20 Aslan Quotes From The Epic Fantasy Chronicles of Narnia

Check out these Aslan quotes to inspire you to be a great leader!

Aslan is a fictional character in the epic fantasy series The Chronicles of Narniawritten by C.S. Lewis.

The seven novels were published from 1950-1956.

Aslan was a major character in each of them and the only character to appear in all seven books.

Aslan is a talking lion described as the son of the Emperor Over the Sea, the King of Beast, and the King above all High Kings in Narnia.

When referring to Aslan, the word lion is capitalized as a parallel to Jesus.

The latter is known as “The Lion of Judah” in Christian Theology.

As the King of kings, Aslan is imperative to each of the seven books, often coming to the rescue of those in need.

Enjoy these Aslan quotes that will bring some inspiration to your day!

Aslan Quotes From Multiple Novels

Enjoy these Aslan Quotes from more than one of The Chronicles of Narnia.

1. “You would not have called to me unless I had been calling to you.” – Aslan

2. “All get what they want; they do not always like it.” – Aslan

3. “Courage, dear heart.” – Aslan

4. “You doubt your value. Don’t run from who you are.” – Aslan

5. “Well done, last of the Kings of Narnia, who stood firm at the darkest hour.” – Aslan

6. “Evil will come of that evil, but it is still a long way off, and I will see to it that the worst falls upon myself.” – Aslan

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7. “I tell no one any story but his own.” – Aslan

8. “To know what would have happened, child? … No. Nobody is ever told that.” – Aslan

9. “Let us take such order that for many hundred years yet this shall be a merry land in a merry world.” – Aslan

10. “Now you are a lioness, said Aslan. And now all Narnia will be renewed.” – Aslan

Aslan Quotes From ‘The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe’

Enjoy these quotes from The Lion, the Witch, and The Wardrobe.

11. “And to the clear northern sky, I give you King Peter the Magnificent.” – Aslan

12. “Once a king or queen of Narnia, always a king or queen of Narnia. May your wisdom grace us until the stars rain down from the heavens.” – Aslan

13. “All shall be done, but it may be harder than you think.” – Aslan

14. “She has renounced her claim on the Son of Adam’s blood.” – Aslan

15. “Do not cite the Deep Magic to me Witch. I was there when it was written.” – Aslan

16. “If the Witch knew the true meaning of sacrifice, she might have interpreted the deep magic differently.” – Aslan

17. “Enough. I shall talk with you alone.” – Aslan

18. “It is finished.” – Aslan

19. “The Witch knew the Deep Magic, there is a magic deeper still which she did not know …” – Aslan

20. “Peter, clean your sword.” – Aslan

Aslan is a True Leader

Aslan is a true leader that puts others before himself and comes to their aid in times of need.

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Please share these Aslan quotes and lines with your friends and family to inspire them to enjoy The Chronicles of Narnia.

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