Motivation Monday: How to use Monday to set the tone for the week

Turn Mundane Monday into Motivation Monday and set the tone for your entire week.

Office Space said it best: “looks like someone has a case of the Mondays.”

Although the quote was meant in jest, I know I’ve been there.

I bet you have, too.

Tips for having a motivational Monday

Monday doesn’t have to be that dreaded first day of the week.

It doesn’t have to be the day that many people dread.

We must shift our actions and thinking to set a better tone for the week.

So, where do we start?

For more motivation, don’t forget to also read our collection of Monday quotes.

1. Breakfast.

I’m a breakfast person.

If I don’t eat breakfast in the morning, I notice that I’m sluggish and don’t have the energy to want to do anything except stay in bed (or catch up on Netflix).

We hear lots of chatter about why breakfast is important; some even say it’s the most important meal of the day.

My experience has been that it is important because it helps me think more clearly.

If my breakfast is interesting or one of my favorites, it’s even easier for me to want to get out of bed and start my day.

Now I know all about those days when we’re rushing.

Maybe we’ve slept in, the kids have taken longer to get ready, or the dog took longer to do his business outside.

Whatever the case may be, it’s easy to forget breakfast.

That’s why I like to pack something in my bag, just in case.

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Portable foods like fruit, granola bars, and cheese sticks all give us some energy to get us through the day.

Especially on a Monday.

2. Music

When the alarm clock buzzer goes off, how many times do you press snooze?

Waking up to some encouraging tunes can help you start your Monday off right.

If playlists are your thing, make a Motivation Monday playlist of all the songs that make you feel good, happy, and alive.

If you feel so inclined, keep the playlist running as you prepare to start your day.

Who knows, you might find yourself singing or dancing along.

It will only help keep your mood bright, which will help keep you motivated.

3. Dress to impress… yourself!

According to the Washington Post, we feel better about ourselves when we dress well.

Furthermore, how we dress can affect the quality of our work.

On Mondays, plan to wear whatever clothing makes you feel confident and motivated to tackle the day ahead.

As you start your week, you’ll feel unstoppable and comfortable in your own skin.

4. Check your calendar and plan ahead.

I also like to use calendars so that I can plan.

I’m a self-proclaimed planner who likes to know what lies ahead.

On Mondays, I find that if I have already made a plan, I am more motivated to get to my next task.

Most of the time, I carve out 15 minutes on a Sunday night to check my calendar and make mental and/or written notes of what’s ahead.

It helps me mentally prepare myself so there aren’t as many surprises.

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Calendars help us organize our lives; if we set up reminders, they can cue us into what’s ahead.

Think about a weekly calendar as a road map for the week.

What direction will it take you?

5. Practice Positivity.

It’s easier to stay positive when we’re in a good mood.

The next time you’re feeling unmotivated, just thinking about your week and how long it might seem, think about at least one positive aspect of your week.

Some people like to keep a running list of positive thoughts so they can look at it over the course of the week when they’re feeling sluggish or tired.

You’d be surprised how noticing even the smallest positive thoughts change our thinking.

To broaden the scope a bit, complimenting those around us can also help us stay positive, which increases motivation.

It can make us feel good giving a compliment, and we might even get a few in return.

So, the next time you like someone’s outfit, a new haircut, or are impressed by something they’ve done over the weekend, let them know!

6. Laugh.

What better way to start your week than with a good laugh?

Find a coworker who is quick-witted or sarcastic and chat for a while.

Find something funny to watch or listen to online.

For some inspiration, you can search for contagious laughter videos to jumpstart your Monday.

If you find something that makes you laugh, go for it!

Give yourself permission to laugh.

Out loud.

Motivation Monday can change the outlook of your work week

These tips will help you have a better start to your week.

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Who knows, you might even begin to look forward to Mondays.

Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below.

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  1. Paulina

    May 16, 2023 at 6:54 AM

    Great tips! I always add long walk with my dog at morning Monday or training 🙂

    • Danielle Dahl, Managing Editor

      May 16, 2023 at 6:05 PM

      That is great and we bet your dog really appreciates it! Thanks for commenting!

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