20 Road House Quotes From the Classic Movie!

These Road House quotes will have all action movie lovers excited to rewatch this classic!

Road House was released in 1989 as an action film directed by Rowdy Herrington.

The film stars Patrick Swayze, Sam Elliot, Kelly Lynch, and Ben Gazzara.

The movie had a budget of $15 million and made over $61 million at the box office.

The plot shows James Dalton getting hired as the head bouncer at a rough nightclub called the Double Deuce.

Dalton is experienced, and with the help of an old friend, he starts turning the Double Deuce around.

However, a wealthy businessman named Brad Wesley is working on extorting the Double Deuce.

He is willing to kill to get his way.

Dalton must fight back against Wesley and his thugs to save the Double Deuce and the entire town!

These Road House quotes will bring back memories of the classic movie.

Check out our collection of Meet the Robinsons quotes if you enjoy this article.

Best Road House quotes

These quotes start to tell the story of the popular 80s film.

1. “Pain don’t hurt.” – Dalton

2. “You’re too stupid to have a good time.” – Dalton

3. “Prepare to die.” – Jimmy

4. “You play pretty good for a blind boy.” – Dalton

5. “Nobody ever wins a fight.” – Dalton

6. “I thought you’d be bigger.” – Frank

7. “You bleed too much.” – Wesley

8. “You got quite a little enterprise going here.” – Dalton

9. “I want you to be nice until it’s time to not be nice.” – Dalton

10. “Do you always carry your medical record around with you?” – Doc

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Road House quotes showing memorable moments

See if you can remember where these quotes occur in the film.

11. “You’ve gotten rich off of the people in this town.” – Dalton

12. “Calling me sir is like putting an elevator in an outhouse. It don’t belong.” – Emmett

13. “Don’t ever marry an ugly woman; she’ll suck the life right out of you.” – Red

14. “Tells me you killed a man down there. Tells me you said it was self-defense at the trial.” – Wesley

15. “All you have to do is watch my back—and each others—and take out the trash.” – Dalton

16. “But you, you’re a smart boy, aren’t you, Dalton? You’re just not too realistic.” – Wesley

17. “I see you found my trophy room Dalton. The only thing that’s missing is your ass!” – Wesley

18. “Take the biggest guy in the world, shatter his knee, and he’ll drop like a stone.” – Dalton

19. “There’s no problem. Just a little mistake, that’s all.” – Pat

20. “If there’s one thing that disgusts me, it’s a man who can’t admit when he’s wrong.” – Wesley

Clean Up The Mess!

When James Dalton is hired to clean up the Double Deuce, it is one of the worst nightclub scenes.

He has to deal with theft, drug dealing, and an assortment of staff that would rather cause trouble than help.

Please share these Road House quotes with friends who love a good action movie!

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