50 Quotes On Tithing For Giving And Receiving

Take a moment to learn something new with our quotes on tithing. 

Tithing has been a practice in churches for generations. 

However, as finances continue to be an issue for people and churches, many are altering how they tithe. 

Check out our quotes on tithing to learn more. 

What is tithing? 

The word tithe comes from an Old English word, teogothian, or tenth. 

It is a custom that goes back to the Old Testament and was adopted by the Christian Church early in its inception. 

Traditionally, the church asks its members to tithe or give ten percent of their income to the church. 

Check out these tithing facts below:

  • Ideally, tithing was used to support clergy, maintain churches and assist the poor. 
  • Tithing was the prime source of subsidy for the construction of cathedrals across Europe. 
  • Christian churches in Europe made tithing compulsory for church members. 

Tithing is considered a delicate subject by some.

Supporters and dissenters have strong opinions about tithing. 

However, ultimately, it comes down to one question.

Can you put a price on faith?

Why have some churchgoers resisted tithing?

There has been some backlash to the tradition of tithing. 

As world economies fluctuate and interest rates increase, many churchgoers question the practice of tithing. 

Giving ten percent of their income to the church can severely impact the livelihood of some families. 

Opponents of tithing say it is a misreading of the Bible and a practice implemented by greedy church leaders and not their God. 

They say they should be free to donate whatever they want and not have to give the suggested ten percent. 

Many churchgoers have written letters to the heads of their organizations and requested a culture change. 

As a result, many pastors and church leaders have altered their teachings and rejected tithing as a requirement. 

To learn more, check out out tithing quotes below. 

Short quotes on tithing about paying your share

Below are some quick and sweet tithing quotes. 

1. “Paying tithing is discharging a debt.” — Jeffrey R. Holland

2. “We never felt that it was a sacrifice to pay our tithing.” — Gordon B. Hinckley 

3. “It’s critical to recognize that tithing was central to God’s law.” — David Royall

4. “That’s all I’ve done in tithing, just met my interest obligations!” — Ernest L Wilkinson

5. “A man who has not paid his tithing is unfit to be baptized for his dead.” — John Taylor

6. “If we are paying tithing to get rich, we are doing it for the wrong reason.” — Gordon B. Hinckley 

7. “Paying tithing is not a token gift we are somehow charitably bestowing upon God.” — Jeffrey R. Holland

8. “Tithing is a principle of sacrifice and a key to the opening of the windows of heaven.” — James E. Faust 

9. “If I did not pay my tithing, I should expect the Lord to withhold His blessings from me.” — Joseph Fielding Smith  

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10. “Tithing is the source of income for the Church to carry forward its mandated activities.” — Gordon B. Hinckley

The top quotes on tithing about blessings and giving

These tithing quotes give some context into how tithing works for the church and community. 

11. “The basic purpose for tithing is to provide the Church with the means needed to carry on His work.” — Gordon B. Hinckley 

12. “When people think about tithing today, they tend to focus on its legalistic aspects, and they’re right to.” — David Royall

13. “One of the great blessings the people of this Church have is to meet with the bishop once each year.” — James E. Faust 

14. “According to Nonprofits Source, churches that accept tithing online increase overall donations by 32%.” — David Royall

15. “Tithing isn’t something I do to clear my conscience so I can do whatever I want with the 90 percent–it also belongs to God!” — Randy Alcorn  

16. “The honest payment of tithing provides a person the inner strength and commitment to comply with the other commandments.” — Thomas S. Monson 

17. “I am not here to say that if you pay an honest tithing, you will realize your dream of a fine house, a Rolls Royce, and a condominium in Hawaii.” — Gordon B. Hinckley 

18. “Settle their tithing, and report that what they had paid in contributions constitutes a tithe. It is also a great blessing for the bishops to have this experience.” — James E. Faust 

19. “Pay your tithing as a declaration that possession of material goods and the accumulation of worldly wealth are not the uppermost goals of your existence” — Jeffrey R. Holland

20. “I bear witness, and I know that the witness I bear is true that the men and the women who have been absolutely honest with God, who have paid their tithing.” — Heber J. Grant  

The best quotes on tithing about following God’s law

Many tithe because they believe their God commands them to do so. 

21. “I pay my tithing, not only because it is a law of God, but because I expect a blessing by doing it. “ — Joseph Fielding Smith  

22. “During the harvest, I was often the one assigned to take our load of tithing to the branch president. “ — Eric B. Shumway 

23. “Grandpa Vanisi’s spirituality inspired an awe in me as a child. I remember following him daily to his plantation.” — Eric B. Shumway 

24. “I remember sitting on the family horse. Grandfather would lift onto its back a sack of fine taro which I balanced in front of me.” — Eric B. Shumway 

25. “Tithing is a principle that is fundamental to the personal happiness and well-being of the Church members worldwide, both rich and poor.” — James E. Faust 

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26. “One spring, when we opened our potato pits. She had her boys get a load of the best potatoes, and she took them to the tithing office; potatoes were scarce that season.“ — Joseph Fielding Smith  

27. “He would always point out to me the very best of his taro, bananas, or yams and say: ‘These will be for our tithing.’ His greatest care was given to these ‘chosen’ ones.” — Eric B. Shumway 

28. “He chided my mother for paying her tithing, called her anything but wise or prudent; and said there were others who were strong and able to work that were supported from the tithing office.“ — Joseph Fielding Smith  

29. “Then, with a very serious look in his eyes, he said to me, ‘Simi, be very careful because this is our tithing.’ From my grandfather, I learned early in life that you give only your best to the Lord” — Eric B. Shumway 

30. “When we drove up to the steps of the tithing office, ready to unload the potatoes, one of the clerks came out and said to my mother, ‘Widow Smith, it’s a shame that you should have to pay tithing.’” — Joseph Fielding Smith  

Tithing quotes and sayings about generosity 

Part of tithing is community commitment and practicing the Golden Rule. 

31. “The statistics around tithing indicate that fewer than one-quarter of any congregation tithes.” — David Royall

32. “How do you tithe when tithing means setting aside 10 percent of your grain, wine, oil, honey, and produce?” — David Royall

33. “The conversation gets a little messy when many Christians use the word “tithing” to denote any sort of giving.” — David Royall

34. “To show concern for tithing your smallest crops while ignoring the law’s weightier concerns is shortsighted.” — David Royall

35. “When it comes to tithing (the giving of 10 percent of one’s income), we need to ask ourselves some tough questions.” — David Royall

36. “His instruction is not that they should have neglected tithing, but rather that they should have also focused on what was really important.” — David Royall

37. “Israelites didn’t wait to feel inspired to tithe; they were expected to tithe; and on top of that, they were encouraged to give freewill offerings.” — David Royall

38. “Here at Pushpay, we offer tithing software that drives online giving for churches to inspire recurring giving and make administration simple.” — David Royall

39. “Fortunately, many tools like online giving for churches are now available to create a seamless digital tithing experience for your congregation.” — David Royall

40. “It’s easy to religiously go through the motions but never have your behavior impact your heart. This was the issue that Jesus Christ took with tithing.” — David Royall

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Famous quotes on tithing about faith and money

Some have scrutinized tithing; these quotes encourage people to tithe to their best ability. 

41. “To those of you who pay your tithing, I commend you.”  — David A. Bednar

42. “I absolutely believe in the power of tithing and giving back.” — Ken Blanchard

43. “To those of you who presently are not obeying the law of tithing, I invite you to consider your ways and repent.” — David A. Bednar

44. “Christians who have grown accustomed to thinking of all giving as tithing can struggle with this biblical concept.” — David Royall

45. “God doesn’t need us to give Him our money. He owns everything. Tithing is God’s way to grow Christians.” Adrian Rogers

46. “Today, many Christians would say that tithing was part of the law that Christians are no longer required to participate in.” — David Royall

47. “Tithing is not a matter of money, really; it is a matter of faith—faith in the Lord. He promises blessings if we obey His commandments.” — Carl B. Pratt

48. “The time has now come for every Latter-day Saint to do the will of the Lord and to pay his tithing in full. That is the word of the Lord to you.” — Lorenzo Snow

49. “With Pushpay’s tithing software, churches are better equipped to provide church members with online tithing options that best suit the needs and practices of their church community.” — David Royall

50. “The Lord does not need your tithing, as far as He is concerned, but you need it for your growth, spiritually and temporally, that the windows of heaven may be opened and the Spirit of the living God given to you.” — Heber J. Grant

Do you have to tithe?

Everyone has a unique relationship with their spiritual practice or religion.

From a Christian standpoint, tithing is an interesting subject. 

Some churches have been accused of predatory practices by implementing credit card kiosks in their buildings for congregation members to swipe their cards and tithe. 

A Christian belief is that god loves humankind. 

If you can tithe, great, but if you cannot, then God will still love you. 

Churches should be giving help to the communities they serve. 

However, the ten percent rule of tithing is not mandatory. 

Many churches consider this when creating their mission. 

Similarly, most churches consider their congregation’s financial obligations when opting to tithe. 

Each church community’s logistics and lifestyle will look different, impacting their tithing practice. 

What is your opinion on tithing? 

Do you think the ten percent practice is mandatory?

What is your favorite tithing quote?

Be sure to let us know in the comments section below. 

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