Empower Yourself Against Narcissistic Manipulation

The signs of narcissistic abuse are something everyone needs to know.

Keep reading so you can inform yourself about the dangers of narcissistic abuse so you can prevent it from happening to you.

No doubt you’ve heard about narcissism or Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

It is considered a long-standing personality pattern, difficult to change—mostly because persons with those traits don’t believe they have a problem.

The most obvious signs of the disorder include a grandiose sense of self-importance, difficulty empathizing with others, a high need for flattery, jealousy, and a sense of entitlement.

But how do those qualities translate into abuse?

What toxic relationship dynamics show up with a narcissist that may not show up when one’s partner is not narcissistic but simply insecure or likes to be the center of attention?

Are you in a relationship with a narcissist?

Are you a victim of a narcissistic partner?

Watch out for these signs before it’s too late.

Here are some signs of narcissistic abuse:

1. A narcissist tries to shrink your world.

Narcissists are jealous and possessive.

They need to control your life.

Do you enjoy visiting your parents or siblings or just chatting with them on the phone?

Are you a social butterfly who enjoys hanging out with friends?

Do you have a gym membership?

Narcissists will accuse you of ignoring them or your children.

They will say you are putting others (or yourself) ahead of them and that your priorities are wrong.

To avoid an argument, you may automatically turn down invitations from others or speak to friends at limited (even secretive) times.

You will limit your hobbies.

Soon your world shrinks.

Then when you decide to go out with friends for a special occasion, it will be taken as proof of your lack of regard for your partner.

You are left with two choices: to defend your rights and get into arguments or limit your involvement with others.

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A lose-lose.

By the way, when you cancel your plans with friends to prove to your partner he/she is always your priority, don’t expect him/her to shower you with attention all evening.

He/She will likely ignore you.

If you complain about being ignored after you gave up a night out, that brings us to the second point of narcissistic abuse.

2. A narcissist never accepts blame.

It is always someone else’s (your) fault.

The rule is simple: if you do something they dislike, you are to blame; if they do something you dislike, you are to blame for making them do it.

Narcissists always have excuses for their bad behavior, whereas your bad behavior is inexcusable.

Narcissists often won’t even admit that their hurtful or manipulative behavior is wrong.

You will be accused of being too sensitive or you take things too personally.

But in fact, narcissists take every slight, however small, personally.

This brings us to the third point of narcissistic abuse.

3. Narcissists project all of their unfavorable qualities onto others.

They are not controlling, but you are controlling.

You are selfish and demanding, not them.

They will accuse you of lying or being secretive when they keep you in the dark about many things.

Sadly, when one is in a relationship with narcissistic abuse, the weary partner often will go behind the narcissist’s back to do something they have a right to do (spend their money, visit a friend, and so forth)—just to avoid an argument.

But when that secrecy is discovered, the narcissist has more “proof” that the partner cannot be trusted, resulting in even greater efforts to control their partner.

The bottom line is you can’t win with a narcissist.

This brings us to point number four.

4. Narcissists use double standards and create rules to suit their needs.

You can’t easily win an argument with a narcissist because they will not admit they are wrong.

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So, when you accuse them of having double standards, they will always have an excuse or find a way to make you feel stupid.

Their strong sense of entitlement means that rules don’t apply to them.

But since they must exercise control over you, the rules must always apply.

If you catch them red-handed doing something you would never be allowed to do, they will still make you the focus of their contempt.

There are many ways they do this.

They may admit what they are doing but often accuse you of doing it.

They may say you have no right to accuse them of anything, given all they have to put up with in your relationship.

Or, they may accuse you of being unforgiving or intolerant.

They will accuse you of holding grudges if you bring up the incident later.

The rules will change at a moment’s notice to make it more confusing.

Thus, you will be guilty as charged whenever it works to their advantage to make you wrong.

You then start losing perspective on who is right and wrong, bringing us to the next point.

5. You think you are going crazy.

Narcissists want to keep you off-balance.

They want you to doubt yourself, not them.

They want you to doubt your perceptions and feelings.

This is one reason victims remain in an abusive relationship.

They begin to believe they are seriously flawed, that others may not want them, and that the abuser is right to find fault.

Keep in mind that narcissists rarely end up with other narcissists.

Instead, they find people willing to look inward at their flaws rather than blame others, try hard to be extra-fair and cooperative, and are willing to give more than they get.

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It is such people they can manipulate more readily.

When the relationship leads to children or owning property together, leaving that relationship becomes even more difficult for the abused one.

This brings up to point number six:

6. If you reject a narcissist, they will seek revenge.

In psychology, it is called “narcissistic injury”: when a narcissist feels hurt, challenged, wronged, or made to look stupid.

That is unacceptable to a person with a grandiose sense of importance.

They must get even or have the final word.

On a mild level, it can be angry texts or condemning you to others.

(It is true that when a narcissist can no longer control you, he will try to control what others think of you.)

In more serious cases, a narcissist may try to use the children as pawns against you or punish you financially.

The narcissist may contact you even a year after a relationship breakup.

This brings us to the final point of narcissistic abuse.

7. A narcissist will reject you just to pull you back in and then reject you again.

In one example, a narcissist ended a relationship with a woman.

He told her he never wanted to hear from her again.

A few days later, she received a text from him.

He just wanted to say hello and hoped she was doing fine.

She took it as a sign they might reunite.

They agreed to meet for dinner and ended up spending the night together.

The next day, he was cold, rejected, and humiliated her for even thinking he might want her back.

There are degrees of narcissistic abuse. It may be a bit easier to put up with in milder forms.

But it is always a challenge.

The best advice is to be wary of being in a narcissistic relationship.

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  1. Kevin Cushing

    June 4, 2021 at 5:57 PM

    Sounds like Trump

  2. Trapped

    March 20, 2021 at 4:13 PM

    Wow. Just wow. This article is accurate to the last letter.

    So what do you do when you are married to an abusive narcissist? You recommend avoiding relationships with them, but what if you married her?

    Is divorce the only option?

  3. Stig Riesto

    December 22, 2019 at 4:39 PM


  4. Chinyere

    October 31, 2019 at 2:20 PM

    Hmm. How true! Point for point. Every single word is so true. I have four children, financially unstable and afraid to go because of low self-esteem. So how do I deal with that. I am Nigerian and, in this part of the world, we practice PATRIARCHY. It’s not like it is in the USA. If I had the funds, things would be so much easier for me. It’s worse now that I have very limited income.

  5. Rhitah

    July 31, 2019 at 3:25 PM

    I have bin in such kind of relationship but it’s bin hard explaining it to anyone ..reading this has helped me learn how to deal with it ..

  6. Zoli

    June 11, 2019 at 9:26 PM

    You’re justifying lying which is always manipulative. If you don’t need anything from the person you have no need to lie.

  7. Dazednconfused

    May 5, 2019 at 10:55 PM

    I thought i was the crazy one..talk about issues..long going.. Knowing self worth will help ke move forward..to the point. Omg.. Glad im out..before i was dead.

  8. Alaina Ordaz

    May 4, 2019 at 5:40 PM

    All i can say is i now know exactly what i have been going through in my relationship with my boyfriend going on 6 years july 24th of this year. Everything i have read on this topic truly to the best of my acknowledgement describes everything I am going through, this honestly makes me very sad.

  9. Nadine Rogers

    April 15, 2019 at 3:42 AM

    It saddens me to think people are actually like this I almost thought I was one but I’m always wrong and I will admit it.i guess that’s how easy it is to be one just be who we are. people

  10. Steven J Jarvis

    January 5, 2019 at 8:22 AM

    Everything you have said in this is absolutely true,down to every last word.
    Im so glad you were able to put this into words,it makes me want to read it over and over again.

    • Stig Riesto

      December 22, 2019 at 4:41 PM

      Except constantly referring to the narcissist as “he”.. Half of them are females

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