25 José Martí Quotes From the Cuban Nationalist

If you enjoy learning about historical figures who stood up for their beliefs, you will enjoy these José Martí quotes.

José Julián Martí Pérez, who went by José Martí, was born in La Habana, Cuba, in 1853 and died in Dos Rios, Cuba, in 1895.

José Martí strongly opposed slavery and the rule of Cuba by Spain, which he began working to change as a 16-year-old when his political writings got him thrown in jail.

Although his parents tried to get him freed, Spain would not allow this, and they had control of Cuba, so there was nothing his parents could do.

He was eventually transferred to Spain, where Spanish authorities hoped that getting an education would get Martí to be loyal to Spain.

Martí stayed true to his desire for liberation for Cuba and returned to Cuba in 1871.

Once in Cuba, he joined with like-minded peers and wrote many poems and other writings about how Cuba should be free of Spanish rule.

Take a few moments to learn more about this brave man through these José Martí quotes.

Inspirational José Martí Quotes

Check out these Inspirational José Martí quotes!

1. “A genuine man goes to the roots.” — José Martí

2. “The truth wakes up once and never dies.” — José Martí

3. “Do something useful, and you will have everything you want.” — José Martí

4. “But love, like the sun that it is, sets afire and melts everything.” — José Martí

5. “Other famous men, those of much talk and few deeds, soon evaporate.” — José Martí

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6. “I know the Monster because I have lived in its lair–and my weapon is only the slingshot of David.” — José Martí

7. “Man can never be more perfect than the sun. The sun burns us with the same light that warms us.” — José Martí

8. “Man loves liberty, even if he does not know that he loves it. He is driven by it and flees from where it does not exist.” — José Martí

9. “When there are many men without honor, there will always be some others who bear in themselves the honor of many men.” — José Martí

10. “One revolution is still necessary: the one that will not end with the rule of its leader. It will be the revolution against revolutions, the uprising of all peaceable individuals, who will become soldiers for once so that neither they nor anyone else will ever have to be a soldier again.” — José Martí

José Martí Quotes That Show His Wisdom

Here are some wise quotes from José Martí.

11. “Sane love is not love.” — José Martí

12. “Have the force of steel, which forges swords.” — José Martí

13. “There is happiness in duty, although it may not seem so.” — José Martí

14. “We light the oven so that everyone may bake bread in it.” — José Martí

15. “Rights are to be taken, not requested; seized, not begged for.” — José Martí

16. “In a time of crisis, the peoples of the world must rush to get to know each other.” — José Martí

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17. “Liberty is the right of every man, to be honest, to think and to speak without hypocrisy.” — José Martí

Best José Martí Quotes

Enjoy some of the best quotes from José Martí.

18. “A selfish man is a thief.” — José Martí

19. “To change masters is not to be free.” — José Martí

20. “Day and night I always dream with open eyes.” — José Martí

21. “Mountains culminate in peaks, and nations in men.” — José Martí

22. “Others go to bed with their mistresses; I with my ideas.” — José Martí

23. “To use for our exclusive benefit what is not ours is theft.” — José Martí

24. “Only oppression should fear the full exercise of freedom.” — José Martí

25. “Socialist ideology, like so many others, has two main dangers. One stems from confused and incomplete readings of foreign texts, and the other from the arrogance and hidden rage of those who, in order to climb up in the world, pretend to be frantic defenders of the helpless so as to have shoulders on which to stand.” — José Martí

What Happens to Jose Marti?

José Martí had faced opposition from those participating in combat because he had never joined in fighting for freedom but instead wrote about it.

That, in part, led Martí to join an expedition of Cubans fighting the Spanish army in Cuba.

On May 19, 1895, during the Battle of Dos Ríos, he became separated from his group and was killed by Spanish soldiers.

His death was a rallying cry for Cubans to fight for their freedom.

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