25 Sai Baba Quotes by the Great Spiritual Teacher

If you are on the spiritual path our thought-provoking Sai Baba quotes are a must-read 

Sai Baba is remembered as an influential spiritual leader for Hindus, Muslims, and Zoroastrians. 

Find out what made him such an influential figure with our Sai Baba quotes. 

Who was Sai Baba?

Said Baba was a spiritual master from India who many consider to be a saint. 

He is celebrated and respected by devotees from various faiths. 

Check out these interesting Sai Baba facts below:

  • He criticized developing relationships with external objects. 
  • Sai Baba taught the “realization of self” as a code to live by.
  • His devotees believe he is an incarnation of the Hindu deity Dattatreya. 

How did his teachings impact the world?

Sai Baba left an indelible mark on the planet. 

He lived in India, but his impact spread across the globe. 

Baba lived during the early twentieth century. 

The divide between some Hindus and Muslims in India is well documented. 

Many attribute this divide to the Islamic conquest of India during the Middle Ages. 

Since 1950, there have been over 10,000 people killed due to Hindu-Muslim violence. 

Sai Baba’s impact on the world is special because he combined Islamic and Hindu teachings and effectively applied them in life. 

He helped people find peace by showing them the error of violence and extremism. 

He taught his followers how to see the divinity in everything. 

How did Sai Baba challenge the status quo?

In Hinduism, the caste system determines a person’s lot in life. 

Some Islamic also traditions have also caused division among devotees. 

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Sai Baba was influential because he condemned discrimination based on caste or religion. 

He inspired and moved the hearts of Muslim and Hindu followers by combining the best of both practices. 

Followers of Zoastra even look to Sai Baba as an essential figure. 

To learn more, check out our Sai Baba quotes below. 

Short Sai Baba quotes about God

Let’s start with Baba’s powerful quotes about God. 

1. “God is one.” — Sai Baba

2. “Do not forget God.” — Sai Baba

3. “God permeates all.” — Sai Baba

4. “I cannot do anything without God’s permission.” — Sai Baba

5. “God has agents everywhere, and their powers are vast.”  — Sai Baba

Sai Baba’s top quotes

Check out these words from Sai Baba about devotion.

6. “Why fear when I am here?” — Sai Baba

7. “Look to me, and I will look to you.” — Sai Baba

8. “My devotees see everything as their Guru.” — Sai Baba

9. “All that you see taken together is Myself. I do not shake or move.” — Sai Baba

10. “Other people’s acts will affect just them. It is only your own deeds that will affect you.” — Sai Baba

Quotes from Sai Baba about how to achieve a life of joy and happiness

Below Sai Baba provides advice on how manifest an extraordinary life. 

11. “Surrender completely to God.” — Sai Baba

12. “My business is to give blessings.” — Sai Baba

13. “My eye is ever on those who love me.” — Sai Baba

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14. “Stay by me and keep quiet. I will do the rest.” — Sai Baba

15. “What is our duty? To behave properly. That is enough.” — Sai Baba

Sai Baba quotes about living your best life

Here are some more wise words from Sai Baba.

16. “Do not kick against the pricks of life.” — Sai Baba 

17. “Gain and loss, birth and death are in the hands of God.” — Sai Baba

18. “I am formless and everywhere. I am in everything and beyond. I fill all space.” — Sai Baba

19. “Death and life are the manifestations of God’s activity. You cannot separate the two.” — Sai Baba

20. “Make me the sole object of your thoughts and actions, and you will, no doubt, attain paramartha (the spiritual goal of life).” — Sai Baba  

Sai Baba sayings for contentment and gratitude

Below we will close our list with some beautiful quotes about the power of gratitude. 

21. “Be contented and cheerful with what comes.” — Sai Baba

22. “Unless there is some relationship or connection, nobody goes anywhere.” — Sai Baba

23. “If any men or creatures come to you, do not discourteously drive them away, but receive them well and treat them, with due respect.” — Sai Baba

24. “I get angry with none. Will a mother get angry with her children? Will the ocean send back the waters to the several rivers? I will take you to the end.” — Sai Baba

25. “God will be certainly pleased, if you give water to the thirsty, bread to the hungry, clothes to the naked, and your verandah (courtyard) to strangers for sitting and resting.” — Sai Baba

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We are all a reflection of each other

Sai Baba taught that each one of us is a reflection of the Creator. 

Each of us is a divine spark from the whole. 

Sai Baba would tell his devotees, “Look to me, and I shall look to you.”

This quote reminds the reader that each of us is a reflection of one another. 

What is your favorite Sai Baba quote?

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