4 Big Decisions We All Have To Make in Life

Living the life of our dreams often feels like a rollercoaster ride, made of one big decision after another.

Then there are the everyday little decisions to make too!

Some days chasing the life you want to live can leave you wondering, “Is this life even real?”

From time to time, it feels so close that you can smell, touch, taste, and even feel it.

In other moments, it feels like it exists on the other side of the universe.

Obstacles and difficulties are always present on the way to any worthwhile dream.

How do we overcome the difficulty

We make these big decisions to stimulate us toward ultimate success.

Big Decisions You Need To Make Today To Propel You Towards Success

1) Decide to quit blaming.

I strongly believe this one decision, above all others, can propel you toward success.

Every person who has achieved anything of worth has plenty of reasons to fail.

Winston Churchill not only flip-flopped on issues, he totally changed political parties twice.

His choices could have prevented him from becoming Britain’s Prime Minister during the crucial years of World War II.

He could have blamed his mostly absent parents.

Or, he could have blamed his father for marrying an American.

He could have even blamed members of Parliament, the King, or many things.

But he did not.

He rose above the circumstances to thrive and fulfill his destiny.

Many blame their gender, race, culture, or lack of resources.

However, for everyone that uses those excuses, I have seen someone overcome those challenges in nearly every age of history to succeed.

What is holding you back?

The only honest answer is YOURSELF.

You must decide not to blame anyone but yourself for falling short.

2) Decide that you are sick and tired of not achieving your dream.  

William Wilberforce dreamed of ending slavery in the entire British Empire.

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For many years, when parliament met, he would present a bill.

Every year, they rejected his dream.

He lost sleep as he dreamed of the slaves that he had, yet again, failed to set free.

He literally worked himself into sickness on the mission.

One year, he was so sick of his dream not coming true that he got creative, tried new approaches (and soon succeeded.)

He had created a picture of success and made it come true because he was sick and tired of it not being true.

Create a picture of your dream that is completely alive within you.

Create a dream that is so real that when you close your eyes, you are there, enjoying the challenges and the joys.

Look at all the surrounding people in your dream world.

This little escape should whet your appetite and motivate you to press forward.

Walk through your dream often.

But then step into the real everyday world where your dream has not yet been realized.

Doesn’t this world suck in comparison? 

You have an exciting and fulfilling vision, but here you are eating mud pies in comparison.

Today, I wake up not yet having fulfilled that dream. 

My failure makes me angry at my own shortcomings. 

I get frustrated over my lack of discipline. 

I will make the changes NOW, not tomorrow.  

My dream fills me with love and excitement. 

I long for it to take place. 

Patience can take a backseat. 

Every fiber of my being is filled with this one desire to make this dream real. 

YOU must make big decisions that you are sick and tired of not waking up in your dream world.

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So get moving towards achieving it.

3) Decide to achieve your ultimate dream life ethically.   

Lance Armstrong was at the pinnacle of his dream.

For many years, he denied cheating to get to his goals.

Fans from all walks of life believed in him.

People who suffered cancer cheered for him as he gave them hope for a better future.

He tasted his dream.

But when it was discovered that it was all a lie, many were hurt because of the ethical failure.

He abused people’s trust, and many will never forgive him.

Yes, he got to his dream, but I am confident this is NOT how he pictured it.

No one I know thinks much about their dream crashing down on them.

The only way to ensure that you will not only experience your ultimate dream and then be remembered for it is to strive to live an ethical life.

Yes, it will probably take longer to get there.

Your level of success in the eyes of the world may be less.

But I am confident you want a sustainable dream to outlive you.

What is the impact of your dream on the next generation?

My impatience often makes me want to rush things and try to find shortcuts.

But there is NO shortcut to greatness.

This is one of the big decisions you need to make today.

You must live an honorable life to achieve your ultimate dream.

You need to choose to live a life of fewer regrets.

4) Decide never to quit.  

I was about 13 years old.

The gym teacher had the class run a lap around the back of the school.

It seemed like a marathon but was more likely about half a mile.

As we got to the halfway mark, I was in second, and Eric was only a few steps ahead of me.

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I was keeping pace with him.

Behind me, far behind, was the rest of the class.

I knew Eric was the fastest runner in the class, and I was keeping up with him.

The possibility of being the fastest boy in the school energized me.

I could feel no pain.

My breathing felt normal.

I stayed on his tail all the way around the last turn.

The finish line was right in my sights!

I picked up the pace.

So did Eric.

I wish I could devise some brilliant excuse for what happened next, but I can’t.

It somehow got in my head that I could not possibly beat Eric.

When I was born, doctors told my parents not to expect too much out of me.

Negativity rocked my mind, and I simply quit.

Eric won that race, and I never got close to him again for the rest of the year.

Ultimately, others in the class caught me, and I was a middle-of-the-pack runner again.

Even today, I cringe a little when I remember quitting that day.

If you want your dream to come true, you must make one of the big decisions that no matter what, you will NOT quit.

There will be opportunities to give up.

Distractions will present themselves.

But choose today so that you will not give in to your own thoughts or allow any obstacle to stop you.

If you want your dream to come true, decide to NEVER quit until victory has been experienced.

From small to large visions for our life, we decide we want it to come to pass.

Make these big decisions concretely, and you will soon look back on your life with satisfaction and joy over what you have achieved.

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