21 Funny Holiday Tweets of 2021

Take a moment from the bustle and stress of the season and enjoy the humor found in these funny holiday tweets!

We could all use a little more laughter as we usher out the end of 2021 and get ready to welcome in the new year.

These funny holiday tweets about family might make you appreciate yours more.

Or they might remind you that you are not alone in the crazy family department!

Either way, they make you giggle as you get ready to tackle whatever family time during the holidays means to you.

It wouldn’t feel like the holidays without some Christmas music!

These holiday tweets about Christmas carols will have you laughing out loud, for sure.

Put that holiday music channel on and enjoy.

Unless you work retail… then I am sorry you have been listening to Christmas music since Halloween!

Speaking of retail, how is that Christmas shopping coming?

These holiday tweets are hilarious whether you are the person who has been done since November, or the one out there on the 23rd just starting!

As a parent, there are holiday tweets in nearly every category that can relate to what it is like being a parent during the holidays.

However, there are just so many funny situations that it also needed its own group!

Don’t forget to also check out these funny Christmas quotes to lighten up your holidays.

Funny Holiday tweets about family

This one made me feel attacked! I mean, it isn’t my fault that I am the only perfectionist in the group.

I don’t understand how the rest of my family thinks we can throw the ornaments on all willy-nilly…

“Any tree can be a Christmas tree if you yell at your family around it.”— Snorklhuahua (@weinerdog4life)

Are you wearing an Ugly Christmas Sweater right now?

If you answered yes, then ask yourself if you are going to an Ugly Christmas Sweater Party.

If the answer is no, then go change!

Or heck, wear it with pride… just know someone in your family might tweet about you.

“My mom has been attending her own personal Ugly Christmas Sweater Party every holiday season since ’88.”— Amber (@amburgklur)

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Feeling the stress of your finances right now?

I think we all are!

This tweet made me laugh because it is just so true.

What do your Christmas cards look like this year?

I didn’t send any!

“I can tell by your family Christmas card that we are not in the same tax bracket.”— Jessie (@mommajessiec)

Christmas juice! I am dead.

That’s one way to pick a favorite family member, I guess!

Twenty years ago, my mom told my boyfriend of a few months to bring wine to Thanksgiving.

He came with a normal-sized bottle, and my mom told him next time to bring the big one.

He’s my husband now, and he still laughs at this memory.

One of my 4 nephews just brought me wine and said, “Here’s your Christmas juice,” and now he’s the one I’m leaving everything to.— Kendra Alvey 👻 (@Kendragarden)

This feels like the plotline for every popular holiday movie out there right now!

Can you relate?

I love being home for Christmas where I receive a year’s worth of complaints in one day and am rewarded with a pair of slippers— Brittani Nichols (@BisHilarious)

Funny holiday tweets about classic Christmas songs

I think I could handle the birds for 5 pieces of jewelry.

Or maybe not.

I am actually not a fan of birds.

And I definitely do not want all those drummers banging on things all day!

The twelve days of Christmas is completely unrealistic there is no way that you’re still accepting gifts from someone after four days of birds— m@thew (@TweetPotato314)

What a funny pun on condiments! Seriously though, “May your days be merry and bright, and may all your Christmases be white!”

Me: [covered in ketchup] Santa Sauce is coming to town
Wife: Stop
M: Happy Hollandaise
W: I’m leaving
M: …and mayo your Christmases be white— Sean Leahy (@thepunningman)

The holidays can be hard on our mental health, so do what you need to stay well.

Anyone with social anxiety will appreciate this!

My favorite Christmas carol is the one where they blame the weather for their social anxiety and just stay home.— maura quint (@behindyourback)

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If you are alone this holiday season, try and keep your chin up.

If you need to download all the different versions of a Christmas carol, then you go right ahead.

It’s not the holidays until you’ve downloaded 8 versions of “have yourself a merry little Christmas” and cried to all of them alone in your apartment— Alexandra Daddario (@AADaddario)

I never looked at this song that way.

But the “moon is right” and “the spirits up” so I guess it’s not that far of a stretch!

Paul McCartney’s “Wonderful Christmastime” is about friends practicing witchcraft but then someone walks in and they have to suddenly play it cool — Ryan George (@theryangeorge)

Funny Holiday tweets about Christmas shopping

Hahahaha, as a parent this one cracks me up! I have been telling my children I wasn’t buying them anything this month; that they could wait for Christmas.

Yet, the requests keep coming!

According to my kids’ Christmas lists, they think this parenting gig pays pretty well.Sarcastic Mommy (@sarcasticmommy4)

My sister said the other day that the good thing about the kids being too old to believe in Santa meant Christmas could be whatever day the Amazon packages got here.

Where would be without Amazon Prime?

Sorry kids but Santa said you can only ask for toys that are Amazon Prime eligible.— mark (@TheCatWhisprer)

This person is probably a parent, too! I tell you the Christmas shopping is never-ending.

I’ve been done Xmas shopping 15 times this year.— Jen (@TheNextMartha)

Every year, it’s the tape that gets me! Once, again I feel attacked!

So, consider this your PSA… don’t forget the tape!

Hey stores if you could just put all the scotch tape right by the registers after 8 pm Christmas Eve that’d be great. Sincerely, parents— The 21st Century SAHM (@21stcenturysahm)

Sigh… I had a brilliant idea to get my child (a high school senior) gift cards for all the places she goes out to lunch on schooldays.

I was even extra nice and got her gift cards for her coffees.

What’s on her list?

A new pair of Dr. Martens, clothes, and ‘random cute things.’

What does that even mean?!?!

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Have kids so you can be done with your Christmas shopping & they can hand you their “updated” list which includes nothing you bought.— Sarcastic Mommy (@sarcasticmommy4)

Funny Holiday tweets about parenting

Seriously, stop coming at me! However, I am glad I am not the only crazy person out there that micromanages the ornament placement on the tree…

*takes picture of son putting ornament on the tree*
Okay, now give that back to mommy and don’t touch another one, okay?— Mommy Cusses (@mommy_cusses)

We have clearly established I am not chill…

You think you’re a chill mom until your kids cluster all the good ornaments on the same side of the tree.— Not the Santa (@not_thenanny)

OMG! That’s a new one for me… but I have some friends whose kids I could see doing this! Go get it, girl!

My 7YO gave me her Christmas list, and even though I know she’s a little power-hungry, I was still surprised to see “a universe” on it.— Not the Santa (@not_thenanny)

Just wait…

I love that my kids are still too dumb, I mean young, to realize their wrapped gifts are right inside their own bedroom closet.— redyellowgreendance 💃🏻 (@RYGdance)

I have no words… just laughter.

My toddler met her elf for the first time tonight.

First she hit it with a hammer, then she kissed it.

Happy Holidays— snarkandlemons (@snarkandlemons)

Sometimes I am sad my kids are so big now… and then other times I am so grateful!

Can we all agree to tell our kids that sometimes the elves get sick and Santa has to give little children money instead of wrapped gifts? Thank you from overwhelmed parents everywhere.— Lessons from the Minivan (@FromMinivan) December 22, 2019

Happy Holidays!

The holidays are happening whether we are ready or not.

Laughter is much better than stress, so hopefully, these made you chuckle.

Or at least recognize that the stupid tree doesn’t have to look perfect… And the tape!

Don’t forget the tape.

The Everydaypower team wishes you a joyous holiday season filled with laughter and love!

Share any other funny holiday tweets you think someone else needs to see in the comment section below!

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