25 Paarthurnax Quotes From the Popular Video Game The Elder Scrolls

Fans of The Elder Scrolls will love these Paarthurnax quotes from the mighty dragon.

Paarthurnax, also called “the Old One,” is one of the main characters in the game The Elder Scrolls.

He is a level-ten character in The Elder Scrolls, a series of role-playing action games.

Paarthurnax is an ancient dragon that is the leader of the Greybeards, an ancient and honored order living in their high mountain home of High Hrothgar.

Although the greybeards are not dragons, Paarthurnax is their leader, and they are fiercely loyal and protective of him.

At one point, Paarthurnax was the lieutenant of the dragon Alduin, and despite committing many horrible acts against mankind, he changed his ways and helped the men to turn the tide of the war.

Take a look at these Paarthurnax quotes to learn more about this powerful character.

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Best Paarthurnax Quotes

Enjoy some of the most popular lines from Paarthurnax.

1. “Patience. I am answering in my way.” — Paarthurnax

2. “Defeat by not victory.” — Paarthurnax

3. “The curse of much knowledge is often indecision.” — Paarthurnax

4. “I can be trusted. I know this, but they do not.” — Paarthurnax

5. “Feel it in your bones. Match it if you are Dovahkiin!” — Paarthurnax

6. “It is an… artifact from outside time. It does not exist, but it has always existed.” — Paarthurnax

7. “Just because you can do a thing, does not always mean you should.” — Paarthurnax

8. “Greetings, traveler. I am Paarthurnax.” — Paarthurnax

9. “He is too strong on the wing! Bring him to gol with Dragonrend!” — Paarthurnax

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10. “What is better: to be born good or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?” — Paarthurnax

11. “I have overcome my nature only through meditation and long study of the Way of the Voice.” — Paarthurnax

12. “They were mighty, in their day.” — Paarthurnax

13. “This is the most sacred mountain in Skyrim. The great mountain of the world.” — Paarthurnax

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Paarthurnax Quotes for Skyrim Fans

Fans of the game are sure to remember these quotes from Paarthurnax.

14. “It was the Kel – the Elder Scroll. They used it to… cast him adrift on the currents of Time.” — Paarthurnax

15. “If you can see your destiny clearly, your sight is clearer than mine.” — Paarthurnax

16. “You are bold, wunduniik. You dare enter a Dovah’s home without permission.” — Paarthurnax

17. “There is no distinction between debate and combat to a dragon.” — Paarthurnax

18. “The Nords of those days used the Dragonrend Shout to cripple Alduin. But this was not enough.” — Paarthurnax

19. “They see me as master.” — Paarthurnax

20. “Alduin was not truly defeated, either. If he was, you would not be here today, seeking to… defeat him.” — Paarthurnax

21. “No day goes by where I am not tempted to return to my inborn nature. Honor is fighting the lure of power..” — Paarthurnax

22. “Here the ancient Tongues, the first mortal masters of the Voice, brought Alduin to battle and defeated him.” — Paarthurnax

23. “Elder Scrolls, as you name them, they have often been used for prophecy. Yes, your prophecy comes from an Elder Scroll.” — Paarthurnax

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24. “Dragons were created for domination. We were made to dominate. The will to power is in our blood. You feel it in yourself, do you not?” — Paarthurnax

25. “Even to attempt to defeat Alduin… might heroes. The Nords have had many heroes since, but none greater.” — Paarthurnax

What Does Paarthurnax Look Like?

Dragons are immortal, but Paarthurnax has been alive for so long that he is showing signs of aging.

He has tattered skin, broken horns, missing teeth, and dull eyes, but none of his appearances detract from his power or how intimidating he is.

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