25 Treasure Planet Quotes For Adventure Seekers

Relieve some early 2000s animated film nostalgia with our Treasure Planet quotes. 

Everyone ponders what else is out there at some point in their lives. 

Some people take a chance and pursue adventure, while others spend their lives always wondering what could be. 

Find out what type of adventurer you are with our Treasure Planet quotes. 

What is Treasure Planet?

Treasure Planet is a 2002 American animated science fiction adventure film. 

The movie was produced by Disney and stars Joseph Gordon-Levitt, David Hyde Pierce, Martin Short, Roscoe Lee, and Brian Murray. 

Check out these Treasure Planet facts below:

  • Treasure Planet is based on Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson
  • The movie took ten years to make, the longest production cycle of any Disney film. 
  • When Jim’s mother sits with him on the bed to read his book, a Stitch doll is in the astronaut suit. 

Who is Robert Louis Stevenson?

When you think of Scotland, you might not immediately think about writers. 

When most people hear Scotland, they might think about haggis, the Lochness Monster, or Arthur’s seat. 

However, Scotland has produced some very talented writers. 

Some of Scotland’s most successful writers were Arthur Conan Doyle, Robert Burns, and Robert Louis Stevenson. 

Robert Louis Stevenson was a Scottish novelist, poet, and travel writer. 

He is no slouch when it comes to literary genius.

He is responsible for writing such classics as Treasure Island, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, and Kidnapped

In 2018, Stevenson was ranked behind Charles Dickens as the 26th most-translated author in the world. 

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What is Treasure Planet about?

Treasure Planet is a retelling of Treasure Island

Instead of seeking new adventures on remote islands on Earth, the characters in Treasure Planet yearn to explore the cosmos. 

In the film, people from the planet Montressor travel in spaceships instead of sea-faring ships. 

Solar sails power the ships.

The movie tells the story of Jim Hawkins, who is searching for a pirate captain’s Treasure Planet, a world where he hid all of his loot. 

How did critics receive Treasure Planet?

Treasure Planet premiered in 2002 and bombed horribly at the box office. 

The movie cost $140 million to produce and only earned $109 million. 

It was nominated for an Academy Award but lost to Spirited Away

To learn more, check out our Treasure Planet quotes below. 

Short Treasure Planet quotes from Dr. Doppler

We begin our list with some of Doctor Doppler’s most memorable quotes about fashion. 

1. “It’s the suit, isn’t it?” — Doctor Doppler, Treasure Planet  

2. “That’s why I’m going with you!” — Doctor Doppler, Treasure Planet 

3. “I don’t know what to do; I get so flustered.” — Doctor Doppler, Treasure Planet  

4. “This one said it fit. That one said it was my color.” — Doctor Doppler, Treasure Planet  

5. “I should never have listened to that pushy two-headed saleswoman.” — Doctor Doppler, Treasure Planet  

The top Treasure Planet quotes from Sarah Hawkins

Here, we have some of Sarah’s top quotes from Treasure Planet

6. “Jim, I don’t want to lose you.” — Sarah Hawkins, Treasure Planet 

7. “Now at last we hear some sense!” — Sarah Hawkins, Treasure Planet 

8. “Delbert, would you please explain how ridiculous this is?” — Sarah Hawkins, Treasure Planet 

9. “It’s totally preposterous! Traversing the entire galaxy alone!” — Doctor Doppler, Treasure Planet  

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10. “Are you saying that because it’s the right thing, or because you really want to go?” — Sarah Hawkins, Treasure Planet 

The best Treasure Planet quotes from Captain Amelia about keeping things tidy

Captain Amelia does not play when it comes to planning her work and working her plan. 

11. “And as usual, it’s spot on.” — Captain Amelia, Treasure Planet 

12. “Can you get nothing wrong?” — Captain Amelia, Treasure Planet 

13. “And I mean that in a very caring way.” — Captain Amelia, Treasure Planet 

14. “Mr. Arrow, I’ve checked this miserable ship from stem to stern.” — Captain Amelia, Treasure Planet 

15. “Doctor, to muse and blabber about a treasure map in front of this particular crew, demonstrates a level of ineptitude that borders on the imbecilic.” — Captain Amelia, Treasure Planet 

Famous Treasure Planet quotes from John Silver for adventure lovers

Who better to start an adventure with than John Silver?

16. “Who’s coming?”  — John Silver, Treasure Planet 

17. “Had I known, I’d have tucked in me shirt.” — John Silver, Treasure Planet 

18. “Just a lifelong obsession, Jimbo. I’ll get over it.” — John Silver, Treasure Planet 

19. “Why, Mister Arrow, sir. Bringin’ in such fine and distinguished gents to grace my humble galley.” — John Silver, Treasure Planet 

20. “If I could maneuver a skiff like that when I was your age, they’d be bowing in the streets when I walked by today.” — John Silver, Treasure Planet 

Treasure Planet quotes about life from Jim Hawkins

Let us close our list with these sweet quotes from Jim Hawkins. 

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21. “Was it worth it?”  — Jim Hawkins, Treasure Planet  

22. “Silver, you gave up?” — Jim Hawkins, Treasure Planet  

23. “And it’s the right thing.”  — Jim Hawkins, Treasure Planet  

24. “Mom, you won’t. I’ll make you proud.”  — Jim Hawkins, Treasure Planet  

25. “I really, really, really, really want to go.”  — Jim Hawkins, Treasure Planet  

Where will your next adventure take you?

You do not have to go off-world in a sailboat-shaped spaceship to find adventure. 

Every day is an opportunity to explore something new. 

Who is your favorite character from Treasure Planet, and why?

Be sure to let us know in the comments below.

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