25 Emmet Fox Quotes From the “New Thought” Spiritual Leader

These Emmet Fox quotes will help you learn more about the popular spiritual leader from the Great Depression.

Emmet Fox was born in Cobh, Ireland, in 1886 and died in Paris, France, in 1951 at the age of 65.

Fox is best known for being a “New Thought” spiritual leader during the early part of the 20th century.

In his teens, he started studying “New Thought,” which is a mind-healing movement that, among other views, feels that humans can live in one with God in the areas of love, truth, health, and peace.

Fox quickly met Thomas Troward, a New Thought writer, and after attending New Thought meetings, he gave his first talk about New Thought in London in 1928.

Take a look at these Emmet Fox quotes to learn more about the New Thought leader.

The Best Emmet Fox Quotes

Which of these best Emmet Fox quotes are your favorite?

1. “What you think upon grows.” — Emmet Fox

2. “God is bigger than any problem.” — Emmet Fox

3. “Do it trembling if you must, but do it!” — Emmet Fox

4. “God is life. I understand that and express it.” — Emmet Fox

5. “To be afraid is to have more faith in evil than in God.” — Emmet Fox

6. “You can never solve a problem on the same level as the problem.” — Emmet Fox

7. “Recognize success with thanksgiving and build more success on that.” — Emmet Fox

8. “Realizing God as Truth will save you hours of work in research in any field.” — Emmet Fox

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9. “Look where you are going because you will inevitably go where you are looking.” — Emmet Fox

10. “If you are looking to outer, passing, mutable things for either happiness or security, you are not putting God first.” — Emmet Fox

Inspiring Emmet Fox Quotes

Check out these inspiring Emmet Fox quotes.

11. “A sufficient realization of love will dissolve it all.” — Emmet Fox

12. “You must get rid of all sense of resentment and hostility.” — Emmet Fox

13. “Don’t Worry. What will this thing matter in twenty years’ time?” — Emmet Fox

14. “A smile costs nothing in money, time, or effort, but it is literally true that it can be of supreme importance in one’s life.” — Emmet Fox

15. “Love is God and is therefore absolutely all-powerful. This is the scientific application of Love, against which nothing evil can stand.” — Emmet Fox

16. “It is not possible that you could ever find yourself anywhere where God was not fully present, fully active, able and willing to set you free.” — Emmet Fox

17. “To become proficient in any field, you must practice. There is simply no achievement without practice, and the more practice, provided it is done intelligently, the greater will the proficiency be and the sooner will it be attained.” — Emmet Fox

More Emmet Fox Quotes

Here are some more Emmet Fox quotes.

18. “When you resist a difficulty, you antagonize it, and it bites back.” — Emmet Fox

19. “When you are in difficulties, look upon the overcoming of them as a great adventure.” — Emmet Fox

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20. “Stop thinking about your difficulties, whatever they are, and start thinking about God instead.” — Emmet Fox

21. “If you want to dismiss a negative thought, the only way to do so is to think of something positive and constructive.” — Emmet Fox

22. “Most people who have a problem concentrate on the problem. They take it to bed with them and stay awake all night thinking it over.” — Emmet Fox

23. “There is no difficulty that enough love will not conquer: no disease that love will not heal: no door that enough love will not open… “— Emmet Fox

24. “A dynamic person is one who really makes a difference in the world; who does something that changes things or other people. The magnitude of the work done may not be great, but the world is different because that person has lived and worked.” — Emmet Fox

25. “Here’s an experiment: For one whole day, think, speak, and act exactly as you would if you were absolutely convinced of the truth of the statements that God has all power and infinite intelligence and that His nature is infinite goodness and love.” — Emmet Fox

When Did Fox Start Making Himself Known in the United States?

In 1931, Fox moved to the United States and was soon selected to succeed James Murray as New York’s Divine Science Church of the Healing Christ’s minister.

His popularity grew, and during the Great Depression, he often spoke in front of crowds of up to 5,500 people.

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  1. Bill C.

    August 2, 2023 at 3:42 PM

    Emmett Fox was responsible for the advent of AA’s spiritual suggestions for recovery.

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