20 East of Eden Quotes From the Classic Movie

Check out these East of Eden quotes from the classic movie.

East of Eden is a movie released in 1955, loosely based on the final part of John Steinbeck’s 1952 novel of the same name.

The movie is a period drama movie and was directed by Elia Kazan and stars James Dean, Julie Harris, and Ramond Massey.

The movie is set during World War I in 1917 and is loosely similar to the biblical story of Cain and Abel.

The movie follows young adult brothers Cal and Aron, whose father, Adam, is a deeply religious man and whose mother is supposedly dead.

While Aron is dutiful and responsible, Cal is moody and embittered and feels that his father favors Aron.

Cal finds out that their mother is alive but operates a brothel.

Cal goes to her for a loan to make money to help his father and win his affection.

Enjoy these East of Eden quotes from the classic movie.

Impactful East of Eden Quotes

Check out these impactful quotes from the movie!

1. “Nobody wants to be alone.” – Abra

2. “Man has a choice, and it’s a choice that makes him a man.” – Cal Trask

3. “Your father still thinks he’s living in the Bible, huh?” – Kate

4. “How come you ran away from all of us? How come you shot him?” – Cal Trask

5. “None of your business. I shot him because he tried to stop me.” – Kate

6. “Mr. Trask, it’s awful not to be loved. It’s the worst thing in the world.” – Abra

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7. “You’re here, aren’t you? You’re the one he wants!” – Cal Trask

8. “It’s gonna work because it’s got to work, and it’s got to work because I said so!” – Cal Trask

9. “You never gave him your love. You never asked for his.” – Abra

10. “He wanted to own me. He wanted to bring me up like a snot-nosed kid and tell me what to do.” – Kate

Memorable East of Eden Quotes

Enjoy these East of Eden quotes that you will remember from the movie!

11. “If you want to give me a present, give me a good life. That’s something I can value.” – Adam Trask

12. “I got the toughest house on the coast and the finest clientele. Half the stinking city hall go here.” – Kate

13. “I know love is good, the way Aron says, but… it’s more than that; it’s got to be! I shouldn’t talk to you this way, Cal, I shouldn’t, but I don’t know who else to talk to.” – Abra

14. “The way I figure it out, Aron never having had a mother, he’s made her everything good that he can think of, and that’s what he thinks I am. That’s who he’s in love with.” – Abra

15. “And I suggest a little slower, Cal. And you don’t have to read the verse numbers.” – Adam Trask

16. “Oh, he thought he had me all tied up with his purity. Now I give you $5000 of the money I made to save his purity.” – Kate

17. “Son, I’d be happy if you’d give me something like your brother’s given me. Something honest and human and good.” – Adam Trask

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18. “Aron’s the good one. I guess there’s just a certain amount of good and bad you get from your parents, and I just got the bad.” – Cal Trask

19. “But you must give him some sign, Mr. Trask, some sign that you love him… or he’ll never be a man. All his life, he’ll feel guilty and alone unless you release him.” – Abra

20. “Tonight, I even tried to buy your love, but now I don’t want it anymore… I can’t use it anymore. I don’t want any kind of love anymore.” – Cal Trask

Does Cal earn his father’s affection?

Unfortunately, even though Cal earns the money, Adam refuses, which leads to Cal exposing who and where their mother is.

This revelation drives Aron out of control, and he leaves to join the army, which leads to Adam having a stroke.

Aron’s ex-fiancee and Cal’s new girlfriend, Abra, plead for Adam to show Cal affection, and with no one left to take care of Adam, he and Cal begin to heal their relationship.

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