25 Life is Strange Quotes From the Hit Video Game Series

Gamers and comic fans will love these Life is Strange quotes!

Life is Strange is a series of episodic adventure video games that has also spawned a comic series due to its popularity.

Life is Strange was created by Dontnod Entertainment and published by Square Enix’s European subsidiary.

The series released five episodes at different periods in 2015, then released three more in 2017, a bonus episode in 2018, and the sequel and spin-offs between 2018 and 2019.

A third installment of the series was released all at once in 2021, and then the remastered original and the sequel were released in 2022.

We are introduced to the series when “Max” returns to her hometown and witnesses her friend being shot.

This experience triggers Max’s ability to rewind time, allowing her to save her friend.

Please enjoy these Life is Strange quotes!

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These lines share words of wisdom from the characters and insight into their lives.

1. “Everybody pretends to care until they don’t.” — Chloe

2. “Winners make their own rules, Chloe.” — Rachel

3. “You’re not a problem, Chloe. You’re a person.” — Rachel

4. “Even angels need angels, Max.” — Kate

5. “I wish I could stay in this moment forever. I guess I actually can now.” — Max

6. “When a door closes, a window opens. Or something like that.” — Max

7. “Sometimes people need you, though. Even when they don’t admit it.” — William

8. “I think people should know who they are and not fake it for anybody.” — Karen

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9. “It’s your life, the life you fought so hard to have. And for the first time in a long time, you just live.” — Gabe

10. “Nobody tells me what to do. Not my parents, not the Principal, or that tramp in the bathroom!” — Nathan

11. “I’ve seen you give so much of yourself to make sure other people get what they need. And I guess I wonder if you’ve thought about what you need.” — Steph

12. “Excitement ages quickly. And I fear, if we set out in search of new fun, you’ll tire of me, and then I’ll be alone.” — Chloe

13. “I want to belong somewhere. I want to know that there’s a place and a group of people who wouldn’t be the same without me.” — Alex

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‘Life is Strange’ Quotes for Video Game Fans

These quotes come from many of the characters you can interact with in the Life is Strange series.

14. “I keep going back in time.” — Max

15. “I love that you’re my partner in crime.” — Max

16. “Nobody ever helped me, Max. Especially you…” — Nathan

17. “I really flipped out on Nathan. I just hate bullies…” — Warren

18. “I was eating those beans!” — Frank

19. “Daniel, you’re not a little wolf anymore. Never forget who you are!” — Sean

20. “I love that you stepped up to David, but it doesn’t matter now. Nothing matters.” — Kate

21. “That’s my favorite picture of her… I can look at it anytime, and she’ll always be there for me.” — Frank

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22. “Wherever I end up after this, in whatever reality, all those moments between us were real, and they’ll always be ours.” — Chloe

23. “You need to shape up, get your act together, and put someone else first for a dang change. Am I making myself clear?” — David

24. “Well, maybe there’s a reason we pretend. Maybe the lies we tell each other are less horrible than the truths we keep hidden.” — Chloe

25. “Well, maybe there’s a reason we pretend. Maybe the lies we tell each other are less horrible than the truths we keep hidden.” — William

How Are the Games in the Life is Strange Series Played?

As in the first release, all of the series is played from a third-person point of view.

The games allow you to interact with objects and people as well as solve puzzles or perform quests.

In each game, the main character has an ability unique to that game that can be used, but the game shows that short-term decisions for the player can have long-term consequences in the game.

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