25 Lupin Quotes from the French Thriller

Enjoy these Lupin quotes from one of the most popular non-English series on Netflix.

The series Lupin first premiered on Netflix at the start of 2021.

It has had two parts and is currently in production for a third.

It’s a French thriller that has taken the world by storm.

The title of the series was inspired by Arsène Lupin, a character first created in the early 1900s.

He was written into existence by Maurice Leblanc and was part of 50+ novels and short stories until 1941.

In the Netflix series, Assane Diop loses his father due to the actions of Hubert Pellegrini, a business tycoon.

He sets out on a mission to end the Pellegrini empire.

He is a professional thief who puts his skills to work to help him avenge his father’s death and clear his name.

These Lupin quotes will give you a taste of what you can expect out of the series.

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Lupin quotes by Assane Diop

1. “You underestimated me. You didn’t look at me. You saw me, but you didn’t really look.”  Assane Diop

Lupin quotes by Assane Diop

2. “Everyone on top while we’re at the bottom. They don’t look, and thanks to that we’re gonna be rich.”  Assane Diop

Inspirational Lupin quotes

3. “You know the handcuff trick?” ― Assane Diop

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Lupin quotes about you know the handcuff trick

4. “Go in as janitors and come out as millionaires.” ― Assane Diop

Lupin quotes about go in as janitors and come out as millionaires

5. “Arséne Lupin isn’t just a book. He’s my heritage. My method. My path. I am Lupin.” ― Assane Diop

Motivational Lupin quotes

6. “I’m not a thief. I’m a fan.” ― Assane Diop

Lupin quotes about I’m not a thief. I’m a fan

7. “So nice that I can count on you to back me up. You my best friend or not? You’re supposed to agree with me, not tell me the truth.” ― Assane Diop

Favorite Lupin quotes

8. “The police are either incompetent or corrupt. Or both.” ― Assane Diop

Amazing Lupin quotes

9. “The more money there is, the bigger the patsies are.” ― Assane Diop

Cool Lupin quotes

10. “Hey, I know why you’re here. If you deal so much as a joint, I’ll find you. I got you out of here, I can get you back in.” ― Assane Diop

Special Lupin quotes

11. “I’ll tell you how to make some cash. A bunch of cash – it will be more money than you can ever be able to spend!” ― Assane Diop

Cool Lupin quotes

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Lupin quotes by Fabienne Beriot

12. “I know you. You won’t give up. You know the difference between good and evil. And you never quit. In spite of the danger and the forces trying to stop you. That’s why I admire you.” ― Fabienne Beriot

Lupin quotes by Fabienne Beriot

13. “Fabienne doesn’t exist anymore. She was reduced to silence by big business!” ― Fabienne Beriot

Short Lupin quotes

14. “Pellegrini took the most precious thing I had. My career. He made me seem like a crazy cat lady.” ― Fabienne Beriot

Lupin quotes For Instagram

15. “A good journalist never reveals her sources.” ― Fabienne Beriot

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Lupin quotes about a good journalist never reveals her sources

16. “We may have lost the battle tonight. But I know you, you won’t give up. You know the difference between good and evil. And you’ll never quit. In spite of the danger and the forces trying to stop you. And that’s why I admire you. So we’re going to fight. For your father, for your family. For us. We’re going to fight, Assane. Together.” ― Fabienne Beriot

Lupin quotes and Sayings

Lupin quotes by Raoul

17. “Are you really a thief? That’s why they took me?” ― Raoul

Lupin quotes by Raoul

18. “How far will you go, Papa?” ― Raoul

Lupin quotes about how far will you go, Papa

Lupin quotes by other characters

19. “Do you know what they call men like your dad? A gentleman.” ― Mrs. Pellegrini

Lupin quotes by other characters

20. “They were born with silver spoons in their mouths and shit for brains.” ― Benjamin Ferel

Lupin quotes to inspire you

21. “There’s this one story about a necklace. It makes me think of Arsène Lupin.” ― Youssef Guedira

Lupin quotes to helping others

22. “The foundation was robbed, but we refuse to be intimidated.” ― Pellegrini

Funny Lupin quotes

Lupin quotes from memorable conversations within the show

23. Assane: “Tell me and I’ll stop.”

Raoul: “No. Continue. “

24. Benjamin: “What now?”

Assane: “We disappear.”

25. Claire: “You’re my only guy friend. So technically, you’re the man of my dreams.”

Assane: “Wait, so I’m the man of your dreams but I can’t kiss you?”

Claire: “Yeah, there, that’s it, you got it. You’re not that stupid.”

Which of these Lupin quotes is your favorite?

During the first part of the series, you see the clear connection between the original French novel, Arsène Lupin: Gentleman Burglar, and how Diop chooses to move forward with his life.

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And it makes for a story and events that fans are finding incredibly entertaining and addicting.

The first two parts of the series are appearing on Netflix dubbed with English-speaking voiceovers.

However, you can choose to watch it in the original French dialogue while reading the English subtitles.

If you haven’t watched Part 1 and Part 2 of the series, this is a great time to get caught up so you’ll be ready once Part 3 is finished and released.

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