25 Tom Landry Quotes From the High Achieving Hall of Fame NFL Coach

Football fans will love these Tom Landry quotes!

Tom Landry was born in Mission, Texas, in 1924 and died in Dallas, Texas, in 2000 at the age of 75.

Tom Landry is most known for his time as the head football coach of the Dallas Cowboys, which he held for a record 29 consecutive seasons.

However, Tom Landy built a highly successful life long before becoming the Dallas Cowboys’ head coach.

He was a star athlete in high school.

Then he played college football at the University of Texas for a season before enrolling in the military during World War II.

Once his military service was completed, Landry returned to college and finished his college football career.

The NFL drafted him, played for seven seasons, and reached the Pro Bowl once before retiring after the 1955 season.

Landry then started his coaching career and became the head coach of the Dallas Cowboys in 1960.

Take a look at these Tom Landry quotes to learn more about this inspirational leader!

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Inspirational Tom Landry Quotes

These Tom Landry quotes are sure to inspire you!

1. “A winner never stops trying.” — Tom Landry

2. “Today, you have 100% of your life left.” — Tom Landry

3. “The secret to winning is constant, consistent management.” — Tom Landry

4. “If you are prepared, you will be confident and will do the job.” — Tom Landry

5. “I’ve learned that something constructive comes from every defeat.” — Tom Landry

6. “When you want to win a game, you have to teach. When you lose a game, you have to learn.” — Tom Landry

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7. “If I had to pick my greatest strength as a football coach, I say it would be innovation.” — Tom Landry

8. “People striving, being knocked down and coming back… this is what builds character in a man.” — Tom Landry

9. “Leadership is getting someone to do what they don’t want to do, to achieve what they want to achieve.” — Tom Landry

10. “Setting a goal is not the main thing. It is deciding how you will go about achieving it and staying with that plan.” — Tom Landry

Tom Landry Quotes About Football

Enjoy these Tom Landry quotes about football!

11. “Right after the game, say as little as possible.” — Tom Landry

12. “The greatest thing is to win your first Super Bowl.” — Tom Landry

13. “Football is an incredible game. Sometimes it’s so incredible, it’s unbelievable.” — Tom Landry

14. “I wouldn’t think I would coach again because it would just be hard not being in the Cowboys’ blue.” — Tom Landry

15. “Every coach has his own style of play, but when you spend your whole life as a Cowboy, you have to be influenced by what we did.” — Tom Landry

16. “I just didn’t want to leave the Cowboys when they were down. I at least wanted them to get into a respectable position before anyone else took over.” — Tom Landry

17. “If you don’t win a Super Bowl, you’re not considered successful in the National Football League. I can remember, when we finally won that first one, feeling so good for the players and fans.” — Tom Landry

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Wise Tom Landry Quotes

Here are some of the wisest Tom Landry quotes!

18. “Achievement builds character.” — Tom Landry

19. “I’ve come to the conclusion that players want to be treated alike.” — Tom Landry

20. “As a Christian, I know my life is in God’s hands. He has a plan for me.” — Tom Landry

21. “I try to block out everything that distracts me. Even a big play, I blank it out.” — Tom Landry

22. “I know that life is really finding the right relationship between yourself and God.” — Tom Landry

23. “Really, coaching is simplicity. It’s getting players to play better than they think that they can.” — Tom Landry

24. “You don’t have to drink or swear or hit people in the face when they’re not looking, but you do have to be tough to win.” — Tom Landry

25. “I learned early in sports that to be effective – for a player to play the best he can play – is a matter of concentration and being unaware of distractions, positive or negative.” — Tom Landry

Tom Landry’s Success as the Dallas Cowboys Coach

Tom Landry was a very successful coach setting an NFL record by posting a winning record for 20 consecutive seasons with the Dallas Cowboys.

During his time as coach, his team won two Super Bowls, and Landry created a new defensive scheme called the “4-3” defense which is still popular today!

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