25 JM Storm Quotes For Poetry Lovers

Feel the vibes and release your inner poet with our JM Storm quotes. 

Jonathan Muncy Storm, better known as JM Storm, has taken the world by storm with his beautiful poetry and expressive prose. 

Find out what keeps this poet inspired with our JM Storm quotes. 

Who is JM Storm?

JM Storm is Jonathan Muncy Storm. 

He is known as the writer who helps you articulate “how it feels.” 

Check out these interesting JM Storm facts below:

  • He spent the first part of his career as a mechanic. 
  • Many of his poems are inspired by his wife and family. 
  • He decided to change his career path in his forties and became a very successful writer. 

How did JM Storm’s youth impact his career?

As a kid, Jonathan was fascinated with engineering.

He would take things apart and put them back together. 

This led to him developing a strong desire for answer-seeking.

As an adult, Jonathan fell in love with the outdoors and hiking.

These traits, coupled with his ability to express himself, put Storm on the track to poetry. 

Mechanics can be writers!

We live in a world of stereotypes.

If you say the word mechanic to the average person, they most likely will conjure visions of a hard-working, grease-covered, overall-wearing laborer. 

Most people do not hear the word mechanic and think of an eloquent poet who writes about love in a way that melts readers’ hearts. 

At age forty-four, Storm decided to devote his life to writing, and he never looked back. 

Since then, his poems have reached the hearts of millions of people around the world. 

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If anything, JM Storm proves that you cannot judge a book by its cover, and appearances are deceiving. 

What is JM Storm’s poetry about?

Storm covers an array of topics. 

He vividly brings poems about self-esteem, love, marriage, and relationships to life. 

However, a large majority of his work seems to be focused on the divine feminine and human condition. 

According to his official website, he writes about “why we feel what we do and how much of what we do is out of habit.”

To learn more, check out our JM Storm quotes below. 

Short JM Storm quotes defining womanhood

Let’s start with some of JM Storm’s odes to women. 

1. “Don’t take the bait.” — JM Storm 

2. “She isn’t just a woman.” — JM Storm 

3. “For she found love in herself.” — JM Storm 

4. “Her hand was the hardest thing to hold.” — JM Storm 

5. “She was finally okay, or at least she believed.” — JM Storm 

The top JM Storm quotes about the power of love

Below, JM Storm reminds us that love can do many things. 

6. “Forget prince charming or sentries with shiny shields.”  — JM Storm 

7. “Don’t argue with her, even when she’s looking for a fight.” — JM Storm 

8. “I love you past the moon and miss you beyond the stars.”  — JM Storm 

9. “Look for a knight with a decent vocabulary and dents in his Armour.”  — JM Storm 

10. “And I was never sure whether you were the lighthouse or the storm.”  — JM Storm

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The best JM Storm quotes about love and pain

JM Storm is a master of describing the connections between pain and tenderness. 

11. “I hope you find love that nurtures you.” — JM Storm 

12. “Keep your head high, your heart light, and set down that which is not yours to carry.”  — JM Storm 

13. “She’s a strong cup of black coffee in a world that’s drunk on the cheap wine of shallow love.” — JM Storm 

14. “One day, I realized I was nothing more than a body full of questions with the answers buried in my bones.” ” — JM Storm 

15. “She is the novel you read from cover to cover, and yet you read again, and each time you do, you find something that was missed before.”  — JM Storm 

Famous JM Storm quotes about truth and observation

JM Storm opens up about the nature of reality with these deep quotes. 

17. “So many speak, but few share.”  — JM Storm 

18. “So many hear, but few truly listen.” — JM Storm 

19. “There’s a tiny piece of the sun inside her.”  — JM Storm 

 20. “If you can’t see it, then you’ve never really.”  — JM Storm 

JM Storm quotes and sayings about finding love and shooting for the stars

Let’s close out our list with these beautiful JM Storm quotes. 

21. “Be her answers, not her questions.” — JM Storm 

22. “She had a way of making you look at things differently.” — JM Storm 

23. “I hope you find love that silently speaks to your innocence.” — JM Storm 

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24. “In the end, I was an endless night sky empty and wishing for your stars.” — JM Storm 

25. “She was heart and soul, and she bled of love just as the night weeps darkness.” — JM Storm  

There is a poet inside everyone

JM Storm is the quintessential example of how there is a poet in each of us. 

Many people do not invoke their inner poet out of fear of judgment from others. 

Storm once shared, “The day I changed was the day I quit trying to fit into a world that never really fit me.” 

Share your voice! 

The world is waiting for you. 

Be sure to let us know your favorite JM Storm quote below! 

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