Why You Should Avoid Anything That Is Too Easy

Today, too many people choose the easiest roads (or simple work), the paths with the least challenges and difficulties.

Some will always use cheat codes and the easy mode on video games.

Others try to find that one life hack that will help them bypass all the others in their quest for supremacy in their field.

Others will attempt diets using starvation and pills.

“We choose to go to the Moon! We choose to go to the Moon in this decade and do the other things not because they are easy, but because they are hard; because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one we intend to win …”John F. Kennedy

While these shortcuts may have temporary success, what is the long-term impact?

Those who use cheat codes do well at home but never improve at the game.

Those that bypass the work and effort in their rise to the top are often looked down upon and are given little respect.

Shortcut diets may get you into that dress before your sister’s wedding but may cause long-term health issues, addiction, and later weight gain.

While it will take some doing to convince you to avoid simple work, we need to become people looking long term and willing to do things the hard way.

Why You Should Avoid Doing Easy, Simple Work or Tasks

1. You should avoid simple work to test your mettle.

simple work

What are you made of?

If you never take the chance at that seemingly unreachable peak, how will you know if you can make it?

Anyone can do simple work.

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So, you have little to look at within yourself when you do them.

Life is made up of small, easy things.

We can survive easily enough just by going through the motions of life.

When I do that, I wonder though what I could have done if I had just pushed a little harder.

I examine my character and wonder what life could have been like if I did NOT simply phone in my work.

Character is built on sweat, fear, and grit.

The more you test your character, the stronger you will be.

The more likely that you will have the confidence to face any – and all – challenges.

Do the hard things so that you know what you are made of.

2. You should avoid the easy so that you can build muscles.

simple work

This is common knowledge among athletes.

You must increase the weights or the reps if you want to get stronger.

Doing the same tired exercises repeatedly might enable you to maintain what you have, but it will not allow you to grow.

What is true in fitness is true in all areas of our lives.

We must face hard things because that is how we learn to overcome the problems of our modern world.

Build your character muscles and overcome the temptation to steal, lie, or cheat.

By building your social muscles, you will have lasting relationships through any storm.

Building your mental muscles means you will have the knowledge and wisdom to think your way out of intense problems.

Build your grit muscles, and you will endure when others fall.

The only way to build is to keep adding weight and challenge.

Do hard things and avoid simple work to have more muscle in your life.

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3. You should avoid simple work to have a story to tell.

simple work

John Maxwell, in an interview, once told the story about this mountain tour company that had built a lodge about halfway up the mountain.

Many would-be adventurers would sign up for the full package with dreams of seeing the incredible views from the summit.

They would endure and overcome day one of the adventure, ending the day at the lodge.

Interestingly for the company, after a night in the lodge’s comfort, most were unwilling to go on to the summit.

They chose comfort for 24 hours and then hiked back down the mountain.

When they went home, though, they had less of a story to tell and were often heartbroken.

Those who got to the summit had a story to tell others about when they got home.

My best camping trips included disasters and difficulties that have become the stuff of legend in our family.

We will laugh at difficult times when we look back on them.

Pain is temporary – but the stories live forever.

Avoid simple work or tasks so that you have a story to tell.

4. You should avoid simple work because legacy is built on accomplishing the impossible.

simple work

The mind of man has made multiple lists of what is impossible.

Experts have boldly proclaimed that computers would have a limited impact on our world, that man would never fly, and that the 4-minute mile would never be broken.

But we know they were wrong.

Impossible is just an excuse to settle for less.

Where are your targets?

Are you settling for what has been done already?

Yes, you might fail in your attempt at greatness.

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Throughout history, countless soldiers fought in wars – but those that did the impossible earned the Medal of Honor.

Who remembers those who never attempted to do great things?


Someday, you will be food for worms.

What will people say about you? 

Will they even remember you? 

When you do something impossibly hard, you will establish a legacy.

As a child, I was told that the struggle of the butterfly breaking from its cocoon enables it to fly.

I so wanted to help that butterfly break free from its prison.

If I had done that, the butterfly might have been beautiful but would never have had the life that it was meant to live.

Avoid simple work. Seek the difficult and fly.

Hopefully, this article inspires you to get out there and choose the path with more resistance.

This is where we learn and grow.

The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”Teddy Roosevelt

Tell us about a time you did something that seemed impossible, leading to greatness or a valuable lesson.

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  1. theurgy

    November 30, 2022 at 7:57 AM

    this was the worst advice I’ve ever read online. you should be taken down.

    • Danielle Dahl, Lead Contributor

      November 30, 2022 at 11:12 AM

      We are sorry you feel that way. Which parts did you disagree with?

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