20 Rounders Quotes From the Hit Gambling Movie

Fans of Matt Damon and Edward Norton will love these Rounders quotes!

Rounders was a movie released in 1998 as a drama about the world of underground high-stakes poker.

The movie was directed by John Dahl and starred Matt Damon, Edward Norton, John Malkovich, Gretchen Mol, and many other talented actors.

Rounders received mixed reviews and did not do great at the box office earning $22.9 million against its $12 million budget.

However, due to the poker boom in the early 2000s, the movie has become a cult classic.

The plot follows law student Mike McDermott who dreams of winning the World Series of Poker.

He spends his free time playing in underground poker tournaments until he loses his entire savings and his girlfriend threatens to leave him.

Mike then stops playing until his shady friend Lester “Worm” Murphy shows up and gets him back into the underground world, where they both go into debt to a Russian Mobster called “KGB.”

Check out these Rounders quotes to learn more about the exciting movie.

Rounders Quotes From the Main Character Mike McDermott

Matt Damon plays Mike McDermott and has some great quotes!

1. “First prize at the World Series of Poker is a million bucks.” – Mike McDermott

2. “It’s immoral to let a sucker keep his money.” – Mike McDermott

3. “Every player can remember with remarkable accuracy the outstanding tough beats of his career.” – Mike McDermott

4. “If you spot a man’s tell, you don’t say a word.” – Mike McDermott

5. “It’s like the nature channel… you don’t see Piranhas eating themselves, do you?” – Mike McDermott

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6. “I watch the cards, but I also watch the player react to the cards.” – Mike McDermott

7. “You can shear a sheep many times, but skin him only once.” – Mike McDermott

8. “Listen, here’s the thing. If you can’t spot the sucker in your first half hour at the table, then you are the sucker.” – Mike McDermott

9. “If you had it to do all over again, knowing what would happen, would you make the same choice?” – Mike McDermott

10. “I used to wonder how they could let themselves get into such bad shape, and how the hell they thought they could turn it around.” – Mike McDermott

Check out our collection of gambling quotes if you enjoy this article.

Rounders Quotes From the Other Stars of the Movie

Check out these quotes from the other stars of the movie.

11. “In the poker game of life, women are the rake.” – Lester Murphy

12. “Rule number one: Throw away your cards the moment you know they can’t win.” – Jo

13. “I got certain ‘needs’ I have to attend to; I’m overdue.” – Lester Murphy

14. “In my club, I will splash the pot whenever the f..k I please.” – Teddy KGB

15. “You know what always cheers me up when I’m feeling s….y?” – Lester Murphy

16. “It hurts, doesn’t it? Your hopes dashed, your dreams down the toilet.” – Teddy KGB

17. “Yeah, I would say good luck, but I know it’s not about “luck” in your game.” – Jo

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18. “Kid’s got alligator blood. Can’t get rid of him.” – Teddy KGB

19. “Like my uncle Les used to say “When the money is gone, it’s time to move on”.” – Lester Murphy

20. “That’s the thing, this time there is no money. I give you two grand; what’s that buy you?” – Joey Knish

How Do Mike and Worm Repay Their Debt?

After being threatened, Mike and Worm have five days to repay the debt.

Although they are close to raising the needed $15,000, they lose the money, and Worm goes on the run forcing Mike to face “KGB” on his own.

Mike and “KGB” agree to a winner takes all poker game, and Mike wins, then quits law school, takes his winnings, and moves to Las Vegas to play in the World Series of Poker!

Please share these Rounders quotes and sayings with your friends that love poker, and share your thoughts about the movie in the comments below.

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  1. James P. Drinkard

    June 19, 2024 at 6:45 AM

    I must’ve seen ROUNDERS about 75 times during my recovery From a partial, torn ACL of my left knee when I was trying to beat out an infield base hot in my men’s senior baseball league in southern New Jersey in 2006. Thanks to my little injury, I was able to recall a ridiculous amount of quotes and movie lines from ROUNDERS which I am still reciting to this day in 2024 😄 go figure ! As The world famous online blackjack dealer “Einstein Dealing Blackjack” I now recite these ROUNDERS MOVIE QUOTES to my Blackjack and Craps players often ♠️

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