22 The Irregulars Quotes from the Netflix Mystery
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The Irregulars was a mystery series that aired on Netflix in 2021.
However, the show only had one season before being canceled but the streaming platform.
The show follows the story of a group of teenagers known as the Irregulars.
There are four of them, Jessie, Beatrice, Billy, and Spike, and they live in London in a street cellar.
The series was based on work by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
The group of teenagers is based on the Baker Street Irregulars who were a set of characters that worked with Dr. Watson from the Sherlock Holmes stories.
The group is working to solve supernatural mysteries that are taking place in the city.
See what you think of The Irregulars quotes below.
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The Irregulars quotes from Dr. Watson
1. “You know when I first asked for you to help, I was apprehensive.” — Dr. Watson

2. “Your sister has a gift.” — Dr. Watson

3. “She can see things normal people cannot.” — Dr. Watson

4. “Darkness has entered this city.” — Dr. Watson

5. “You know nothing of what it is to be afraid.” — Dr. Watson

6.”Don’t go far. This is just the beginning.” — Dr. Watson

The Irregulars quotes from Jessie
7. “You can’t keep me cooped up all day because you’re worried something might happen to me.” — Jessie

8. “You should be knee-deep in shenanigans by now.” — Jessie

9. “You’re like a racist against posh people.” — Jessie

The Irregulars quotes from Spike
10. “Can I just say, us walking away from peril is such a refreshing change of tack.” — Spike

11. “This right here is the appropriate reaction to danger.” — Spike

12. “He knows more than what he’s telling us, much more.” — Spike

13. “I’m too pretty to be here. I stand out a mile. My handsomeness is making me a target.” — Spike

14. “His wand is flapping all over the shop. It’s very unbecoming.” — Spike

The Irregulars quotes from Leopold
15. “I didn’t lie to you about who I was because I was trying to trick you. I lied because I was trying to be more real.” — Leopold

16. “So long as we can fight, we fight.” — Leopold

17. “I’m so glad that word of my fondness for crockery has reached the ears of His Lordship.” — Leopold

The Irregulars quotes from Bea
18. “I was thinking maybe we could spend five minutes together tonight.” — Bea

19. “Maybe we don’t need to do the invisible present thing.” — Bea

20. “Just because you ride around in a fancy carriage and wear suits doesn’t make you my better. Doesn’t make you anyone’s better.” — Bea

21. “No one talks down to me.” — Bea

22. “I know bollocks when I hear it.” — Bea

Which of these The Irregulars quotes is your favorite?
The series received positive feedback on Rotten Tomatoes, however, some people felt that many of the storylines followed regular plots that were predictable.
They felt that it touched on something that could be better, but didn’t fully reach that level.
Overall, there were mixed reviews of the series, but it did top The Falcon and The Winter Soldier on the charts, which was airing on Disney+ at the same time.
In the end, the show had eight episodes and was left at that.
If you enjoyed these The Irregulars quotes and sayings, you may want to watch the series for the first time or rewatch if you have watched it before.