, poem or blog.

Even just one chapter will make a huge difference.

Reach out to Family and Friends

A huge part of life is relationships.

Even if it’s a short email or a social media message, it will feel great to send love to people who love you.

Do Something You Love

Being passionate and interested about life are 2 huge factors for overall happiness and fulfillment.

Make what you love a part of your day and not something you hope to get to.

Watch TED

TED has an outstanding reputation for a reason.

Watch a TED talk on any topic you desire and watch your mind sing and your heart melt!

Get Organized

Now, this doesn’t mean clean the whole house or apartment.

But maybe your bedroom or workspace.

Find a place for things.

Big things in big spaces, small things in small spaces.

Get rid of the clutter.

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  1. Shaddr

    June 10, 2022 at 1:44 PM

    Empowered message everyone needs to hear

    • Danielle Dahl, Lead Contributor

      June 13, 2022 at 1:13 PM

      Thanks so much! Glad to hear these inspired you and we hope you enjoy the other content on the site as well.

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