Effective Study Habits For Success In School (Infographic)

Effective Study Habits For Success In School (Infographic)

Maximize Your Learning Potential, Make Studying Count.

Effective Study Habits For Success In School (Infographic)

We found this amazing infographic here.

Effective Study Habits For Success In School (Text Copy)


  • Learn by seeing
  • Best understand words that evoke images.
  • Respond well to demonstration
  • Enjoy visually pleasing presentations.


  • Learn through doing and trial-and-error.
  • Prefer hands-on approaches.
  • Use multiple senses to engage with material.
  • Enjoy solving real-life problems.


  • Learn by reading and writing.
  • Best understand explanations on paper/screen.
  • Organize thoughts and make lists.
  • Translate lessons into words.


  • Learn by listening and verbalizing
  • Listen for keywords and phrases.
  • Respond well when things are explained aloud
  • Think in a linear fashion.



  • Use maps, charts, graphs, and diagrams.
  • Use videos and PowerPoint presentations.
  • Make and use flashcards.
  • Focus on titles when reading.
  • Highlight and underline when reading.


  • Make and use flashcards.
  • Study with others and exchange ideas.
  • Study in short blocks.
  • Use examples when taking notes.
  • Feel free to doodle while studying.


  • Take notes (many and detailed)
  • Reword the notes in different ways of saying the same thing.
  • Create and use bulleted lists.
  • Translate diagrams or charts into a verbal or written summary.
  • Write questions based on the material and answer those questions.


  • Record lectures and lessons and listen later.
  • Read material aloud.
  • Record yourself reading notes and replay it later.
  • Explain concepts aloud in your own words.
  • Use word associations or mnemonic devices to help remember.
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  1. Write down every assignment, due date, test date, etc

Use a planner or calendar and set timely alerts.

Make sequential to-do lists for each project.

  1. Remember to hand in your assignments

Submit them on time and completed.

Make sure you followed instructions and didn’t merely write about the topic.

  1. Communicate with your teacher

Ask your instructor questions and write down the responses.

Be respectful and don’t ask for last-minute extensions.

  1. Organize with color

Use a color-coded system to keep assignments and ideas organized.

Make it fun, something that doesn’t feel like a chore.

  1. Establish a study zone

Find a place to study that fits your specific personality and learning style.

Make it comfortable but not so comfortable that you nap there.

  1. Review the syllabus early and often.

Become familiar with the plan for the course.

Get your textbooks before classes begin and skim through them.

  1. Take quick notes in class

Don’t get bogged down writing everything the professor says.
Don’t take notes on what’s already in the textbooks.

  1. Read the materials

Don’t think that listening to the professor is a substitute for doing the reading.

Stay on top of the reading so you don’t find yourself struggling to catch up.

  1. Pay attention to emphasis

Listen for the points that the professor stresses or repeats.

Look for bold words and sidebars in the textbook.

  1. Give each class at least one hour per day of study

Read/study for at least one hour every day before the next class meets.

For each lecture hour, budget at least 1-3 hours

  1. Make studying social
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Look for relevant study groups or create one.

Explain the material in your own words and listen to others in their descriptions.

  1. Plan, plan, plan

Budget your breaks in terms of duration and frequency.

Weekends are not free; if you have a party Saturday night, study during the day.

  1. Don’t blow it off

Study daily so you’re not cramming last-minute before a test.

Start your paper shortly after the assignment and chip away until it’s due.

  1. Take care of yourself

Adopt good habits that will contribute to successful study:

Eat right, get enough sleep, take breaks, stretch and get exercise, laugh, meet new people.


  1. Trying to take notes on everything

Don’t try to write everything the instructor says. It’s not all equally important and you’ll fall behind quickly. Don’t forget to actively listen while taking notes.

  1. Highlighting overkill

You know what happens when you highlight everything? It’s like highlighting nothing. If everything is emphasized, nothing stands out.

  1. Rewriting for the sale of rewriting

Rewriting motes can be helpful but only if you translate the concept into your own words so that you really understand it and can explain it.

  1. Rereading in belief that more will sink in

Rereading an entire chapter is just repetition; try one time of reading closely and rereading tricky sentences as you come across them.

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