How to go From Average to Amazing

Are you struggling to break free from average and get to amazing?

Many people struggle with low self-esteem or think being average is the best they can ever hope to achieve.

They do not see that in each of us is greatness and that sometimes it only takes some minor changes in our lives to go from average to amazing.

Small changes can take us from feeling like we are average (or less than average) to feeling like we can take on the world.

Here are some small changes you can make in your life that can drastically impact the person you view yourself to be.

You will believe that you are as amazing as you are.

Here are 10 great suggestions that come from Zen Habits and can make all the difference.

They mostly center on:

  • mindset
  • habits
  • goal setting

Let these suggestions help you move from average to amazing starting today!

Increase competence

How do you feel more competent?

By becoming more competent.

And how do you do that?

By studying and practicing.

Just do small bits at a time.

If you want to be a more competent writer, don’t tackle the entire writing profession all at once.

Just write more.

Journal, blog, write short stories and do some freelance writing.

The more you write, the better you’ll be.

Set aside 30 minutes daily to write (for example), and the practice will increase your competence.

Set a small goal and achieve it

People often make the mistake of shooting for the moon, and when they fail, they get discouraged.

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Instead, shoot for something much more achievable.

Set a goal you know you can achieve, and then achieve it.

You’ll feel good about that.

Now set another small goal and achieve that.

The more you achieve small goals, the better you’ll be at them and the better you’ll feel.

Soon you’ll be setting bigger (but still achievable) goals and achieving those too.

Change a small habit

Not a big one, like quitting smoking.

Just a small one, like writing things down.

Or waking up 10 minutes earlier.

Or drinking a glass of water when you wake up.

Something small that you know you can do.

Do it for a month.

You’ll feel much less average and more amazing when you’ve accomplished it.

Focus on solutions

If you are a complainer or focus on problems, change your focus now.

Focusing on solutions instead of problems is one of the best things you can do for your confidence and career.

“I’m fat and lazy!”

So how can you solve that?

“But I can’t motivate myself!”

So how can you solve that?

“But I have no energy!”

So what’s the solution?

“How will I go from average to amazing?”

It is simple (although difficult) and requires you to look at problems differently!

Be grateful

I’m a firm believer in gratitude, as anyone who’s been reading this blog for long knows well.

But I put it here because while being grateful for what you have in life, for what others have given you, is a very humbling activity… it can also be a very positive and rewarding activity that will improve your self-image.

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Do something you’ve been procrastinating on

What’s on your to-do list that’s been sitting there?

Do it first thing in the morning and get it out of the way.

You’ll feel great about yourself.

Work on small things

Taking on a huge project or task can be overwhelming, daunting, and intimidating for anyone, even the best of us.

Instead, learn to break off small chunks and work in bursts.

Small little achievements make you feel good and add to big achievements.

Learn to work like this all the time, and soon you’ll be a self-confident maniac.”

Clean your desk

This might seem like a small, simple thing (then again, for some of you, it might not be so small).

But it has always worked wonders for me.

If my desk gets messy and the world around me is in chaos, clearing off my desk is my way of getting a little piece of my life under control.

It is the calm in the center of the surrounding storm.

Get prepared

It’s hard to be confident in yourself if you don’t think you’ll do well at something.

Beat that feeling by preparing yourself as much as possible.

Think about taking an exam: if you haven’t studied, you won’t have much confidence in your abilities to do well on the exam.

But if you studied your butt off, you’re prepared, and you’ll be much more confident.

Now think of life as your exam and prepare yourself.

Treat life like something to prepare for; you will go from average to amazing in no time.

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Get to know yourself

The wisest general learns to know his enemy well when going into battle.

You can’t defeat the enemy without knowing him.

And when you’re trying to overcome a negative self-image and replace it with self-confidence, your enemy is yourself.

Get to know yourself well.

Start listening to your thoughts.

Start writing a journal about yourself and your thoughts about yourself, and analyze why you have such negative thoughts.

And then think about the good things about yourself, the things you can do well, the things you like.

Will you move from average to amazing today?

Start thinking about your limitations and whether they’re real limitations or just ones you’ve allowed to be placed there artificially.

Dig deep within yourself, and you’ll come out (eventually) with even greater self-confidence.

Of course, this won’t happen overnight and will take time and effort.

However, the result will only improve your life in the long run.

One thing another writer here says all the time is:

“If you want to live a life that looks different from everyone around you, you must do things differently than the majority.” Danielle Dahl

There is nothing wrong with being average if that is your goal.

However, if you want to be amazing, you must work, make sacrifices, and change your habits.

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